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Gorgi Knootewoot

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Posts posted by Gorgi Knootewoot

  1. It's been years that i've been on this forum i think. So you guys still play OFP eh? Well i just started again after a long time on some LAN party's. It was way cool tounge_o.gif . Any new about OFP2? Maybe i need to search for it on this forums. Well have fun playing guys. After BF1942 i forgot the good times i had with this game. Secretly i like it more than BF1942. wink_o.gif

  2. I am completely new to this mod and i luv it. But i have a few questions. Some of it are already answered in this topic like how do zombies attack me.

    But the new zombie pack should attack (drag and drop it sais)


    But i drag and drop and no attack so i use the gblAllTargets thingie.

    My second question is how to make it easy/medium or hard. i used search but couldnt find it anywhere.

    My third is, the zombies attack me and start hitting me, but i dont die. Only when i toss a grenade on the floor. tounge_o.gif

    I also got the zombie sfx pack, and put that .pbo file in the res/addon directory like i did with the other zombie stuff. But how do i get the zombie sounds?

    And why does the doomsday campaign not work. I use all the addons i need but i keeps going back to the main menu

    Thanks, and i luv zombies

  3. Hi, i have been away for a long time so i have a question because i don't understand something. I looked into other forums etc. but i can't figure it out.

    I haven't played OFP for over a year, but today i installed it. I thought i had downloaded the latest patch (v 1.91) but on the forum i see people discuss over patch 1.92, 1.93 and 1.94. But they are not on this site. Where can i get the latest patch? If 1.92 is beta, when will it be finished? What are all the other patches (1.93 and 1.94), because i don't know if they are official or not. crazy_o.gif

  4. xmas.gifxmas.gifxmas.gif

    I found a nice script which makes vehicles respawn when destroyed, and left behind vehicles will return to their starting point. I like it, i like it a lot.

    Problem; when A10 or Su25 respawns, they respawn with gear up. A10 can still take off, but Su25 explodes when respawned. So i want them to respawn with the gear down.

    Can anybody help me with this confused.gif

    Please help me, you are my only hope

  5. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ Dec. 14 2002,17:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Your welcome. smile.gif

    Does your Flashpoint.rpt file have a report on the crash? confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

    sad.gif no, i cannot find this file. I searched and couldn't locate it, so it's probably not there. I tried the game again to see if there would be a different ending when i got the two officers alive but the game crashes as soon as Dmitri finishes his sentence. BUMMER

  6. Yes, i search the forum for this problem, and no result. I (finally) finished REDHAMMER today as i was to busy with other things. Great game. But in the last mission (hidden agenda) it has a bug. When i place the three bombs, blow things up and call in for reinforcements, the two officers get together. Now i can shoot them and make a quick getaway with the boat and i finish the game. But when i want to take the two officers with me, the game crashes. I walk to them and i get a cutscene where Dmitri says: DROP YOUR WEAPONS AND FOLLOW ME. Then suddenly i am in WinXP.

    My specs are as follow:

    AMD Athlon XP 2200+

    Amd K7 ultra 2 DDR MB

    512 MB DDRAM

    onboard crappy soundcard

    GF4Ti 4600 ultra

    and a nice logitech mouse

    I own the original Flashpoint CWC, with it's two addons REDHAMMER and RESISTANCE. I was to lazy to patch stuff all the time, so i also bought FLASHPOINT GOTY. So now i have two of them smile.gif

    I tried it with version 1.85, and 1.90 on both Redhammers and still crashie crashie. Has anyone else had this?

    BTW, Thanks AVON. When i was stuck in the mission occupation in Resistance, i got it done with your OFP FAQ. There was a BMP stuck behind a mountain smile.gif

  7. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ Oct. 31 2002,02:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think that hunting is a sensless violance taken out on poor animals.

    If you need to eat: sure, but just for sports, it is disgusting. Pick somebody your own size that is armed and shoots back, if you want it to be a "sport".<span id='postcolor'>

    Whoopteedoo for sure. Killing helpless animals is no sport sad.gif . It is pathetic. I like animals. They do not only taste great, but they also provide good company. Yes, i eat a lot of meat. I don't like the way chickens or pigs are slaughtered in the slaughter house, but i am a human. And humans eat everything. But i don't kill for fun. mad.gif

  8. I'm in the mission OCCUPATION from RESISTANCE. After clearing out the first base, the tanks role in. Then i fired a RPG into a group of enemy soldiers (10 dead at once smile.gif ), and run back to the two tanks. A lot of enemy soldier appeared but where ambushed by my team and the two tanks i didn't call in yet. When no more soldiers appeared, i called in the tanks which finished of the remaining soldiers in the camp. Next me and my group entered the enemy base and i let all of my soldiers mount a machine gun. Some enemy's appear from different sides, but they are mowed down very quick. The two tanks blast them away with ease, and the machine guns pick them easely of from a distance. But now we stand there in the camp, with no enemy's in sight. The mission doesn't end, and the log shows i haven't completed the secure and hold base yet. But i have no enemy's left to kill... What could be the problem. Please help me..................................

  9. I'm in the mission OCCUPATION from RESISTANCE. After clearing out the first base, the tanks role in. Then i fired a RPG into a group of enemy soldiers (10 dead at once smile.gif ), and run back to the two tanks. A lot of enemy soldier appeared but where ambushed by my team and the two tanks i didn't call in yet. When no more soldiers appeared, i called in the tanks which finished of the remaining soldiers in the camp. Next me and my group entered the enemy base and i let all of my soldiers mount a machine gun. Some enemy's appear from different sides, but they are mowed down very quick. The two tanks blast them away with ease, and the machine guns pick them easely of from a distance. But now we stand there in the camp, with no enemy's in sight. The mission doesn't end, and the log shows i haven't completed the secure and hold base yet. But i have no enemy's left to kill... What could be the problem. Please help me..................................

  10. I'm in the mission OCCUPATION from RESISTANCE. After clearing out the first base, the tanks role in. Then i fired a RPG into a group of enemy soldiers (10 dead at once smile.gif ), and run back to the two tanks. A lot of enemy soldier appeared but where ambushed by my team and the two tanks i didn't call in yet. When no more soldiers appeared, i called in the tanks which finished of the remaining soldiers in the camp. Next me and my group entered the enemy base and i let all of my soldiers mount a machine gun. Some enemy's appear from different sides, but they are mowed down very quick. The two tanks blast them away with ease, and the machine guns pick them easely of from a distance. But now we stand there in the camp, with no enemy's in sight. The mission doesn't end, and the log shows i haven't completed the secure and hold base yet. But i have no enemy's left to kill... What could be the problem. Please help me..................................
