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Gorgi Knootewoot

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Everything posted by Gorgi Knootewoot

  1. Gorgi Knootewoot

    I am bored

    Douwe Egberts. This is the best coffee there is. I know, as i have tried a lot. The worst is Max Havelaar.
  2. Gorgi Knootewoot

    Dutch pim fortuyn killed

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ May 08 2002,11:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Looking at your sig, all I can say is: Yeh, yeh. Sure, sure.<span id='postcolor'> I was a big fan of Pim, and i don't care if he was gay. I am not a racist, and i have a wallet and i am heterosexual.
  3. Gorgi Knootewoot

    I am bored

    Perhaps, but i am a bad motherfucker is this game. I understand both nature AND combat magic. I am able to summon green and black dragons and i can het several meteors to hit the enemy. I set woods on fire, poison villages and drink coffee all at once.
  4. Gorgi Knootewoot

    Dutch pim fortuyn killed

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ May 08 2002,11:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Gorgi, I'll tell you about my evening clutch purse collection, if you want to compare.<span id='postcolor'> I have a green WALLET. Yes, a girly one. How did i get it? My ex-GF left her WALLET at my home when i dumped her. There was nothing important in it, and i needed a new one. So i kept it.
  5. Gorgi Knootewoot

    Dutch pim fortuyn killed

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (R. Gerschwarzenge @ May 08 2002,11:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">lol Real man has a wallet, not a purse. Â Â <span id='postcolor'> Ghehe, lol. I meant wallet. I'm not that good in English.
  6. Gorgi Knootewoot

    I am bored

    Go play with your di.. dishwasher. Or go play OFP. I mean you like OFP don't ya. Buy Dungeon Siege, it's fun.. really. Go to the link http://bobedibop.tripod.com/tuin01.jpg and see how nice it is. Kill the dog Rape the cat Eat a banana Much to do so little time
  7. Gorgi Knootewoot

    Dutch pim fortuyn killed

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ May 08 2002,10:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gorgi Knootewoot @ May 08 2002,11:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">translate this: Welke gore klotekop heeft mijn beurs gejat. Ik zal hem aan z'n ballen ophangen en zijn ogen uitzuigen die ik vervolgens in z'n keelgat uitspuug. Als ik die vieze beurzendief te pakken krijg is hij nog lang niet jarig. Hoe in de hel moet ik nu vanmiddag thuis komen. GVD KAA U TEE. Of ik ben hem misschien wel kwijt geraakt   <span id='postcolor'> Who gore klotekop has my purse hurry. I will him upon z'n play with a ball suspend and one's one moment sweat who I thereupon within z'n throat squirt. When I who dirty fellow beurzendief within take war is he yet tall not Jari. The within the hell stain I now this afternoon home come. GVD KAA YOU TEE. Whether I have been him possibly well-being lost touched.   The natives are restless.<span id='postcolor'> LOL, bwahahaha it looks like shit It was about my purse, but i found him. It said: Which dirty dickface has stolen my purse. Ik will hang him on tis testicles and suck his eyes out which i will spit out in his throat. When i catch this pursethief, he will not be celebrating his birthday in a long time. How in the hell will i get home this afternoon. Dammit, Cee U N Tee. Or perhaps i just lost it. And i did, i just found it happy
  8. Gorgi Knootewoot

    I need cheerin' up

    He, how can you promote this. People should be banned for posting porn. You have a dirty little mind. BTW, have you started on the custom "Peter Pan" face yet
  9. Gorgi Knootewoot

    I need cheerin' up

    WTF is a pornolizer
  10. Gorgi Knootewoot

    Dutch pim fortuyn killed

    translate this: Welke gore klotekop heeft mijn beurs gejat. Ik zal hem aan z'n ballen ophangen en zijn ogen uitzuigen die ik vervolgens in z'n keelgat uitspuug. Als ik die vieze beurzendief te pakken krijg is hij nog lang niet jarig. Hoe in de hel moet ik nu vanmiddag thuis komen. GVD KAA U TEE. Of ik ben hem misschien wel kwijt geraakt
  11. Gorgi Knootewoot

    Dutch pim fortuyn killed

    He was <span style='font-size:47pt;line-height:100%'>NOT</span> a nazi. If you haven't seen the papers, don't talk about thinks you don't know. In his party "list of Pim Fortuyn", he had black people at his service. If he was a nazi/racist i believe he wouldn't have hired them, now would he. This man , Joăo Varela, was second on the list of Pim. And there were more immigrants on the list. Even when he was shot, hundreds or maybe even thousand immigrants cried because he was dead. So never say again that the good man Pim was a racist. Because anybody who says so is just brainwashed by this man. The EVIL Melkert
  12. Gorgi Knootewoot

    I need cheerin' up

    Look HERE. Ah, dammit. It looks like i cannot post a link to a tripod page. I had a nice screenshot of me and my brother in Dungeon Siege at http://bobedibop.tripod.com/tuin01.jpg, but al it says is "image hosted by tripod. DAMN TRIPOD. Well, type the link in your address bar, and see the mighty wizard KNOOTEWOOT
  13. Gorgi Knootewoot

    I need cheerin' up

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LordZach @ May 08 2002,02:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">pixyland is always funny<span id='postcolor'> Yeah, if you need a good laugh, go HERE.
  14. Gorgi Knootewoot

    Have you seen spider man?

    <span style='font-size:32pt;line-height:100%'>NO</span> spiderman will be released in Holland on 17th July But next week starwars will be released... <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>Mesa going to see this movie. Yousa will too. Mesa have seen trailer of thesa episode, and mesa thinking thesa movie will be bom bad. Mesa liking this clone war.</span>
  15. Gorgi Knootewoot

    Dutch pim fortuyn killed

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ May 07 2002,13:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Can anyone confirm that they're now saying in Holland that the murderer is an environmental activist?<span id='postcolor'> Yes i can. They search the killers house and he was an environmental activist. And he was far left and a very extreme one.
  16. Gorgi Knootewoot

    End of freedom

    04-05; commemoration day 05-05; liberation day 06-05; end of freedom of speech Rise and downfall of the Dutch Kingdom
  17. Gorgi Knootewoot

    Dutch pim fortuyn killed

    I will be in Friesland in week 26. I have to go to school then for the entire week. Stupid presentations.
  18. Gorgi Knootewoot

    End of freedom

    They always sell raw herring in two variants. Salted and sauer. The sauer, well is kept in sauer. And the salted ones (they don't taste salt) have been treated with salt so that they can be kept longer. And they taste great.
  19. Gorgi Knootewoot

    Dutch pim fortuyn killed

    Sorry Avon.
  20. Gorgi Knootewoot

    End of freedom

    Yes, yummie yummie. I like that. But mostly i eat salt herring raw with pieces of onion. Hmmm, for only 2 euros
  21. Gorgi Knootewoot

    Dutch pim fortuyn killed

  22. Gorgi Knootewoot

    Dutch pim fortuyn killed

    Six shots where fired, but three hit Pim. One in the head, one in his throat and one is his chest. I saw his picture where he was dead on the ground. He had blood on his head, on his throat and on his chest. But i an eyewitness said she heard only three shots. So who knows? </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Pim Fortuyn, a right-wing populist candidate in next week's national election in the Netherlands, has been shot dead. Mr Fortuyn was shot by an unidentified assassin while leaving a Dutch radio station in the town of Hilversum just after 1600 UTC on Monday. The former sociology professor was hit between six and ten times in the head, neck and chest by the gunman, who fled the scene. He died of his wounds shortly afterwards. Several attempts by paramedics to revive him were unsuccessful. The area around was sealed off and combed by police, who later announced they had arrested the suspected killer - described  only as a white Dutch male - although they did not speculate on any possible  motive. Witnesses said a man in a baseball cap opened fire as Fortuyn was about to get into a chauffeur-driven limousine in the parking lot of the media  centre outside the 3FM radio station. Shortly after the killing, several hundred demonstrators gathered outside  the Dutch parliament in a tense protest, venting their anger over what they saw as the media's demonisation of Mr Fortuyn. <span id='postcolor'>
  23. Gorgi Knootewoot

    End of freedom

    Yes, i can. And it looks yummie
  24. Gorgi Knootewoot

    End of freedom

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ May 07 2002,11:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I still love your herring, if that makes you feel better. Â <span id='postcolor'> I don't know how i can fit a fish in this sentence. Oh well
  25. Gorgi Knootewoot

    End of freedom

    Yep, but this is thanks to the Amerikanskies that sort out which sites i can visit here. I can't even go to http://www.starwars.com Mesa going to complain. Yousa tell me what "HERRING" is?