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you rock man! thanks abunch for all the help. i promise to make some killer missions in the future. lol. Â anyway i edited my above post. i got it working right before i checked back here. Â any ideas on the smoke. thanks again buddy
ok, ive got it. finally. but i had to do it with three triggers, because the chopper was not landing at my position. so i made trigger2 (radio bravo), Â to flyinheight 0, so it landed at my positon. to take off i radio charlie to go back to base. now, i have one more question. the trigger where i call in bravo is when he is hovering over me. when i push bravo he lands. so, instead, is there a way and whats the proper way to make trigger two, which is bravo radio now, be trigged when i pop smoke. i think that would be more relistic. when the chopper is hovering over the player, pop smoke, chopper lands!!! any ideas thanks for all the help guys. matt@actionsportsinc.com
okay, ive created a trigger, activated by alpha, i put the UH60 in the trigger circle and typed in the condition and activation codes. now, do i connect the chopper to the trigger using the groups tool, because when i do, the activation box switchs from radio alpha, to vehicle. it want give me the option to go to alpha. so therefore there is no alpha button. i created the end trigger as mentioned above, activated by bravo. so, when i preview, since there is no alpha button on the radio, the chopper takes off when the mission starts and flys to my location and just hovers, (about 100 meters past me). i can switch the bravo channel, and the chopper flys to the end trigger, but, still cannot land. what am i doing wrong. thanks alot for your time. just to add, if i dont connect any thing with the group tool, then the chopper comes to me after calling alpha, but still does not land.
ok, ill try this out later tonite, i found the SP/MP support pack by snypir by doing a google search, is this compatable with ARMA, i sure it would  be. i started out just wanting to make a single mission using the Kronzky's urban patrol script because i was so dissapointed in the game. now, i want to make a full campaign. i think ive caught the editing bug. agian, thanks for all the help.
thats way too much info for me to comprehend. ive only messed with this editor for about a week. i need to know what kind of trigger to make, what to type into the activation and condition fields for both chopper and  the trigger, and possibly the unit. if someone could help me with explaining, "in steps", on how to do this, i would be very grateful. by the way, in the above post, do i have to make some sort of file to put in my script folder in my ARMA folder. i downloaded the kronzkys urban script so the enemy would patrol a given town, but it was allready made. if so, then how do i make this..... thanks for any help from a confused and getting frustrated new mission editor.
is there a mod around or anyone know a way to make the black eliptical circle go away while you are looking thru night vision googles. even tho this is how it looks, its just annoys me. i remember when playing ghost recon years back, there was a way to do this. thanks for any help. Factor
bump, please help, im at the end of making my first mission and this is all that is keeping me from completing it. i tried several things that was in a ofp editing guide i found online, but i cant get it to work. i want a blackhawk helo to come pick up my squad and i after i radio for it at a degsignated LZ. PLEASE HELP, this has me getting very frustrated.
hello, whats the procedure in scripting a helo extraction at the end of missions. ive learning this editor from scratch and apprciate any feedback. looked on the wiki about triggers. but it didnt explain much.
got it!!!, thanks alot unknown!!
could someone please explain to me or point me somewhere that has in steps how to have all gear and weapons available when im making a squad in the editor for a mission. ive never edited ofp before, and this is all new to me. thanks a bunch.
ive looked all over to how to make an "invisible H", but cannot find how to make one. everywhere i search, it says to make an invisible H, but not how to create it. what im trying to do is make a squad get into a chopper, and go drop off my squad. there is a topic a couple threads back on how to do this, but frankly, i cant understand what the responces are trying to say. the direction they give is very hard to understand. ive looked in the markers options, waypoint options, etc. and cant find it. please help! thanks. also, if anyone can point me to a good tutorial on editing, that would be great.
this is a dumb question i know, but does the file go into the addon folder, cause i cant seem to notice any diffrence in the soldiers after placing the file there
uh, thats kind of a dumb ? isnt it. its water cooled cause i want to overclock it. plus, the guy who built it for me, did just that, put it in there for me to have the option. (free of charge might i add) ive never had a game that strained my system like this game. ive lowered the card options down for this game for the first time since ive had this machine. i had everything on the card at the highest and thought this rig would cut through ARMA like butter, nope. i was pissed. but im trying to work around it. so thanks for your response. and, i want to overclock it to suite ARMA, nothing else. so, if it needs to be moved, then im positive it can be. Factor
uh, thats kind of a dumb ? isnt it. its water cooled cause i want to overclock it. plus, the guy who built it for me, did just that, put it in there for me to have the option. (free of charge might i add) ive never had a game that strained my system like this game. ive lowered the card options down for this game for the first time since ive had this machine. i had everything on the card at the highest and thought this rig would cut through ARMA like butter, nope. i was pissed. but im trying to work around it. so thanks for your response. and, i want to overclock it to suite ARMA, nothing else. so, if it needs to be moved, then im positive it can be. Factor
hello, ive havent really played much arma, cause of the performance of the game, however, i thought if i overclocked my system it may work a little better. thing is, ive never overclocked before. so i need some advice if you may. ive been experimenting w/ some settings, but want some tips. ok, first my specs: AM2 AMD Athlon 64 3800+ (single core) K9N SLI Platinum MoBo 2048 RAM Nvidia 7900 GTX 512mb (93.71 driver) system is watercooled, and i have dials on my case to speed fans up on my card and my cpu. it never gets above 25 C degrees, and thats with the fan running about 75%. so i think i have efficient cooling systems. ok, here we go, in the nvidia control panel, under performance, manual tuning, there is a button for mobo settings, and gpu settings under mobo settings, there is a box that says system clocks. in that box, there is a slider for reference clock(HTT). one side has 100MHz, the other side has 250MHz. when i slide that, the CPU core frequency changes from the stock 2400MHz. my question here is, how far can i push this over, i tried all the way over till the CPU frequency was over to 3000MHz, this crashed the system as soon as i pushed the apply button, so thats too much. right now i have it to 2500MHz, but am asking here for advice so i dont risk frying my processor. there is a slider for reference clock (PCi-E) that has 100MHz on one side of the slider, and 120MHz on the other. there is an adjustable number there now that reads 2750MHz. can someone explain what this is for. next question is about overclocking the gpu. im using the find optimal button right now. with that, that is giving me about 15 extra frames, and with this game, 15 more is a HUGE! difference. i was running at around 15 to 40. now, im getting about 30 to 70. (medium detail). anyway, i want to see if i can push it more, to enable some more eye candy with little impact on performance. right now, i have the core bus at 687Mhz, and the Memory bus and 891Mhz. how far do you think i can push this, again, w/o frying my gpu that was oh so expensive last summer. anyway, thanks in advance for any tips anyone can give me. i have read a little on this stuff, but i think that some advice from the everyday person will help me more. on a side note, does anyone else think that PC games in general are becoming less and less these days. right now, there is nothing, and i mean nothing that has my intrest. not even a title on the horizon. the only game im looking forward too is Rogue Warrior. isnt that sad. anyway, if anyone would like to recommend anything to me, im all ears. i like playing war sims, and racing sims. notice the word, sim. ive played recently brothers in arms, both copies, (not a sim, but an awesome game to say the least). im playin also at the moment gtr2 (not much, tho, im lazy to drive the wheel and pedals) and slient hunter III w/ the GWX mod. never played the OFP series, and i see its up for download on the main page of the ARMA site. ive been close to downloading it, but just havent yet. anyone care to change my mind? Factor.