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Posts posted by Falkenhayn

  1. -Better UI: Get rid of the text action menu, this has been done far far better already in many other games for more than 5 years. It takes away a lot of immersion and playability.

    -Destructible environment "a la" Breach or BF3. I know this is complex but it would be huge.

    -Firing and moving inside vehicles.

    -Small details like resting weapons over low walls for accuracy, etc.

    -Different loadouts affecting your capabilities differently. For example, having a full helmet reduces your hearing and increases your weight, but reduces head damage;

    Otherwise, keep up the good work. The E3 trailers look very promising, especially in the physics department!

  2. Not just the new features either but these minimal but never the less annoying problems persist in A2. The clogged up firemode selector, especially when considering mods and 10 types of grenades. :p The fact you cycle through things that are virtually to no use when trying to kill the enemy like IR strobes, and things that need reloading like the M203, to finally get to the semi-auto function and fire. Then you're talking about scrolling and having a list, of which with low fps and sheer speed, you can easily click the wrong button and all kinds of things. Definitely needs a bit of love. People have mentioned plenty of things they'd like to see, from different key binds to a Crysis like flower menu. Not bad ideas.... keep it up.

    I completelly agree. It is probably the worst things in the ARMA series regarding playability. Adopting a different solution like a flower menu or more key binding possibilities will improve immersion a lot.

  3. Hi. I have some questions about the editor:

    1) I want to set up a long range harassment party. I just want them to stay at around 800m shooting at the enemy. How can i achieve this?

    2) I want a squad to cover the advance of another squad, so I want them firing and suppressing the enemy while the 2nd squad advances. What's the best way to do this?

    3) I want the AI to detect another unit, but I don't know if it's possible to artificially tell them "There are bad guys here". Is that possible??

    Thanks in advance for your time!

  4. Good day.

    I'm trying to re-create the official sample mission from this youtube vid:

    . However when I try to place the objects as in the vid (around 1:26 ) I can't select "EMPTY" in the Side field, and can't reach the "objects" class.

    Do I have an outdated version of the editor or something? I have Arma2+OA+BAF+PMC, all patched with the 1.57 patch.

  5. Good day.

    I want to make a Vehicle Borne IED by making a moving vehicle explode when near BLUFOR units. I've been searching the web to see if it's possible to make a mobile trigger attached to the VBIED so it just triggers the IED with the proximity event. However I've found no info about how to create a moving trigger (I don't even know if it's possible).

    And if triggers are not the answer to this problem, what else can I do to achieve this effect?

  6. However, doing that the commander still has direct command over the teams, instead of only the squads.

    Let me show an example


    What I want is for the Lieutenant to have just 2 squads under his command in this example. Currently he commands the two squad sergeants independently (they move alone when their icon is selected), PLUS the two rifle squads (left squad) PLUS the two MG teams and the AT team (right squad). So that's 7 units in total instead of the intended 2.

    Am I doing something wrong, or there is no way to do what I want?

  7. Good day.

    I need to know how to establish a command hierarchy for units. I mean, if I deploy a platoon, I want the Lieutenant to only command his 4 sergeants, whom at the same time command 2 corporals each, etc. (Spanish Army structure). I dont want the LT to have to give orders to the 30 men in the platoon, as that's not only crazy for the Lt. but also very unrealistic. Is there any way to implement this?

    Thanks in advance!

  8. Good day.

    I need to know how to establish a command hierarchy for units. I mean, if I deploy a platoon, I want the Lieutenant to only command his 4 sergeants, whom at the same time command 2 corporals each, etc. (Spanish Army structure). I dont want the LT to have to give orders to the 30 men in the platoon, as that's not only crazy for the Lt. but also very unrealistic. Is there any way to implement this?

    Thanks in advance!
