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Everything posted by FrostyFlake

  1. Hello all.. I am the leader of a multi gaming clan named The Cereal Killerz. We have now officially opend our ArmA wing. We don't have many ArmA players at this time ( 6 ) and are looking to recruit some players that are over the age of 18. It doesn't matter where you are from as long as you can have a good time. We are mainly for fun but do have that competative spirit. We also have a 64 player server named The Cereal Killerz in ArmA. The bulk of our squad is from the US (i am in Canada).We are not a milsim clan with lots of rules and regs.. We do however believe in teamwork and fair play for everyone that in on our squad and that plays in our server... If any of this sounds interesting to you please feel free to sign up for our website Website here If you have any questions you can join our server and talk to anyone with a [_CK_] tag on and they will be more then willing to help you. Also you can msg me here or on a messenger program. msn= canro13@hotmail.com Xfire = hadessoe Thank you and i hope to see some new faces soon
  2. FrostyFlake

    Connection Failed under Vista

    What ports did you open... If you need i can give you a list of prots you need to open as i have a router and had the same problems adn searched out and found a list.. It is on the Wiki or i can post it here if you need I Also have Vista and it is working great.. Also tried it under XP as well and no prob's
  3. FrostyFlake

    ArmA Startup Problem

    What OS are you useing.... XP or Vista> I had this game on XP adn some problems. 2 things to try. Go into your My Documents and delete your Arma.cfg and you profile... Also try updating oalinst.exe file.. Do a google search for oalinst and download there updater... Make sure your video card has AA and AF on Aplication controlled These are fixes that i have tried when having this problem under XP and Vista and have worked for me...Hope they work for you as this is a great game I also have a Xfi card and nvidia 7900 GTX and they work with no problems
  4. FrostyFlake

    ArmA Startup Problem

    I was having the same problem.. I had to turn off my video card AA and AF. then it started to work again... Make sure that those settings are down
  5. FrostyFlake

    Crash To Desktop When Launching

    It should load EAX in all the other modes as mine does in every other game i play.. I also have had this problem If you go into your My Documents folder and delete your ArmA profile the game will load up again... I will also try the game mode to see if it works
  6. FrostyFlake

    MP Problems

    Nobody here can help me?
  7. FrostyFlake

    MP Problems

    Hello all.. I seem to be having a few problems... 1st When i try to join a MP game i see all the servers but when i click on a server to join i start to load in.. I see all the chatting.. Then i get the Multiplayer setting menue where you would select your position but it is blank. Also if i click ok (even though i can't select a spot) it goes to a black screen saying Recieving Mission File... If i wait there nothing more happens. I can still see all the chat but nothing else. If i join a server that has nobody in it i can select a map and the voting screen comes up. then the mission screen comes up and is not blank. I see all the slots to select a class/weapon but i can't select it. My name has a green flag beside it instead of the blue or red. I hope someone here has a clue as to what is going on... 2nd problem. Sometimes my game crashes right after it starts loading. I get a windows error and the only way to fix it is completly delete my profile cinfig from the My Document folder..l I reinstall the OpenAL installer and stuff but it has happened a few times while trying to figure this all out. I have the 1.02 update and the sigle player loads fine.so here are all my specs Intel core duo 6400 4gb dual channel corsair Nvidia 7900GTX 512Mb X-FI Extreme Audio 21" HP Widescreen @ 1680x1050 500GB Maxtor SATA HDD WinXP Home All Updated drivers and win svc packs ArmA v1.02 German with the .9 language patch I have tried to reinstall MANY times and nothing I am not new to gaming or comps but this seems to be a problem i have not encountered. I have tried everything i can to do with firewall and router settings (exept opening ports cause i can't find anything on what ports it uses other then the one) including being a DMZ host. Turning Firewall off (back on though cause that didn't work). So here i am humbled by this problem. I hope you all can help me... Frosty the cold canadian