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Status Updates posted by fdgnukeoz

  1. Thanks for your reply Zipper.

    Its people like yourself that keep our gaming experience alive.

    Thank you again and I hope you and your family have had a great Xmas and a happy new year..

    Cheers..oh and have a beer on me..:)

  2. Zipper5.

    A little info about my self..

    I am the founder of an Australian group called fdgamers which can be found at www.fdgamers.net.au

    We run and rent many game servers through out Australia of which we have many Admins looking after each server.

    We have Americas Army Servers Arma2 severs Quake servers and many more..

    We have many attempts from hackers on most of our servers of which realy piss's me and the others off.. So to keep up with this we require the latest info about how to combate this..

    With Arma 2 we are fairly new so what seems to be a hack to you is not..But to us it might be..

    I was asking a simple question as to how to fix this and my reply s where very blunt..

    This is not the way fair dinkum gamers should react..If I have said the wrong thing then I Apologizes..

    At the end of the day Our aim at FDG is to combat all hackers and to stop them in their tracks....If this is not your vision then I ask to be removed from your forum...
