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Everything posted by Focha

  1. Focha

    Servers permission.

    Hi there guys, What is happening with the servers? I always installed addons and mods and I never get so many problems like now! Servers should be more permissive. They are always asking me for keys and I have those on the folder but they do not accept it plus it says that I have to uninstall some addons I have and use in the /addons folder. What the hell... Why all this things? I am a bit crazy with this because there are mods here that enhance a lot the immersion like sounds and visual effects. Regards.
  2. Focha

    Flight model needs a tweak

    About helicopter flying I just feel exactly like you! But for the sake of the tactical shooter and not a flight sim I would ask just for a bit of a tweaking and make it arcadish and not FM fidelity. For flight simulators we have flight simulators. I am a virtual helicopter pilot and studding to become one one thing is sure, ArmA does not have helicopter it has some kind of alien tech applied to the helos. But that's not bad. As some have said I hope they improve just a bit the FM not to the point of being a realistic flight sim but a way where real pilots can fly it... lol rather than getting to the hot zone too high because the thing don't want to come down to the ground. Regards.
  3. Focha

    Fluid Stance(Better cover system)

    Hi there guys, I didn't read all the thread so I am sorry if this was already told before but for me at least (because I am a track ir 4 user) I already have a fluid lean. That does not happen for the keys and only happen with the track ir. For ArmA II I see it support more track ir axis so maybe we will get a surprise. Regards.
  4. Focha

    Vegetation sounds

    I have to agree with this two. It seems there were some nice features of OFP that didn't make it to ArmA for some reason. Another example is the lack of a 3D cockpit for the armor vehicles. Hope they change this in ArmA II. Regards.
  5. Wich is a shame imo. I liked that in OFP. When driving some tanks I sometimes only used the interior view to drive as it gave me a better feeling of the surrounding and hindered me from driving over friendly troops that were close to the tank. I´m not a big fan of the holodeck feeling in tanks without interiors. Just remember sitting in the Shilka and opening up that big fronthatch or watching the commanders feet in an MBT that were turning around when he was scanning. I miss such details.  Oh yeah I miss that too. That was a bit of a draw back with ArmA from OFP. I hope they render the interior vehicles at least when you are inside of it. I don't talk about rendering all the vehicles in the exterior because that could surely be a frame rate killer. They could do the open/close hatch/door animation associated with the enter/exit vehicle animation. That way you wouldn't see someone approaching the vehicle and open the door and not entering the vehicle leave it open or else you could do that but making a line where you would say that if the vehicle was more that a specific speed the doors would close automatically. Seriously I don't see any kind of trouble or "to hard" to do. Apart from the animations on the bigger vehicles I think it's a pretty easy thing to do. Of course that I am only talking about this animation because I suppose that the others like reloading, walking while reloading, weapons firing, being hit,  etc are already there and updated so we can no longer have a guy reloading a "plastic gun" if you know what I mean or reloading a PVC tube with... Air? That last have to do with the RPG's and M136 or other recoil-less launchers where the guy would simulate the reloading of the tube with nothing. Ok that was pretty acceptable on ArmA because it was somewhat an upgrade from OFP but if this happens in ArmAII I will be a bit disappointed. If it's a new game then it's not an ArmA upgrade, if in the final we come to an ArmA upgrade then ArmAII it's not a new game, I think you understand me. Still and from BI have give us to see, for me it's always good be it an upgrade or a new game. Best regards to all.
  6. I did what you say on the readme about the keys but the servers are always kicking me... I just don't get why people make restrictions on co-op... At least with mods that are so popular like this and really improve playability. Is just plain stupidity. Awesome mod. Regards.
  7. Personally, and please don't get me wrong at this, but I probably would like better to see those animations made (and it's not that difficult to make those animations) than to have a new video or film almost every week. Sometimes are those small details that make the sim advance to a new level... Personally this have already should been address before. We are getting those jump out animations since OFP. As someone already said I don't make this a priority rather than a secondary thing that should be implemented. That and better animations on the weapons. But that's another talk for another topic. I hope you guys understand me and don't take me wrong please. Best regards to all.
  8. Hi there all, By the way I see the evolution of ArmA2 I guess it´s around Navy units (USMC to be more precise). I say this because of the units too, AH-1Z, UH-1Y, F-35, AAV, etc. Will you integrate an Army version, UH-60, AH-64, M2 Bradley, etc? If I am correct your campaign will be set in 2009, why didn´t you opted by AH-1W, UH-1N, F-18 C/D and F-18E, AV-8B, CH-46F, etc and instead opted by a more technological advanced hardware (although UH-1Y is being integrated)? I am asking this because it would be more logical and realistic to opt by those units since the theater of operations will be set in 2009. But that´s maybe me since I blocked in the 1991 era aviation. Since navy it´s really present in the sim will we see some carrier ops? Will you integrate some Russian´s navy hardware? Thanks for the patience with me. You guys are doing a great job from the look of the latest screens and movies. Keep it up. I am sure you will bring us the ultimate combat sim. You already did. And I am sure that if I don´t see a earlier model in the final with the open architecture someone will do a addon for ArmA2. Best regards to all.
  9. Hi there guys, The other day I saw an UH-60 picking up trucks, cars, M113, etc that were damaged and then he get them to the base, now my question is how can I do that? Best regards.
  10. You were right. Thank you for the help. No problems now. All the tracers are show in all weapons. @sickboy- I´ll read the "readme" file and see what i can do. Best regards to all and thank you for the help and patience.
  11. Sorry I thought that was the right section since that is a "User Mission" problem, but thank you for correcting it. Anyway I figure it out. With the SH-60 NAVY replacement the feature does not work, I delete it as put all back to the origins and it work now. Thank you for the help anyway. Best regards.
  12. The addon is great i like the tracers a lot. But why the M16 and M4 have the tracers? And with there is no tracers on the UH60 mini? Best regards and thank you for your great work those tracers looks awesome at night, they are realistic.
  13. Hi there guys, The other day I saw an UH-60 picking up trucks, cars, M113, etc that were damaged and then he get them to the base, now my question is how can I do that? Best regards.
  14. Focha

    Replacement Pack -Ebud's US SF

    Hi there mates, Where can I download this file? The link doesn´t work. Best regards.
  15. Focha


    Where is the download? Can´t find it anywhere. Best regards.
  16. Hi there, Will there be any slingloads for ArmA2? By slingloads I mean vehicles that can be slingloaded and supply crates (with weapons, etc) that would be good to those Coop mission where you need to redeploy vehicles\supplies fast to your troops or just pick up damaged vehicles and bring them to base to repair. That would expand missions on online coop a bit. Along with this I would like to see some air units like (I will talk about air units, because I don´t know much about land and sea ones) UH-1N (medium marine transport\medevac), AH-1W, CH-53 (big troop deploys\big slingloads), SH-60, CH-46 (medium marine transport and small slingload), MV-22, AH-6 family (tactical deploy), UH-60 family (medium troop deploy\medevac\medium slingloads), AH-64, OH-58 (this one could lase targets for AH-64\AV-8). Similar units for red side (Mi-17, Mi-14, Mi-26, Ka-27, etc) and for european if present in ArmA2 (Tiger, EH-101, NH-90, UH-1, etc). This is hypothetic (this is just my wish and since 1996 when I saw the first image on OFP I am anxiously waiting for something like this, I remember the first images that was some guys climbing a hill, a church and also a jeep... And a cockpit shot from the UH-60 still without functional cockpit. But my memory is failing me. That is only what I remember now.) and is my view of the air units on helicopters side. I saw an image of a X-32, will that plane replace the AV-8? If so it´s a shame on my humble opinion. I like AV-8 more, but that, and I say again, that is only my opinion. I guess I am an old school 91 guy. I remember to see VBS1 and to see those marines and army units with those helos and say to me:"How I wish that next version of OFP integrate those helos!". And you almost did it in ArmA! At least I like to saw AH-6 and AH-1 on it. You just forgot the CH-46 and CH-53. Kidding. Anyway this things with the slingload is just a vision that could improve missions on Coop side. Tell me what you think. Best regards to all and continue the great work you all do. And thank you for providing us with your talent on OFP\ArmA\ArmA2. EDIT: Can some admin change the topic title from "sloads" to "slingloads"? Thank you.
  17. Focha

    XAM 1.3:05 Released !

    hello, sorry for answering so late but we aren't on the same time zone... do you use other mods ? or did you unstall another mod which remplace the original weapons ? it's the first time that I heard about that... for all your bugs report, please post here : http://time-to-cry.info/xam/forum/index.php Hi there Naash, I guess not. The only mods I have are those that I have to place "-mod=@XXX". What I did for XAM was to create an independent shortcut to XAM only. So I guess it would not cause any type of problem since I made one different shortcut only for XAM. But when I make a mission with a normal soldier I don´t see any weapons visually but I can still shot the weapon. For example if I choose the SF soldier I only see the M9 SD but i don´t have any MP5 or M4. If I choose sniper with guillie I don´t see the sniper weapon I only have a M9 as the SF. Vehicles so far are good. So I don´t really know what is happening but if I can´t resolve I will have to reinstall ArmA again. I did not had any previous XAM addon installed nor weapons replacements (at least those that replace the original files) I only have mods that I have to manual select it with the "-mod=@XXX" on shortcut. If I cannot find any solution I will reinstalled ArmA and see if I can solve this one. Anyway any help is welcome. I am sure that if the mod is all about realism so I want it and it worth it to download +1Gb. And from movies that I saw it is awesome. So if I cannot make it work by the hard way it will be the easy way (I just have to download patch again and the work of the reinstall). Best regards to all. Focha
  18. Focha

    XAM 1.3:05 Released !

    Well I put a feedback here but no one helped me so far. I have download first the french version. Install it... Run it and I lost all the weapons on the soldiers, I don´t view the model, I just have the sounds and still I can fire the weapon. Then I totaly uninstalled the french version and download english one, install it, run it and I get the same error. For example; I open mission editor, put there a soldier and I don´t see any weapon but I can still shot the weapon... And I don´t see all the others things that was supposed to see... lol Please help me if you can on this one... It is something I am doing wrong? Best regards Focha
  19. Focha

    XAM 1.3:05 Released !

    Mmm... Can someone help me here... When I install XAM I don´t see any primary weapon on the soldier but I can fire anyway... Anyone has this problem? Best regards Focha
  20. Focha

    Evolution V3.0

    Yes but still Tijai I guess this way things would be more playable and more people would play it... At least I think so. Tijai another think I don´t have any odds with no one. I just want to have a more realistic yet friendly user multiplayer missions for ArmA. I want to ear more thinkings so just take a few seconds to read the topics and read back! Best regards to all. Focha
  21. Focha

    Evolution V3.0

    That was what I tried to say. You would get points for repairing units with (for example) "Repair Truck". With a FARP you actually don´t gain points if it isn´t another person to put there the units. For example if you build one and put there a unit (helicopters, trucks, etc...) you will not gain points for that. Like when you heal a guy you receive points you should receive points for repairing vehicles. Tijai: I know that is an "environment war"... But in wars snipers have sniper rifles, pilots pilot planes and helicopters, SpecOps have M4s and Special Equip., medics have medical equip., engineers have bridges and tools to repair vehicles... And so on... Well we see snipers flying helicopters, spec ops fight like regular infantry, medics exploding T72s, pilots shooting down planes and helos with STINGER... You guys get the point. Tijai it´s not the 1st nor the 2nd or 3th time that I repair all the vehicles and get them back to base with the help of some buddys... When I play like a medic I will join a group and make MASH and heal the soldiers who are hurt. When I am a sniper... I will be lone wolf in the hills when I get the sniper rifle that sniper rifles has! What I am here saying is that we should think in another system. System that will have sniper rifles for snipers... When you earned points enough you will get the M107 for example! When you are a pilot you will fly MH6 until you have earned points enough for the UH60 then for AH1 then for AV8, A10... When you are a medic you will have the skill to heal people... When you get the points you will able to construct MASHs... If you are a SpecOp you will have points for Mp5 and Satchels then M4s and Laser Marker for AV8 and that time you will have Pilots to fly the AV8 GBU... And so on and on. It´s a lot of work to do... A lot of scripting... Maybe this is even not supported and will cause lag... If this is the case I am sorry for that... If not let´s work together to make this simulation have a "permanent environment war". Don´t know if you agree with me or not... But it´s my opinion and wish to ArmA. Best regards to you all. Focha EDIT: Sorry Tijai I do not answer your question. When you ask; Sure it is a bit dumbed down as compared to other missions, but then again who would play for 8 hours straight in one role? You know that sometimes to achieve the points to fly for example MH6 you have to play a long time or short time if you have luck. If you shot down a lot of armor or COM Tower or if you have the luck of not be on the HQ when the city is secured or Officer if you get lucky that someone don´t shot it... You earn the points fast... Otherwise by repairing vehicles... Heal people... Forget that you will never earn the points as fast as you get with a AT4. With this new system you will not have to play 8 hours... Actually will improve and balance the gameplay. Because if we have pilots to pilots, snipers to sniper, medics to heal, engineers to repair, AT guys for armor, SF for officer and COM... Everyone earn points and can switch positions... For example... You are bored of being Medic... Ok just switch to pilot and go fly... You are bored of flying... Ok go for a SF and make a team to get rid of that COM Tower and Officer... Hope I answered well to your question. Best regards for you. Focha
  22. Focha

    Replacement Pack -Ebud's US SF

    My mistake! I thought this would replace all units! But it is only for the SF units right? If that so it is all ok. Thanks for the support. Focha
  23. Focha

    Evolution V3.0

    I all. I really like your Coop missions. But there are a few things that you should improve. For example; -You have all the work to repair and refuel units and then just came a guy with a higher rank and grab all... And you didnt even get points for that. -Helicopters, planes should be piloted by a pilot unit and they progress in rank has they do Ins, Extr, MEDEVAC, EVACs and so on gaining points and get acess to A10 and AV8. -Medics are fine and engineers too. -Snipers units should be able to have sniper (M24) instantly as well as Specs Ops the M4A1 SD and MP5SD... And so on and on... So for the quick reply but I dont have time for more now. Best regards to all and thank you for your amazing Coop missions. Focha
  24. Focha

    Replacement Pack -Ebud's US SF

    Is this working on 1.8? Because I do everything as you told but it doens´t work and as you said that it was only tested on 1.5 I am affraid that this is the case here. If so are you going to release an update. Best regards Focha
  25. Focha

    my Arma gun pack

    It was a great effort. But in my humble opinion just to unrealistic. AK-47 with ACOG I only saw in softair. M107... The M249 its good and the G36 aswell as the M4 but if you put a rail on G36 like in G36C to put an Aimpoint that would be great. Best regards for you mate. Focha