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Everything posted by Farles

  1. Does ACE have any website to get more information or maybe participate?
  2. My addon request: real ArmA addons, means not converting OFP addons, but making great looking ArmA addons, custom made. It's not all in the art of making a good config file, but also alot in making it look good. Very few people actually model their addons it seems...
  3. Farles

    RKSL Studios

    Rock isnt working on the Cessna actually... more on the C130 and Lynx right now... I'll take the compliment then For the Cessna colour scheme, I wasnt playing OFP at that time, so I just used a scheme I saw on a reference pic... sorry for breaking the nostalgia... You'll be able to make reskin requests to me later on (if it's that necessary :P). Thanks for all the comments so far, and I want to thanks Rock for guiding me in my ArmA adaptation process, now I'll be helping him with the addons RKSL ftw!
  4. Farles

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Addons: RKSL Unreleased WIP Cessna 182
  5. Greetings, I thought I would show you guys my ArmA practice projet. I've never used OFP/ArmA engine before, I normally work on the Half-Life 2 engine... but here's a proof people saying they are "waiting for the tools" are just lazy (jk) With O2Lite, GateBuilder, PAAPlug ang cPBO you can compile this addon without problem. Even for an OFP/ArmA newbie like me! So here it is, I made a Cessna182 for ArmA. Not flying correctly for now, alot of work still ahead, but at least it's ingame and prop is spinning, rudder/aileron moving. Here's for the images. Cessna 182 - 1 Cessna 182 - 2 Cessna 182 - 3 Cessna 182 - 4 Cessna 182 - 5
  6. Farles

    Cessna 182

    Thanks, and yes I do have (alot) more ideas and projects. I work with the RKSL addon team (RKSL Studios Website) on various other projects. @wipman: be advised - this is only work in progress... the texture is not done AT ALL. As I said the whole thing is serious Work In Progress. Thanks for the comments.
  7. Hi, I dont know if it has been asked before, but how do we create the actual instruments of the dashboard of a plane? are they actual moving models, or simply sprites? Thanks for any tuts/infos.
  8. Farles

    Question for the Dev's

    Yeah if anyone got the awnser for this question, plz let us all know. Would really like to convert my C-130 into a AC-130