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About fratex

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hello everyone, I am looking for a script to animate marshalling personel on an airport runway or on an aircraft carrier ... I am sure I have already sow something somewhere but I cant remind where :P ....M
  2. fratex

    Started the PedagneMOD beta testing

    Cangratulations aremba_san_zorzo , I hae downloaded the 1.0 version of the mod and it is very cool. Good work , well done. I only have found a little imprecision: under San Marco troops is placed an unit called Capitano di Corvetta but he is wearing Capitano di Fregata's insignia.
  3. fratex

    Pedagne Mod ?

    Is there someone who is using PedagneMod addons in multiplayer ?
  4. fratex

    FDF Game Night

    ofp.info server? ooops ..... yes
  5. fratex

    FDF Game Night

    CALL TO ARMS !!! Saturday 10 november 2007 at 1700Z. See you in war.
  6. fratex

    UH-60 US Navy ?

    That's ok for the UH-60. By the way , do you know if someone ever made US sailors and air carrier crew ?
  7. Hi all, I am looking for a UH-60 and a SH-3D with US Navy insignia. Do this addons exist ?
  8. fratex


    Hi all people. I have a question, how long is a "click" ? I can't remenber is is 500 metres or 1000 metres. Anyone could help ?
  9. fratex

    Your home town/city/farm?!

    Todi , a little medieval city in the centre of Italy .
  10. fratex

    FDF Game Night

    Hi folk . Someone can tell me in what folder has to be putted the file editorupadate102.pbo ? Thanks .
  11. fratex

    FDF Game Night

    Great idea ! I 've just now reinstalled all the fdf pack . I'm lock and loaded !
  12. Great work , i love the flank 88 . Just a question , has the flank bunkered the recoil animation ?
  13. fratex

    ofp question

    I'll continue to play Ofp for two reasons : 1 ) with Ofp i can use a lot of very very cool addons 2 ) ArmA doesn't run on my pc
  14. fratex

    Falklands Mod 1.0 Released

    WIll be up sometime soon, real life delaying a few things at the moment, was accidently left out by yours truly. OK , i'm using a normal pilot now . Pomping out colored smoke is great !
  15. fratex

    Closer formations ?

    Thanks Black Scorpion , sound like what I' m looking for . Where do I get it ?