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About Folkmate

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    Private First Class
  1. Folkmate

    WW2 mod?

    arma2 can run old odol models just as well ;) but it's impossible to cinvert infantry without new skeletne definition. and i doubt it will be published any time soon
  2. can you post a link please ? most problems are due to standart arma pbo paths/class names. if you have an addon without it - it works in arma 2 in several attempts ;) yeh, 10 min is kinda hiperbolic, but i hope you got what i wanted to say - it's very crude atm. feedback ? i see nothing except standart 'wow' and non-standart '^&*#$@#' about this addon - how it can help in development ? :) such an 'addon' should go into editing section as config example then it makes sence ;)
  3. i can tell you that any arma addon can be converted in arma in 10 minutes. almost _Everything_ is like back in arma 1. But you need time to implement features/config tweaks of the new engine. but this addon was not tweaked for arma in a good way - thus it's a trash for me. huge step backwards from arma/ original arma 2 models.
  4. i haven't noticed performance boost (( but i see bugs in the campaign A6000+, 9800 GT, 2Gb RAM, win xp sp3
  5. what are you argueing about ? visual quality of this addon is awfull - it's crappy ofp port. and that's a fact. i can't really name it an addon - cause prting from arma 1 is piece of cake. i hope there'll be better conersions soon ( asa binarization will come out)
  6. Folkmate

    Libmod to 43

    can you read, my friend ? i said "on _this_ english-speaking forum". it's undersstandable that there's some kind of a language barier between forums. and still there's nothig but falme from you here.
  7. Folkmate

    Libmod to 43

    what advises may i know ? there're no active libmod members on this forum atm. and you haven't posted anything usefull too. wonna flame ? it's pretty bad idea with your english - i can't even understand most of your words. wonna be constractive ? - post smth usefull or even edited configs with bugs solved. but if you can only whine you better keep silent
  8. Folkmate

    OH-58 Kiowa Warrior

    brr. looks like reskined ofp conversion. am i right ? are you gona make all armed versions like in BAS release ?
  9. Folkmate

    Lean gradually using mouse wheel

    Autohotkey can do _anything_ via scripts http://www.autohotkey.com/ freeware
  10. idea is great. just create time delayed ammo. with small delay. it will explode itself once created
  11. there're like a three BF lav's available m8 Â yes, i saw all of them but i can't say that it's unreal. it's just about reference you use http://www.gdls.com/systems/lav25-tow.html though yeah.. kinda rare equipment i agree but i'm used to tow's on bradley and it's definatelly not as hard to remive it )
  12. Mu first project for arma. lav-25 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LAV_25 sorry for small pictures (for some reason i can't get better one from bildozer) mapping and normal map is already done (though diffuse texture is very early wip - not shown in the pics) still have to make wheels and some on board stuff, though i'm thinking about taking it from bis mlods... Â +still looking for good reference foto to base on. i hope i will progress quick with this. i'm aiming to get it ingame in a week or two...