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About FFL_Jefferson

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. FFL_Jefferson

    The Cause

    This way of playing is what i have been waiting for ages !! Its THE real stuff... (plus the "i dont use addons campaign..." is great) And if u can keep the hole campaign in a "i am only a shitty soldier doing what i am told to do and only trying to stay alive" spririt that would be so cool... Keep going SIr, cant wait to see the sequal... Jefferson
  2. FFL_Jefferson

    Sorry guys

    Just asking you all to forgive me for that link a gave you, I just wanted you all to see the photos The content of the website (other than those photos) i didnt know of. Sorry guys wont happen again Placebo can you please lock this "please forgive me all" thread. FFL_Jefferson
  3. FFL_Jefferson

    French Riot mod for AA

    <link removed>
  4. FFL_Jefferson

    French Riot mod for AA

    Not all french students are riotting, or blocking universities, Some are even organising raids on the lefties to try and stop them... Very soon, we might even have a french civil war mod.... And a US intervention to secure our nuke war heads, wow this mod is going to be great... but then still i am sad for my country one day france will be a great country again
  5. FFL_Jefferson

    French Riot mod for AA

    How about creating a mod for AA, French Riots..... This pic could be a good start.... ( taken in paris last week...) Any body got more ideas ?
  6. FFL_Jefferson

    Switch ON!

  7. FFL_Jefferson

    Switch ON!

    TUNED... TUNE...
  8. FFL_Jefferson

    Latest screenshots available

    what about this: http://games.tiscali.cz/previews/armedassault/art1f.jpg
  9. FFL_Jefferson


    for info the averag salary in the Czech republic is 800$ so 1500$/per month coast of one personne is a usable figure !!
  10. FFL_Jefferson


    Now if you consider that 1 500 000 copies of OFP where sold ( counting Res and RedHammer) and that they well sold out at an average 15$ And that would give you 225 00 000 $ If you consider BIS gets 30% out of this that leaves 67 50 000$ If you consider that OFP + OFP:R is 4 years of work with 25 people working at an average of 1500$ per personne per month this counting everything ( office compters etc...) thats gives us 1 800 000 $ ... that leaves us with 4.9 millions dollars ok so lets say that of Arma and game 2 they use 25 peoples as well well they have money to work for lets say 12 years... Well now you have an idea of when you will all be playing .... Enjoye
  11. FFL_Jefferson

    Please SIR !

    This is the story of a little boys who's name was thomas. A long time ago he used to play a game called flashpoint. Only one day this happened: Tom : "Please, sir, I want some more." "What!" said Placebo "Please, sir," replied Tom, "I want some more." "Some more !!!!!" replied Placebo "Get him, catch him, hit him !!!!" "Never a boy has ever wanted some more !!!! Once the boy had been caught, Placebo drags Tom with him The BIS board were sitting in solemn conclave, when Mr. Placebo rushed into the room in great excitement, and addressing the gentleman in the high chair, said, "Mr. BIS, I beg your pardon, sir! Thomas Jefferson has asked for more!" There was a general start. Horror was depicted on every countenance. "For ®more!Å»" said Mr. BIS. "Compose yourself, Placebo, and answer me distinctly. Do I understand that he asked for more, after he had played flashpoint and flashpoint:R and all the mods out there ?" "He did, sir," replied Placebo. "That boy will be hungDotCom," said the gentleman in the white waistcoat. "I know that boy will be hungDotCom." Nobody controverted the prophetic gentleman's opinion. An animated discussion took place. Tom was ordered into instant confinement on the south island of Evron; and a bill was next morning pasted on the outside of the gate in Malden, offering a reward of five pounds to anybody who would take Thomas Jefferson off the hands of the flashpoint community. In other words, five pounds and Thomas Jefferson were offered to any geek or geekes who wanted an apprentice (not the apprentice ) to any trade, business, or calling. Thas is how Tom ended up playing GTA San Andreas .... Nothing more was to be said... Greatings from france everybody
  12. FFL_Jefferson

    Blue Skies I

    yes i did they shoot at the truck but i just heard the shooting and got back to late i was guessing the just rolled over a GI since all 3 of them where standing in the middle of the road + When i killed joseph at the end well then it just goes black and i cant do anything + the 3 weapons thing didnt working out with me when the scooprifle was in my hand i got a addon missing prob and then i was liking holding a rifle thats was not there and a could shoot with it
  13. FFL_Jefferson

    Blue Skies I

    For the moment all i ve got to say is when going to the safe house well the truck get stucks all the way... any how i am on the mission after the safe house a for the while no bugs no addons missing works great with ffur2005 SOME MORE ? PLS SIR
  14. FFL_Jefferson

    Translator needed

    FRENCH is for me