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Posts posted by Furret

  1. 1 fps less shouldnt be ok for anyone, where is the logic there, the devs patched the game a couple of months between your benchmarks and instead gain some performance due the further processing of the game you lost frames?

    Thats not acceptable in my opinion but it´s just my thought.

    And thank god we have Seagulls now Ingame and 2 transport helo´s are incoming next. WOW. Not.

    This can happen with fixing bugs, e.g.:

    Fixing an AI bug that was preventing a block of code from running(maybe AI finding cover when under fire) now that this code runs it requires processing time, lowering overall FPS.

    Edit: regarding your sarcastic comment; not everyone can work on engine performance, don't expect artists, modellers, UX designers or audio engineers to do that, it's not their area of expertise.

  2. After a couple of months I made helo´s altis benchmark again with actual dev version: From 48fps down to 42fps. Congrats BIS!

    edit: hmmm...now I have constant 47 again, so its within mesuring tolerance :p

    First run caches many of the art assets as they're used, this means its prone to stuttering that causes momentary frame loss, lowering your FPS result.

    The second run is a much more accurate representation.

  3. Do you know you can't perceive more than 60 fps.... and movies run at 24 fps..... you are just ...... oh and have you read the forum rules? my post is not enough to a report so.... yeah go cry in the corner ... i see people enjoying the game in medium high and you there complaining about good consistent FPS in ultra...seriously, go play Battle field or something else

    ---------- Post added at 17:50 ---------- Previous post was at 17:45 ----------

    The game runs without lag over 25 FPS , that's why it is divided between the colors Green "GOOD" Yellow "Bad" Red "Horrible"

    Are you saying you cannot see the difference in this image?


    Or this link?


    Surely you can see this?


  4. Don't buy AMD processors, they're worthless.

    Go for an intel i5 4690k.

    Edit: Don't buy a new CPU for ArmA3, it's not worth it. Get the developers to make the software better before you start spending your income.

  5. Let me preface this by saying I've never had issues with my ISP, internet connection that stopped me from playing. Arma 3 is the only game that reports servers with 250+, usually 500+(if people are actually playing). If I can actually join a game without being kicked by battleye saying my ping is 1000, I can select a team and then just get kicked back to the server browser. I've tried some port forwarding I"ve googling for Arma 3, disabling firewall, disabling AV and re-verifying the integrity of my files. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I"m really hoping I didn't waste $60. Arma 2 ran fine for me..

    Off the top of my head:

    • maybe your router isn't forward ports correctly
    • you live so far away from anyone that you ping 1000+ to servers
    • you have torrents running, saturating your upload

    where do you live?

  6. what is your FPS in singleplayer ?

    It's too general a question, if you enter the editor and place just yourself i would expect most people get to solid FPS.

    Start putting down AI and it'll drop significantly, add scripts to the mission and it'll drop even more. How many AI we think the game should handle differs significantly from what BI think it should handle.

    Regarding the earlier chat about engine rewrites;

    I feel the only option forward is to do what the DayZ devs did and rewrite core functionality, nothing less than that will have any impact.

    This isn't an easy task to swing past the heads of BI/executives. They care about revenue, the primary way to do that is by bringing in new customers, not making old ones happy, they already have your money. This means making new content regularly to draw these new players in.

    To make business reassess their priorities something significant(like a drop in sales or huge PR backlash from current playerbase) needs to occur.

  7. G'day

    I tried fred41's malloc fix and it didn't seem to make much difference at all, how would i go about overclocking my ram ? how much by etc i have not had any experience overcocking as i have not felt the need too :confused:

    I have also noticed that arma 3 auto detects my graphics settings to low and i can't seem to get a stable fps even on that :confused: :mad:



    If you're experiencing bad fps in multiplayer games then your computer is likely not the problem.

    BI are working on improving this problem but it'll take time.

    If you open up the editor, load stratis, place one player character down and you experience poor performance, then it's your PC at fault.

  8. I asked on twitter if these sorts of changes were coming to the branch of the engine arma3 uses and didn't really receive the response i was hoping for.

    I'm guessing it comes down to the cost of implementation, would making radical changes to the core engine create more sales/revenue? probably not. Thus, little incentive for the company to make those changes.

    I just hope that at least some of the 'hand-me-downs' make their way to us.

  9. If only all RV-engine based games could all use the same revision of the engine. Any changes made to the engine on behalf of a game are committed to a central repository, benefits to DayZ have the side effect of benefiting Arma3, and vice versa.

    I like to think it would reduce overhead of multiple people working on multiple revisions of the engine.

    I don't see a good business case to support Arma3 when DayZ is clearly the better moneymaker, this is probably why the team working on DayZ is many times larger than Arma, right now it feels like its classified as an afterthought.
