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About Grif

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  1. Grif

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    Quick one - I've been able to replicate the crash problem I was having the other day, and unfortunately it looks to be ECP related. Seems that the game will crash every time I've initialised ECP, and there's an original BIS barrel object on the map. This seems consistent on every map that I've tried, even with the bare minimum objects/trigger on the map to give it a go. Hope this is of some help. - Grif
  2. Grif

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    May or may not be the problem, but make sure your shortcut -mod input doesn't end with a ";" (as in, -mod=@ECP;whatever;). That can bring up a similar error (something to do with a config file, at least, if memory serves). Has caught me once or twice before, that. - Grif
  3. Grif

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    in your trigger as the readme states. Try this instead. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">{[_x,true] exec format ["%1init.sqs",ECP_path]} foreach thislist Important also: Make sure the trigger has a delay of no less than 2 seconds. Thanks for the bug report. Howdy. Cheers for the prompt reply, folks, much appreciated. =) I actually went back and did a little further digging myself to try and isolate the problem. The good news: problem's fixed. The bad news: I have no idea what the actual problem *was*, because I can't manage to replicate it outside of the mission I was working on at the time. I basically went through objects and waypoints one step at a time, and it turned out that having an empty PV3S Civil on the map was the offender. There was nothing unusual about it (or any of the units, for that matter) - no init strings on any units, just default values. Adding the ECP trigger with an empty vehicle causes the crash, and adding it without one doesn't, simple as that. Now, again, I'm a little unsure of the cause of this - I haven't managed to repeat it, as I say, even when trying to rebuild the mission to be exactly the same from scratch (which is good, of course - just a little puzzling). Until someone else hits it as a problem it's probably safe to say it might be "just one of those things", but if it crops up again, or if you'd just like to take a poke and see if it's something that's able to be isolated, give me a shout and I'll send what's saved your way. Many thanks again for the quick replies, and further thanks for the hard yards put into it once again. Really is an amazing piece of work, guys. Something to be damn proud of. =) - Grif
  4. Grif

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    Howdy. First, a big thanks for putting this out there, guys, it's really a fantastic mod. Never ceases to amaze me just what you guys are able to get done. Quick problem, unfortunately, and apologies if this has already been asked (couldn't see it anywhere, so...) - I've been trying to get a mission together using BAS' Tonal island and a trigger with the init string as listed in the readme, but it causes an error and CTD 100% of the time. There are only currently about 6-10 units on the map (all BAS' African Militia/Civilians/Rebels), plus one initialising unit (BIS West Soldier). I've tried reducing the area of the trigger to simply be around the the mission itself (an area of 2000m or so), but the problem remains. I'm assuming it must be an issue with the sheer amount of objects on the island, but figure it'd be better to come to the source and ask if that's likely. For the record, the init string I'm using is: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">thislist call (ECP_resources select 30) Many thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this! - Grif
  5. Grif

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    Pappy: Just uninstalled Y2K3, then reinstalled 7.0 - the grenades worked fine. Used the patcher to upgrade to 7.1 after that, though, and got the same problem. Will grab the full version and see if it happens again. If so, guess it's a specific machine-based problem, at least. Will let you know. =) - Grif
  6. Grif

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    Hey, Pappy. Great addon, as always. =) Quick problem I've encountered (which, now I've checked back a bit, someone else mentioned, too): I'm sure'll have an easy fix, but regular infantry (the BIS replacements, US side, at least) don't seem to be throwing grenades for me. You can select a hand grenade, and you can "fire" them, but nothing is thrown - no visible grenade, and no explosion, despite the animation effects for the soldier model being in-place. You can, however, "reload" hand grenades - hitting the reload key brings up a sound akin to the reloading of a 203, which is where I'm assuming the config prob must be. Not sure if this is an issue with just how I installed things or not, of course - fresh install of Resistance, then applying the 7.0 pack, followed by the 7.1 patch without running 7.0 before it. Hope that's helpful feedback in some way, anyway. =) - Grif