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About Grave

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. We invite you all to #operationflashpoint IRC Channel on gamesnet.net, the oldest OFP channel.
  2. Grave

    Edimension glasses help! :(

    Hi, I bought the edimensional glasses not long ago, Im on WIN98, GF2 32mb. The glasses work but when I try to adjust them well to first person view in OFP, then the third person view has almost no 3d effect and if I allign the 3rd person view then the first person view is misalligned. Also the iron sight and cross hair get double when i try to hit anything which results in me not hitting anything but only shooting beside the target. And one more thing the screen depth and backplane distance buttons do not work when H&L is turned on but if i turn off H&L then it does work but the whole game is VERY slow. Please help
  3. Hi, I bought the edimensional glasses not long ago, Im on WIN98, GF2 32mb. The glasses work but when I try to adjust them well to first person view in OFP, then the third person view has almost no 3d effect and if I allign the 3rd person view then the first person view is misalligned. Also the iron sight and cross hair get double when i try to hit anything which results in me not hitting anything but only shooting beside the target. And one more thing the screen depth and backplane distance buttons do not work when H&L is turned on but if i turn off H&L then it does work but the whole game is VERY slow. Please help
  4. Grave

    Ofp irc channel

    Im in there everyday also! Screw #ofpec, COME TO #operationflashpoint!!
  5. Grave

    Texture problem..

    I think i managed to convert the texture, but how do I now open it in Oxygen. That is: I import my 3ds format model, now it asks me to enter Prefix and Path, what do I enter there, can oxygen open the texture in any derictory?
  6. Grave

    Texture problem..

    My bulldozer is in C: and my Oxygen is in my personal folder in D:
  7. Grave

    Texture problem..

    Nope, does want to work It doesnt want to load any texture whatsoever
  8. Grave

    Texture problem..

    As it says in the m16 tutorial, set the background texture, right click, select load, and when I load the needed texture, which is M16FM.gif if displayes me an error: unable to convert texture, pac2pal error. Is this because of the size, if so how do I fix it?
  9. Grave

    Setting firing point on the weapon

    Have you experimented with weapons, if so could you guide me thru the steps of making a fully working weapon considering that you start with a simple model imported from 3d max?
  10. Grave

    Setting firing point on the weapon

    Hmm this is what I do: I downloaded a gun, opened it in Oxygen, deleted their model, I saw they already have "zasleh" object, then I make the two vertexes, name them usti hlavne and konec hlavne, then I merge my model and put it beside the 'stuff'. Then I make it into .pbo, put it in Addon folder, run OFP, open it and I get a soldier holding an invisible gun that fires to the right >:| bleh How do make a weapon work? :/
  11. How do I set the muzzle point in Oxygen? I have downloaded a weapon and opened it in Oxygen to see how it is set and I saw this fire looking objects at the end of the muzzle, can someone tell me how to create those, how to use them or how to assign those objects to my weapon model?
  12. Grave

    Weapons -> ofp

    I just got oxygen and I cant figure out how to make a weapon fully playable in OFP. Can someone guide me how to make it have firing spots, held in soldiers hand, and general export into OFP please. Thank you for your help.
  13. Grave

    I'm leaving these forums

    BYEEEE!!!! Muahah.... *sniff*
  14. Grave

    .50 cal rifle

    Dunno about the western tanks, but the T-34's and T-60/72/etc all carry trackpeices on the top of the sides.
  15. Grave

    New wintermarch tank!

    <<finally against Germans to drive 200,000 Germans out of Northern Finland during late 44 - early 45 campaign.>> What? You made an agreenment concerning how the germans would leave Finland, so they did...