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Posts posted by Furret

  1. I feel the AI would be massively improved and much more lifelike if there were a set of drills that executed roughly the same way every time something happened. For example, combat dismounts from vehicles. From an armoured vechile, if they were to immediately spread out in a line on one side of the vehicle, facing the same direction as the vehicle itsel, or from a helicopter if they were to immediately form a circle facing outwards around it. Maybe even as far as actual group bounding, with half the section/team moving at a time.

    What if they dismount from the vehicle and the side they line up on is blocked? what if both sides are blocked? what if the side they line up on is facing an enemy position?

  2. So I've been trying to improve my fps on Arma 3 by changing all my settings from high to low and there seems to be no difference at all

    I'm Running an Hd 7970 and R9 280x in crossfire and I still have extremely low frames, the problem persists even when I run just one card so I know it isn't a crossfire problem.

    This Fps problem happens in multiplayer and No matter what i only get between 20-27 fps, wither it be on Ultra with everything turned on or on low with everything off and View distance only on 1000. Can anybody please help it is making the game unplayable.



    AMD FX-8150 (3.6GHz)

    HD 7970/R9 280X

    8GB KINGSTON HYPER-X RAm (1866mhz)

    Windows 7 64bit

    Have you tried reading some of this thread/the dozens of threads made every week about this?

  3. Last patch had no improvements for multiplayer that I've noticed. Still massive desync and low fps. Seriously... and there are STILL moderators on this forum saying it's our hardware's fault. What a joke. Bohemia will be hurtin when no one wants to buy their next game.

    There were some significant MP improvements, the problem is a bug was introduced that kills a server when people start shooting guns.

  4. Myke;2680342']

    Personally' date=' i would get a lot more motivation out of a "nice work but there are a few rather serious issues to look into" rather than "it runs like s**t, fix it nao".[/quote']

    I remember people were very helpful and acted like that back in...2009?, when people raised the issue on the previous bug tracker. No one has infinite patience. Maybe people just feel like they've been ignored all this time?

    I feel that nothing less than a full decoupling of the simulation from the rendering code will be sufficient to fix the problem.

    Edit: I'll purchase a new CPU when the game can utilise more than 2 or 3 cores and more than 50% of each of them.

  5. I've thought the same many times about poor occlusion culling. Actually on that note, I have a feeling the game is often doing/simulating/drawing/calculating more than it should or really needs to.

    I watched a video on the new VBS and they were showing off improved performance when rendering lots of objects, perhaps they've improved how the engine handles culling objects? I believe it was called "real-time object aggregation technology"

    video here:

  6. Just to make it clear, we are working on the optimization and it is an ongoing task (as may be seen in the changelogs and all the BROREPs). I have just clearly stated that using resources depends on mission makers too, our missions are optimized even in this way. But throwing hundreds of AIs to some frenetic urban battle and expecting no performance hit would seem funny to every game developer :icon_twisted:

    Everyone can appreciate that AIs are performance hungry, I think the problem people have with it is they don't understand why they see their FPS drop due to AI (CPU)calculations, people see AI and graphics/FPS as separate entities.

  7. Semi-related is this article: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/83623167155/experimental-branch-saw-many-changes-in-0-44

    The part of note is this line:

    Work has commenced on disconnecting the renderer directly from the simulation. This would then free us to change (or even replace) the renderer much easier, allowing greater optimization and new functionality such as better particle effects. We have no timeframe for this completion no any specific goals beyond preparing it for future goals, but it’s exciting for us to start this work.

    This work will offer us the potential for future very significant client FPS optimizations, such as better scene management, to solve issues people experience such as low FPS in cities.

    Seeing as this is an engine issue I do hope information gained from the dayz team is shared.

  8. It surprises me that a veteran forum member with 4600 + posts is unaware of the fact, that 3D artists, physX programmers and game designers are not able to fix AI issues.

    But I understand that reading such a changelog while serious issues are still waiting to be fixed can be frustrating (it is frustrating for me too).

    Exactly, if you were building a house you wouldn't ask the plumber to wire up the house, or the decorator to install the plumbing.

  9. Would it be possible to implement a respawn system into your mission? Perhaps as an easy/hardcore toggle.

    When you're killed, respawn x kilometres away with x% money deducted. Saoks WLA mission has an interesting take on it.

  10. Ohh god go away please. Maybe you don't comprehend English correctly or your just dense.

    You keep on posting benches I already know about, stop trying to turn this into an AMD vs Intel flame war. The performance in this game affects BOTH platforms.

    So please go away yet again I ask. Its like your trying to teach a father how to have kids.....

    For someone who keeps using the word 'your' incorrectly, you shouldn't be telling people their English is bad.

    And stop being so aggressive with your posts. It makes you look petulant.

  11. The market that ARMA games appeal to is very small. Large developers can't make a decent sized profit from it and so stay away. Without competition ARMA is uncontested and can be as good or as bad as it wants, there is nothing threatening its position and so no urgency to take drastic action. Competition is healthy for consumers(us).

    Until this changes (a competitor enters the market/ARMAs dominant position is threatened somehow), I feel core engine work (engine threading/netcode/AI/rendering/game simulation coupling with rendering) will never happen. We will only ever see small-scale fixes.
