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About GI44

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I know this is really a basic question but I have never used any of the MODS/ADD ONS Can someone please explain how ADDONS and MODS work? Do the ADDONS/MODS simply change some of the visual appearance of missions that you get with OFP OR do they actually give you new missions? For example, I saw a post for a MOD that provides winter scenery. Â Does that just change the existing missions to be in the snow but the mission itself is unchanged from a game play point of view. Â In other words, the same scripted triggers occur, the same goals, etc. Â just the scenery is different? Example 2: Â If someone makes a mod that introduces guard dogs - what does that mean? Â Do dogs just randomly appear in the missions you purchased from OFP or are they entirely new missions? Sorry for the dumb question but I really don't know... Thanks GI44
  2. GI44

    Help i got discharged!

    Venom; I came across something in this forum that not only has helped me command the troops but has made it more enjoyable. Â There's a program call "Game Commander II" that allows you to program all the commands as voice commands. Â So, if you want guys to flank left, you simply say "Flank Left". You don't have to constantly hit the menus and search for what you need. The program costs about $50 and you get a noise cancelling headset microphone. Â It really was very easy to setup. Â You don't even have to train your voice. Â If you do check this out, be aware of the feature in which you can tell it to only take a voice command when you have a certain key pressed. Â Kind of like keying a radio. Â I found that helpful. Â Otherwise, if you play your speakers loud, it may trigger commands unintentionally from the background noise. Anyway, it has made it more enjoyable commanding troops for me.
  3. GI44

    Help i got discharged!

    Hi Kermit; When you play the "Campaign", at the end of each mission you get a report on how you did. If you did poorly you'll see from 1 to many red "X"s. If you did well you will get pearls or stars. If you get too many red "X"s on too many missions, you start getting little cut-scenes where Colonel Blake chews you out. By the way, I goy past this problem thanks to the Avon Lady. I modified the 1985.SQC file as she described. However, the first time I tried after modifying the file, I hit "Continue" on the mission. So, I still got chewed out at the end of the mission. You must hit "Retry" to start the entire mission over for the modifications to 1985.SQC to take effect. Again, Thanks to everyone who responded.. GI44
  4. GI44

    Help i got discharged!

    Thanks everybody for the help - I really appreciate it!
  5. GI44

    Help i got discharged!

    OK - I hang my head in shame. I really love playing this game but I guess I'm not that good at it. I just finished the mission where you're in command of about 8 guys and you have to take out the enemy camp. All 8 guys survived, we killed everyone and I got some kills myself. However, upon completion, the general told me I was a disgrace and kicked me out. I found on the Avon Lady's website how to modify the "penalties" code in file 1985.sqc. I modified all places that had any penalties. I then "Continued" OFP and it put me back in the same mission at the last objective. I played through to the end and got kicked out again! How do I get past this? I really don't want to start over. I'm a Dad with 4 kids, a real job, and only find time on weekends to play. It will take me months to get this far again.. Any ideas? Thanks GI44
  6. GI44

    Help for scouting mission

    Thanks Dadster! I really enjoy this game - I just have to get better at it
  7. GI44

    Changing your save point

    Thanks to all for the info. I appreciate it!
  8. Hi; Can anyone offer some advice for the scouting mission in the campaign? I follow the yellow area to find the enemy camp and when I get there nothing happens. I've runn all over the map looking for a camp. I see the 5-6 enemy guys near the mountain. Basically, no matter where I go it never says objective complete. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks GI44
  9. GI44

    Changing your save point

    Hi; Once you use your one save in a mission, is there anyway to start over so you can use the save elsewhere? For example, you begin playing a mission and at some point you save the game. As you continue, you realize you saved too early and would like to have that save back even if you have to start the entire mission all over. Is there a way to do this? I tried exiting the game, coming back in to the campaign and instead of hitting continue I select the mission from the campaign folder. It still remembers my save point. Any ideas - Thanks GI44
  10. GI44

    Changing your save point

    Hi; Once you use your one save in a mission, is there anyway to start over so you can use the save elsewhere? For example, you begin playing a mission and at some point you save the game. As you continue, you realize you saved too early and would like to have that save back even if you have to start the entire mission all over. Is there a way to do this? I tried exiting the game, coming back in to the campaign and instead of hitting continue I select the mission from the campaign folder. It still remembers my save point. Any ideas - Thanks GI44
  11. GI44

    map location

    Yes I was playing in veteran mode. I now have learned that they intentionally remove your tracking icon from the map. Thanks for responding! GI44
  12. GI44

    Missing map location

    No - this mission does not have GPS. I think it's called "after Montignac". After looking further back in the forum, I found where people have indicated that when you play as a veteran you don't see your location. You have to do more of the "real life" tracking by picking out terrain etc. Thanks very much for the reply. I guess I'll try to learn how toi navigate - don't know if that piece of reality is going to add to the fun. Thanks GI44
  13. GI44

    Missing map location

    Hi; Has anyone else experienced the problem where you can't see yourself on the map? Â When it works, I see myself as a spiral circle. Â However, sometimes in single missions this disappears and I never see it in campaign mode. Â As a result, I can't navigate. Â I tried changing the "extended map info" setting in the difficulty ptions but it won't let me change anything. Â I try clicking on the disabled option and nothing happens. Â Any ideas?
  14. GI44

    map location

    Hi; When playing campaign mode (and sometimes, sporadically on single missions) I can't see myself on the map. When it's working, I see myself as a spiral circle. However, it's not always there and therefore I can't navigate? I tried changing the "extended map" setting in the difficulty options but it won't let me change anything - is that intentional? Thanks. This game is a blast!
  15. GI44

    map location

    Hi; When playing campaign mode (and sometimes, sporadically on single missions) I can't see myself on the map. When it's working, I see myself as a spiral circle. However, it's not always there and therefore I can't navigate? I tried changing the "extended map" setting in the difficulty options but it won't let me change anything - is that intentional? Thanks. This game is a blast!