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General Lag

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Everything posted by General Lag

  1. General Lag

    Closed Poll results:

    If you wish...garcon ahhh, moderator, please move it.
  2. General Lag

    Closed Poll results:

    If you wish...garcon ahhh, moderator, please move it.
  3. General Lag

    You hate OFP's implementation of DirectPlay in MP?

    Finaly they made it. Thank god, thanks for your blessings. Well, you might happen to know why I am so glad about this. I think their choice will fall on winsock2, probably, or something very similar. What is the difference you may ask? The difference is that Sockets are at a much lower level then DirectPlay. This means you can do more tricks and tweaks during programming, and make the impossible come true. That's not likely to happen with a high level API as DirectPlay, but probably with a low level like Winsock. What else? Winsock is the implementation of Unix sockets, the invention of it goes to the credit of some very genuine people. DirectPlay, on the other side, goes on the credit of non gamers, and uses most likely Winsock underneath, and so It can impossibly be faster then Winsock. What's the additional Fuzz? Sockets are common programming practice. It makes little difference wheater you write your sockets on windows, or unix or linux. Therefore, server will get very better, as for now, they are forced to simulate a DirectPlay server with sockets, this extra fuzz can most likely be skiped completely. And off course, DirectePlay in it's current development cycle represents how M$ Programmers think of online gaming. How it has to communikate, and what it supports or not. If you write the neteninge yourself, it's rather the net engine suiting in your game, then the game suiting in the netengine ( which can't happen after the game has been developed ).
  4. General Lag

    Uhm, I want VBS!!

    That's simply unfair. Those guys where developing the whole engine and stuff for us gamers, and the ones getting the best game is the army!!! I bet the VBS has accurate Collision detection, Great Network code, a whole lot of Units more, and a better ranking system and stuff. Do they forget who made this sucess possible at all. It was us. We bought the game and enjoyed it!! Only through us the army does even know that it exists. And what should be so confidental about thos military modells. I mean, hands up, is there somebody who does not know what the x31 or a stealth bomber is? Naa that's all bulls**t. It's the way they always do it. They want just to have all the fun alone. That's it!!! Grmblflix, himmelhergottnochmal. Unfair!!! I bet in the VBS can more then 200 players play fluently togheter. Go on BIS, many fun with your army toys.
  5. General Lag


    How about, if ever the SDK comes out, we design our own VBS? And if it does not come out at all, how about making your own Dissasembly of OFP? And the bring out or VBS. and how about if we make it so god damm rocking that the real VBS will look like s**t against it?
  6. General Lag


    I did realized this also. So who is good in interpreting file formats and assembler?
  7. General Lag

    He, he, he!!!

    Has the itty kitty army sets up s websitey? Oh, did they rent some webspace at a provider with a 56k connection. Oh, now the new websitey has gony downy, oh now. How poor. Why was this so? Maybe because there are more people playing OFP then they will ever get in their Army. Maybe because at the end the Gamers are the power and the strength and not an moron Goverment! So gety a newy contractily at your providy and MAKE SURE YOU GOT NEXT TIME ENOUGHT BANDWITH FOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE GAMING NATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. General Lag

    The Problems with Multiplayer Online

    And by the way. For anyone who does not know. Games die very fast, even if they have some good sales. Reasons are as simple as they are obvious. -The very same day your product gets out, a demo has to be there to show the main keys why you should buy it. -Basicly you need to deliver the functionality you promised latest within the first month. If BIS would only have done these two points, the game would not be death by now. You see, the problem is, that a game in order to be successfull in terms of half life, need to build a myth fast, before a game with a better engine and greater gameplay is out. And this is the very neckbreaker for Flashpoint.
  9. General Lag

    The Problems with Multiplayer Online

    Rebuild the whole join thingy. The basic ideas wich it builds upon, are either wrong, bad or terrible implemented. If I would be responsible for such a mess in our final release, I could take my hat. Lucky me, I learned to think first, and code then. I assume you have the programming skill in your house to make some heavy work on this part. So realy the only thing to do is to make a good concept,make it consistent and fail safe. Main goals should be, easy handling, efficient joining, short joining, safe joining. You reach this with a "right to the point" interface and some "dumbest possible user" routines.
  10. General Lag

    Vote, pro or contra Gamespy?

    Simple and straight, put your answer under Por or Contra.
  11. General Lag

    Alternative Game Browser Discussion

    I think it is less. The average prize of tribes 2 is about 50$, but you can make some calcs. -1$ for pressing. -5$ for packaging -The publisher takes about 20$ for managing retailing and stuff. there where 94 peeps working on it for 3 years. When each one has an average income of 3500$ (wich is very poor calculated ) -35 ca. for loans of the developpers say they give 50000 for advertising -0.25 There are rooms, where the peeps neet to work. Aporximately, the coasts for room and equipment is about 50% of the loan. -15 for rent of building and hardware to develop So, till here we got left. -26$ Uhm, even when I calculate easyier then now, they earn very few money. so 200'000 copys is just not enought for this size of project. this 10'000'000 are in best case, amount of moved money, but till here, no income at all. No wunder was dynamix axed.
  12. General Lag

    Alternative Game Browser Discussion

    I am playing only tribes2 at the moment. You want t know why. Netcod rules. Community rules. The netcode allows you to play with 60 peeps on a server where you get pings of 120. And you still manage to make headshots. Communuty rules, bc they have given a lot into that. This game has a genius ingame browser. It shows you various information like number of players in a game, what machine it is, wich ip, wich game type, and so on and so forth. As filters you have filter by- ,ping, machine speed, linux or windows, dedicated, max players, max bots, min players, min bots, game type, buddyfilter and some more. You have in the game, forums, chat, and tribe/clan/squad (whatever you call it) system. Every player has a player page, where you could check the stats. New funktions to the interface are managed by scripts (PJ is da lord). In game you can have a netsatistics graph. The collision handling is much better, and even if you have greatest lag, yo do not always jump around like crazy. So, from Tribes2 there where nearly 200000 copys set off. The main forums on the sites have not more then 5000 topics or so. From this I estimate that Flashpoint has ben sold more then 1'000'000 times. Wich makes flashpoint a real blockbuster. Why should it not be possible to make more out of this 1'000'000 copys then this absolute lousy netcode and browser support?
  13. General Lag

    i don\'t like this kind of multiplayer

    Exactly my point. I think the best game out there, at this matter is Tribes2, anyone who played it online, know what I am talking about. Netcode and community features are a quantum jump into the future. I do like the game much. But I still wonder why the sold 200'000 copys. It was not good advertised, altought there was a little hype around it, it was not that big. It where very short on the shelves of the local retailers. It has a difficult, and sometimes frutstrating gameplay. The gameplay is future theme, wich not all peeps like. The weapons are also some "futuristic" wich makes somtimes a little lasershow, also not all peeps like that. The graphic is fine, but not that "whoa" great. I think the real audience for tribes2 is much smaller then 200000. I think actually there are about 4000 peeps realy playing this game. But this is different for Flashpoint. So why can they not do at least a bit of the comfort tribes offers. If they would actually only implement only 1% of the good ideas, adapted from tribes2 to flashpoint, the multiplayer part would be great.
  14. General Lag

    Alternative Game Browser Discussion

    I was not so far off guessing. Sad thing for Tribes2 that it is till now only 200000. But anyway, I think we should get more multiplayer support for this great number of peeps.
  15. General Lag

    Network related (speed?)

    Well, I have here togheter with a friend of mine a 100mbit full duplex ethernet network. This, for all that do not know, the actual fastest way to connect PC's. You can transfer in best case 12mbyte per second. this makes still 12kbyte each MILLISECOND. Altough there are 1000mb network cards, the traffic they produce suxx all the speed from the cpu over the bus, therefore this is not a good idea. So, I asked me, why the heck is this game, even with only two peeps in there, over a 100mb full duplex network, slow as ####. You do not notice at first, but when you enter vehicles, wich should not represent to much capactiy for this kind of network, you see the vehicle of the other peep laging, over Lan. Is this normal, or am I the only one who noticed?
  16. General Lag

    i don\'t like this kind of multiplayer

    good point, but the problem is that the missions work like a cs match. What would be acceptable, is when you could get a realy good cameras onto the player of choice (including see trough his eyes) and watch the game till it is over, and you can join. But hey, with this #### of a crapy netcoed, the do not even manage to get 2vs2 a fluent play over internet.
  17. General Lag

    Vote, pro or contra Gamespy?

    Contra (aginst Gamespy) My choice (Edited by Thorn at 4:57 pm on Aug. 30, 2001)
  18. General Lag

    Vote, pro or contra Gamespy?

    Pro (For gamespy)