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Everything posted by Fatbob

  1. Recently i bought ArmA, and I thought it would run like every other game on my PC. Â I've got a Dell Precision 360 with a 2.8GhZ P4, 2.5gb of RAM, and an old GeForce FX5700 128mb. Â I can run BF2 and Far Cry on pretty good settings @ 30fps. Â Unfortunatly, ArmA will not run over 10fps with everything on very very low. Â Is this because of my video card? Â If so, could someone reccomend an AGP 4x/8x card that will run this game on medium-high? Heres my ArmA Mark Scores: @800x600, very low, visibility 500 1-11.3158 2-6.09756 3-7.53985 4-4.54494 5-9.10844 Overall Score-772.132
  2. Fatbob

    LightWave 3D

    Ok cool, thanks guys
  3. Fatbob

    LightWave 3D

    Hi all, I recently got into modding OFP and i was wondering if O2 was the ONLY modeling tool you could use. I myself am very familiar with Newtek's LightWave 3D program. Just wondering this because i find O2 to be a little...erm...primitive.
  4. Fatbob

    Why won't ArmA run well?

    Could i have links to the parts on newegg?
  5. Fatbob


    What is the problem with my PC? 2.8GhZ P4, 2.5gb RAM, GeForce FX5700 128mb @800x600, very low, visibility 500 1-11.3158 2-6.09756 3-7.53985 4-4.54494 5-9.10844 Overall Score-772.132 Reccomendations on a new graphics card appreciated, ive got an AGP 4x/8x bus