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Everything posted by GTRedskin

  1. i need help,ive created the briefing for my mission in html and added it to the mission sqm and init file along with a music file,when i import it the only thing that shows up is a small thank you to the mission helpers in the notes section What am i doing wrong - how do i get it to import so that i can see the briefing ect. REDSKIN
  2. GTRedskin

    Importing breifings to mplayer

    ok i wasnt specfic enough,all scripts and folders are in the user folder to begin with-including the sqm and init file ect.no when i import it to mplayer it should all be compressed into 1 file and only the notes section is showing up any suggestions. REDSKIN
  3. cant seem to get the music to fade in the intro.i need music to only play for a short time not the entire track.ive searched the forum for topics on this but no luck on music fade.is there a tuturial or site that explains how to do this ? cmon all you experts please help out an upcomming mission designer and his hard working crew. thanks ......Redskin
  4. GTRedskin

    Making music fade

    thanks for the quick responce,however how is this written script wise or is the music track edited in the intro by the author by cutting the track short,what html syntaxs do you need in the description.ext file? Redskin