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Gorgi Knootewoot

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Posts posted by Gorgi Knootewoot

  1. There was a game on the Amiga called Hunter. It was like OFP, although it was 3th person. U also had huge islands and many vehicles to use. There was one cheat for that game, so that u could fly. As the guy had a green outfit, he looked a lot like Peter Pan. I used to call it the PeterPanCheat. tounge.gif

  2. I found some bugs in OFP last week. It was version 1.40 so i don't know if it is taken care of already. I put about 40 choppers flying in the air. They all crashed into eachother as i hoped they would biggrin.gif Gheheheh, but a lot of pilot's where hanging in the air at the end. The choppers went downs, but i still saw people hanging high above the ground.

  3. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ April 12 2002,13:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm home now smile.gif

    This thread is spam but that's not a bad thing because the others may want to close threads when they descend into oblivion where there is a void and a few hands floating around.<span id='postcolor'>

    confused.gif have you had your medicin already

  4. I hate vegies. My ex-GF was also one, and i didn't have a nice juicy piece of meat in a long time. Now i'm single, and eat a lot of meat. I'm also against the industr as i have seen some real shit what they did to pigs cows and ducks. But it tastes great and i love it. I wish they found some better way to prepare the meat thought, as it is almost inhuman sad.gif

  5. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Bart.Jan @ April 12 2002,13:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">BTW I'm lucky - I didn't lost any friend because of this terrific pictures.  biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

    My friend made an official webpage for a sport which i cannot translate in English. It is a Dutch sport mainly played in FRYSLAN. It is called kaatsen. Something like tennis, but without the racket. It is one against one (or two against two) and u use your flat hand to swing the ball away. Well, they also had a forum, and i posted a lot of Peter's there. HE WAS MAAAAAAD. Lucky for me he didn't know i did it smile.gif . Ghehe

  6. Yes, i know another dumb topic. But hey, you saw Peter Pan a lot lately so it doesn't get any worse. When i get home (which will be at 5 'o clock) i will start up my PC and play OFP. I will give Alamo another try as i always get shot by a lost bullet, or i kill myself sad.gif. Oh well, i liked the original campaign better, and i can't wait 'till Resistance comes out. What are you going to play smile.gif

    Well, i can't help it, but i have an Avatar for the n00bs who liked Peter. smile.gif


  7. Yes, there are a lot of movies which used this quote smile.gif

    But the one i meant is StarWars, a New Hope

    General Tarkin says it before Alderaan is blown up biggrin.gif

    Try this one. It is a very difficult one:

    "E.T. phone home....."


  8. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (the nothing @ April 12 2002,10:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Starship Troopers!

    Can't think of a good quote, it's too late here.

    Oh well, here's one:

    "Must go faster... MUST GO FASTER!"

    You can probably guess this one real quick. sad.gif  wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

    It's said by Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park I and in Independence day smile.gif

    - You may fire when ready
