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Posts posted by Furret

  1. @ Sneakson : I hope there will never be any special cooperation between NVidia and BIS because there are a lot of players having ATI/AMD graphic cards doing quite well with Arma3.

    I own Nvidia GTS 450 & GTX 670 and ATI/AMD HD 7750/7770/6870/7870.

    I have said "... on Arma3 as all Arma* games before, FPS are mainly CPU related". The link between FPS and CPU can be found in the way Real Virtuality Engine is managing how the terrain is drawn and that's why Global Visibility video setting is having such an impact upon FPS. Terrain drawing is a CPU job and it's done on main thread.

    This is why I was hoping for big things from the new nvidia driver, it apparently improves draw call performance. From what I've seen it unfortunately has very little impact.

  2. Who cares man... Open your eyes, yes it is my personal experience. I did a bunch of tests and benches, why should other users gain fps when it didnt work on my and other systems. Or is the based on that what you feel when you look on the screen without measuring? ^^

    There is a measurable improvement for people who have cores parked and then unpark them.

    Your anecdote provides nothing of value to the people looking for help in this thread. If it means someone is dissuaded from trying core unparking, you've actively hurt someone's changes at improving their arma experience.

    Edit: In more positive news, Nvidia is releasing a new driver tomorrow (7th) that promises to lower the overhead the CPU has on the GPU.

    It should work for high end 6xx and 7xx cards to some extent.


  3. So tired of people saying "Ohhh over-clock your CPU" I am not overclocking for a 3.7% performance increase, not worth the risk and not worth the gain.


    Really 3.7% performance increase taking a 2.9Ghz CPU to a 3.8Ghz nearly 4Ghz

    GPU? Nope 8.7% performance increase? So really how much value is over-clocking. Null zip zilch.

    so both tweaks combined if you are getting 32FPS is 4.56 frames... < Really that's worse than bad.

    You don't get a uniform % increase for all applications, it'll vary for each piece of software you try. Applications that are limited by the performance of one core (arma3) will benefit significantly.

    So take your hyperbole and leave.

  4. lol

    yet I can play Guild Wars 2 on normal settings on WvW where there are 100+ players on amssive battles with 40+ fps.

    I also play DayZ SA on normal settings and get 40+ fps yet everything on low in Arma 3 I get 5-10?

    Rather call it an unoptimized game

    Please share with us your ideas for optimising the RV engine.

  5. So this game doesn't support triple buffering? That's a Direct X thing.

    I think your mistaken the problem with this game engine is that

    1) It only uses 2 or 3 cores of the CPU and this is a very CPU intensive game.

    2)Its not 64 bit.....

    triple buffering is supported, I remember a post by Dwarden saying so, it may require a flag to be set in the config file.

  6. People are confusing problems again, we have this issue every 10~ pages.

    Low FPS in single player is a different issue to low FPS in multiplayer.

    Improving your computers hardware will not help low FPS in multiplayer but WILL help to some extent in single player.

    It would really help everyone to give as much information regarding your low FPS, mission, sp/mp, players in server, server hardware, number of AI, etc.

  7. Hello, so I also have an issue with ArmA 3 and its only in multiplayer...

    (It's not a RAM issue)

    This is more a mission problem + engine limitation, your best chance for help is to ask in the mission thread.

    You could try:

    Get the owner of the server you play on to use the performance server binaries.

    Get the mission maker to optimise his scripts.

  8. Into the server? I don't follow. Does the problem occur in single player/different servers?

    Made the RAM 4gb? you added additional ram, or so you mean page file?

    Made it use all your CPUS? are you running a multi processor system?

    Try updating graphics card drivers and run the game in borderless windowed mode, if possible.
