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Gorgi Knootewoot

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Everything posted by Gorgi Knootewoot

  1. Gorgi Knootewoot

    Arse!.. ugghh!  shite!

    USSoldier11B flies off to Wobble
  2. Gorgi Knootewoot

    New movie

    Mesa don't know whatta you mean. Mesa innocent. Mesa gotta grand penis. Mesa gonna rape you
  3. Gorgi Knootewoot

    New movie

    Nicolage Cage looks like a wimp. The movie should be great, but if this is another one of those Patriotic Amerikanskie movies i don't want to see it. Always the same, ooooeeeeh aaaah, Amerika has grand army, all that oppose us must die.... I liked Black Hawk Down, but after that i gets repetitive. I wanted to see "we were soldiers", but it's also yet another one of those "we are suppa bombad amerikanskies. We sa gotta grand armie. Wesa helpa you" movies. And YUCK, Niclolage should be put in a Cage...
  4. Gorgi Knootewoot

    A shitty day...........

    I had a realy shitty day last monday. It all started one week ago....... <span style='font-size:22pt;line-height:100%'>ONE WEEK EARLIER</span> THE MESSAGE <span style='color:blue'>He, i just read my mail. It seems that i have to do a presentation on school about my practise at Fort Dodge</span> <span style='color:green'>Well don't spend much time at it.. We need you to work here as your vaccin is almost ready to be tested so we can produce it and make a lot of money and didn't do shit for it but as you are a student you are cheap... So there.</span> <span style='color:blue'>Ah, hell..... i don't want to be laughed at. I have to do something... Well, i go home see ya Monday. Good Fuckin' bye!</span> Travels home by train The ARRIVAL <span style='color:blue'>He dearest brother, what are you doing?</span> <span style='color:purple'>I'm  playing Dungeon Siege. It is a really great RPG. Care to join me. You first have to buy it though.</span> <span style='color:blue'>He, it looks great. I want it.</span> Rushes to DynaByte, a swell computer store. Buys the game and rushes back... <span style='color:blue'>He brother, let's party up in a multiplayer game...</span> <span style='color:purple'>Okay, let's play..</span> <span style='font-size:22pt;line-height:100%'>THIS WEEKEND</span> <span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:22pt;line-height:100%'>FUCK</span>, i forgot... i had to prepare my presentation..</span> <span style='color:purple'>Ah, common... Let's finish this game.. It 'll be fun </span> <span style='color:blue'>What the hell, fuck the presentation.. </span> <span style='font-size:22pt;line-height:100%'>MONDAY DOOMSDAY</span> <span style='color:brown'>And the next student to tell about his project is...... Gorgi Knootewoot</span> <span style='color:blue'>erhm, i'm.... well i'm working on a vaccin and am almost finished. Eh, i did eh. Well... uh erm.. Cough..</span> blushes and explains (lies) he was to busy with his vaccinproduction
  5. Gorgi Knootewoot

    A shitty day...........

    Muahahahaha It's a vaccine for a chicken disease
  6. Gorgi Knootewoot

    Arse!.. ugghh!  shite!

    <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>PETER PAN IS BACK</span>
  7. Gorgi Knootewoot

    What ever happend to the maniacs

    it's my 25 1/2 year without a cigarette. He, i never smoked in my life. Let's celebrate and give the man a cigar............
  8. Gorgi Knootewoot

    What  good books have you read, or

    hmmmm, i dunno. The pictures don't move like in a computer game.
  9. Gorgi Knootewoot

    What  good books have you read, or

    i tried reading a book once. I fell almost asleep when reading the introduction. Then i got to page two and got a serious itch on my ass. Even when the book is good, i always look around what i could do. Then i go eat, because it's much more fun then reading. Reading sucks. It takes about a few weeks to read LotR. When seeing the movies, i should be done in 6 hours for all three of them. And,....oooooh yes the books have more detail and those shit. Well, i shouldn't know as i haven't read them. So the movie is good enough for me.
  10. Gorgi Knootewoot

    What ever happend to the maniacs

    It's too bad i cannot spent much time on the Forum anymore. My boss is always looking over my shoulder, and he hates me being on this Forum. I only do it now when he's not around, which is only the last hour. In the weekend i'm playing games and doing other things, so i don't want to be on the forum. A real OFP maniac BTW, i playing OFP instead of reading this forum. So when u had a big star, it should say OFP n00b or not so very good at OFP member
  11. Gorgi Knootewoot

    What  good books have you read, or

    I'm reading on the moment the I never read any book. It takes up too much time which i'd rather spent with something less dull....
  12. Gorgi Knootewoot

    What ever happend to the maniacs

    I'll ask. Even when it's stupid i'm still cool
  13. Gorgi Knootewoot

    What ever happend to the maniacs

    C'mon guys. I wanna know. I to want to be cool
  14. Gorgi Knootewoot

    What ever happend to the maniacs

    He how did you guys chace your junior member title to something much nicer i want it to
  15. Gorgi Knootewoot

    What ever happend to the maniacs

    Yeah, we are much better then them. We should be called MIGHTY. If they where so mighty, then why did they leave.... Ever thought about that
  16. Gorgi Knootewoot

    A shitty day...........

    i put the PeterPan website with some pictures on a forum at http://www.knkb.nl/cgi-bin/ib3/ikonboard.cgi?menu=24 They use the same forum as OFP. Now i am banned there because of the Peter Pannies Also now when registrating you first have to activate your account by activating a link they sent to you by email. They really hated Peter
  17. Gorgi Knootewoot


    <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:57pt;line-height:100%'>I'M BACK</span></span> Â <span style='color:purple'><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>my boss don't want me see spent time on this forum anymore</span></span> <span style='color:green'><span style='font-size:27pt;line-height:100%'>but he went home now, HAHAHA</span></span>
  18. Gorgi Knootewoot

    Favorite simpsons quote

    <span style='color:brown'><span style='font-size:67pt;line-height:100%'>D'oh</span></span> Homer: Where is Bart, anyway. His dinner's getting all cold and eaten! ----- Homer: Now son, you don't want to drink beer. That's for Daddies, and kids with fake IDs. ----- Homer: Ohhhh, my ox testical has ants on it. ----- Homer: I'll have you know I wandered off from the tour. ----- Homer: [thinks] Don't tell him you were at a bar! Gasp! But what else is open at night? [aloud] It's a pornography store. I was buying pornography. [thinks] Heh heh heh. I would'a never thought of that. ----- Homer: Old people don't need companionship. They need to be isolated and studied so it can be determined what nutrients they have that might be extracted for our personal use. ----- Homer: I'm not normally a religious man, but if you're up there, save me, Superman! ----- Homer: To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems. ----- Homer: The only monster here is the gambling monster that has enslaved your mother! I call him Gamblor, and it's time to snatch your mother from his neon claws! ----- Homer: I saw this in a movie about a bus that had to SPEED around a city, keeping its SPEED over fifty, and if its SPEED dropped, it would explode. I think it was called, The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down. ----- Homer: God is teasing me! Just like he teased Moses in the desert! ----- Marge: Homer, the plant called. They said if you don't show up tomorrow don't bother showing up on Monday. Homer: Woo-hoo! Four-day weekend! ----- Homer: Your mother has this crazy idea that gambling is wrong. Even though they say it's okay in the Bible. ----- Homer: Wow. A baby and a free burger. Could this be the best day of my life? ----- Homer: So I says, blue M&M, red M&M, they all wind up the same color in the end. ----- Homer: Hey boy! Wanna play catch? Bart: No thanks dad. Homer: When a son doesn't want to play catch with his father something is definitely wrong. Grandpa: I'll play catch with you! Homer: Go home. ----- and so on.........
  19. Gorgi Knootewoot

    Britney spears

    Check THIS link, and decide for yourself
  20. Gorgi Knootewoot

    1 hour, and i am going home

    Yes, i know another dumb topic. But hey, you saw Peter Pan a lot lately so it doesn't get any worse. When i get home (which will be at 5 'o clock) i will start up my PC and play OFP. I will give Alamo another try as i always get shot by a lost bullet, or i kill myself . Oh well, i liked the original campaign better, and i can't wait 'till Resistance comes out. What are you going to play Well, i can't help it, but i have an Avatar for the n00bs who liked Peter.
  21. Gorgi Knootewoot

    1 hour, and i am going home

    Well, i got home at 5 'o clock, and i didn't do Flashpoint. I did Jedi Outcast. Now i'm going to play a board game called History of the Worlds. Tomorrow i will do OFP
  22. Gorgi Knootewoot

    I need a new computer

    I have a AMD 1.4 Ghz aTHLON, MSI K7 Turbo2 MB, 384 MB DDR Ram, ASUS v8460 Geforce4 Ultra (yes, the GF4 Ti4600) 10 GB (need to upgrade very soon) SB Live, 5.1 Acer 52 speed CD-ROM 100 Mbit Netgear network-adapter ..and a crappy 15 Toshiba monitor
  23. Gorgi Knootewoot

    Guess which moderator this is

    AAAAAAAAH what a stupid mistake i made. I always thought the had some scottish people on it. But you are right. so you get a prize. I have selected three dolls, and you can get one as your Avatar. Will he choose: a) Peter Pan b) Little Lord Fauntleroy or c) The very lovely Fairy Princess
  24. Gorgi Knootewoot

    A "happy" website

    Whoops, i double posted