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About FMJ

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  1. **** Resolved **** Took out the no blur mod. All's well. :yay::bounce3::bounce3:
  2. yup... those were my two issues... the interaction key and six-updater. I re-assigned the interaction keys. Slingload and fastrope are now working! I also had to manually untar the addon files again from the .pack/addons directory because six-updater did not untar them all. despite the issues , I am enjoying the mod. Thanks Manzilla , Smurfbr and the ACE team.
  3. Smurfbr, I have followed the documentation and have the ropes, but I don't get the option to attach the ropes for slingload ( neither on the vehicle to be lifted nor the chopper ) nofastrope action either. :/
  4. I don't see the fastrope or the slingload modules ever since the last couple of updates. I do see the pbos in the @ACE addons directory. I also don't seem to have some of the cool ACE objects that others have ( stretchers, earplugs...etc...) I have deleted and reinstalled ACE several times trying to fix this, the closest I got was with the ACE 1.0 stable version, which I do see the airlift module ( no fastrope ), but as soon as I update it's no longer available. Thanks in advance,
  5. FMJ

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Its the other way around. Having fast but limited amount of RAM is not better than having "enough" RAM. The speed difference is so minor it doesnt matter as opposed to having more resources available. The sportscar is 1GB RAM. The van is 2GB RAM. You're moving alot of stuff from A to B. Driving from A to B in a sportscar 3 times where one trip takes 5 minutes is not more efficient than driving from A to B in a van one time only where the trip takes 10 minutes. Hope that makes sense. perfect sense!! excellent analogy. hmmm...might as well go with the high end config from the getgo and be done and happy with it. No guts , no glory Thanks guys!!
  6. I would like to see: 1. Military lensatic compass with mapping tools 2. Large satellite map of Sahrani in protective cover 3. Field tatical maps in protective cover 4. Military insulated canteen 5. quick reference and tatical info guide in Army survival/training handbook style 6. the game of course without starforce All in an ammo box edited to say that all in a Swiss Pioneer or Dakota Military style Backpack would be cool too
  7. FMJ

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    thanks CameronMcDonald I understand 400W PSU is not enough to run SLI , but I got couple of spares lying around, so I don't need to spend extra $$ for a 600 W + PSU right now my thought exactly on the memory, but this guy insist on that 1GB of 6400 is comparable to 2G of 4200... perhaps I have been misinformed
  8. FMJ

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Hello, Building a new PC solely for ArmA and need some input. Please keep in mind this would be strictly used to play ArmA only, I am not building the ultimate gaming machine. Looking for the most bang for the buck, enough to play in medium-high resolution to high-high resolution and account for future patches , but not over kill. I am trying to spent the least amount of $$ to get the most enjoyment out of this game. I don’t play other PC games. This is the config I am looking at. SLI capatible board that supports Intel C2D Intel D 805 1 X GF 7600 GT 2 G 4200 memory 400W PS Seagate Barracuda 250G TrackIR Pro What do you guys think? Or should I just go for the gusto from the beginning? I was thinking , with this setup , I can add another 7600GT and up it to C2D 6400 and another GB of memory as needed. Or, should I just go for the C2D 6400, GF 7800, 7900 or even 7950 from the beginning? ( I definitely don’t need the 8800 GTX ) Heard some good and some bad with Intel Ds, same with GF7600, but they are at a really good price. And Instead of starting with 2GB of 4200s someone suggested 1GB of 6400. From what I heard 1G should be enough right? Even with 4200s?!? All confused now… Thanks In Advance,