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About Fu-ion

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Fu-ion


    Rearming is a real pain, yes the truck has to be almost on top of the arty and it is a slow process unless you order your AI out and sit in it yourself. Is it possible to extend the "range" of trucks or is it hard-coded into Arma ? I never tried putting 2 AI into arty, a waste of manpower ? Firing faster means more rearming = more frustration and a waste of the commnders' time Just had a thought ... what if 2 AI = better reloading ? Going to try it now.
  2. Fu-ion

    (EVO)CTI Release  Full Release of EVO CTI

    Why does the Senduit link give us version 3.9 ? Also, the armaisgreat link is true BS, if anyone is using Firefox with Noscript just check out how many advertising sites you would have been connected to !
  3. Fu-ion

    Operation White Wolf

    I gave up when the first mission refused to end. The first delivery is at the airport which was really a small village Sorry but this campaign is nonsense.
  4. Fu-ion

    [Campaign] Resistance Sniper II

    This isn't a campaign, its some near identical missions strung together, I played it to the end and thought it was a waste of time. sorry but it really was very simplistic, more like sniper training than a mission.
  5. Fu-ion

    Evolution - Single Player

    Heading from dolores to Ortego I took out the shilka east of the town ( not in grey circle ) and then entered Ortego on foot. Still no enemy spawn. The Officer was there and I could capture him. I start the mission by using the "resume" button, could this have any bearing on the problem ? I can't try again as I saved after the shilka. I hope this can be fixed. Edit: Bah, I wanted this in the Evo SP thread, feel free to move
  6. Fu-ion

    Evolution - Single Player

    0.12 I don't mind losing points for AI, I take care of them pretty well You can still fly over a town without activating the ai, I used a Cobra to take out the shilkas and landed in the grey area to activate the infantry but all I got was a town cleared message. Even leaving one shilka alive and then entering the grey area on foot doesn't always activate the spawning.
  7. Fu-ion

    Evolution - Single Player

    Just been playing 0.9, The enemy officer cannot be captured ( infantry worked ok ). The Officer just runs away from you. Paraiso was fine, plenty of infantry UAZ etc and I cleared it without any odd things happening. Somato had stacked Shilkas and no infantry. The town was clear as soon as i entered the grey zone, same goes for Cayo, Dolores and Ortego. I entered Somato on foot but used a littlebird to fly over the other towns. Otherwise ... good work Just remembered, i was getting a script error, something to do with "getin as gunner". Not sure if it was me and my AI using a repaired bdrm or trying to get the AI to fix a Stryker. The error kept showing randomly and since then the above problems started.
  8. I had this Yesterday, I was driving a hmmw and using freelook, i got out of the car without turning freelook off ( I use * ). So I walked backwards to the hmmw and got in as passenger and switched to driver, pressing * again meant I could steer with the mouse, when i got out all was ok again. If you get bugged try to find a vehicle , it might just work.
  9. Fu-ion

    Patch 1.08 doesn't boot thread

    I had 1.08 working fine for weeks until this morning when i closed it with Alt F4 as I had to go out in a hurry. Arma has since failed to start. It wasn't the securom problem, it was the "tickboxes and then nothing" issue. A previous post put me on the right track to fixing it, someone said it worked without sound, rather than disable the sound I updated the OpenAL, 5 seconds later and Arma 1.08 now starts everytime. Stranger than Fiction eh ? Just my 2c worth, probably won't help anyone who has never had it running
  10. Fu-ion

    Gamma within buildings - bug?

    I get exactly the same, viewed in 3rd person my uniform and backpack turn a silvery grey colour. Not bothered about it really, there's more important stuff to fix Edited to say: forget Wikipedia, its all so wrong, try Britannica instead
  11. Fu-ion

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    NisuMies, " EventType : InPageError P1 : c000009c P2 : 00000003 " You have a dual core processor ?
  12. Fu-ion

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    @ sickboy I really wouldn't mind 20 hours between crashes I have been watching temps using the Rightmark CPU clock utility but am not sure if it just takes an average of the 2 cores. Having said that, when 2 cores were in use, one was at 99-100% and the other at 5-10% utilisation !?! I have noticed with CPU-Z that the cores are not running at exactly identical speeds so maybe one is flaky (its an E6300 ) but there's no denying that disabling one stopped the freezing ( am writing an entry for Ripleys Believe it or Not ) Once all logical steps fail, try the illogical .. captain
  13. Fu-ion

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    I fixed my problem ( PC freezing trying to install 1.04 to 1.05 ). I suspected CPU usage and added /NumProc=1 to boot.ini The update completed without any problem. Now I have copied the 1.05 addons, the campaign pbo and arma.exe to another hard drive just in case 1.08 fails. Oh, and due to the previous 7 attempts I have a massively fragmented games partition so will try 1.08 after the defrag. It might be a worthwhile test for dual-core owners to limit the pc to one core and see if the problems remain ?
  14. Fu-ion

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    Its not heat Sickie, I made sure to discount as much as possible all the usual suspects, it remains at around 60c, is not overclocked and of course .. it has all worked before ! The last resort will be an XP re-install but why the hell should anyone have to do that just to get a game working ? Personally I dont' think BIS have the talent to pull off a game like this, Arma is basically OFP with better graphics and a little extra content, and it's that extra content that is fubar. and this forum is seriously overloaded
  15. Fu-ion

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    You lucky people who can't get 1.08 to start ... I can't even patch the 505 1.04 to 1.05, pc freezes at 29% (characters.pbo) The last game I had that failed to start after patching was BF2, and that went in the bin I think I'm gonna have to throw this too