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Fist -SBS-

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Everything posted by Fist -SBS-

  1. how do i update windows dedicated ArmA server (Jolt server) Form V1.08 to V1.14
  2. Fist -SBS-

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    I have seen many different release date of ArmA. I think if 505 was going to release ArmA on the February 17, It would be on their website.
  3. Fist -SBS-

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    I have been waiting for this game for some time, it looks like i will have to buy the Germany or Czech version. Because 505 Games don't have the game list on their website, are their still going to Publish the game? or can wait and see if uk version is add to Sprocket website. It would be nice if BIS gave us more information on what is happing .