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Everything posted by FireLord

  1. FireLord

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    I end up playing most of the games that I buy for a few weeks then I get bored of them, but both OFP and ArmA have to me what seems like endless playability; especially with the mission editor.
  2. FireLord

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    Ive got a HD 3870. It seems to be a really good card, I am running everything on very high apart from anti aliasing which I have set to normal. I use a resolution of 1280x1024. It also works well in other new games such as Bioshock, Crysis and CoD 4. To be honest, the 8800GT is a slightly faster card but it is more expensive and it doesn't have some of the features that the HD3870 has.
  3. FireLord

    Why do you see OFP as the best military game?

    I agree with Friedchiken on the above, despite the obvious issues it is always fun and challenging to fight your way through a forest in OFP. Personally I love OFP because of the extensive addon community that almost extends the playability of OFP indefinitely!
  4. FireLord

    Latest screenshots available

    Does anyone know if the reload animations in Armed Assault will actually involve the magazine being removed from the weapon or will something like that be limited to the realms of game 2?
  5. FireLord

    "Operation Flashpoint 2"

    In my opinion I think that Armed Assault was designed as a way to refranchise Operation Flashpoint after the split with Codemasters so BIS's next big game ('game2') will be more recognisable by people unaware with its relation to OFP.
  6. FireLord

    New splash thingy

    Ah nevermind! I cant wait for some more news about game 2! I suppose we won't get any for a while, well until we get Armed Assault anyway!
  7. FireLord


    Im hoping for higher quality textures than Flashpoint Resistance, which im sure we will get as the textures in Resistance were a lot better than in CWC. If this were to be the case then more RAM/Video Memory would be needed.
  8. FireLord


    I would like to see a classical score by Ondrej Matejka again alongside some guitar based songs similar to those they had in Vietcong.
  9. FireLord

    Strategic decisions

    Another nice touch to make squad control just that little bit easier would be to have a key defined (say the TAB key) the user can press it once to make the squad fall in and double click to make them find the nearest cover (if any), this second function could be defined to another key to avoid confusion.
  10. FireLord


    I think that is a very good idea as it would create a need for a player to be more aware of their surroundings. You could sort of do a limited version of it in OFP. You could tell where a tank had been through heavy foliage. This never really helped you though as it was only really noticable after you had destroyed the tank or the tank had killed you. If this element of fieldcraft is used in game 2 then it should be used to help the watchful player, say to alert them to whats ahead. It certainly would fit in with the ability to ask civilian AI controlled players if they had seen any enemy nearby. It would also be nice to see wreckage and rubbish left behind from a retreating enemy. Maybe even with vital maps and plans amongst the mess that could help the player complete their mission.
  11. FireLord

    A good comms system

    I think voice chat should be enabled in multiplayer games. The officer would have to tell the radioman a message to be passed onto other squads and command. This would enable much larger and much more organised online battles. For communication between the squad, each team member must equip themselves with a headset, so they can hear commands, if they didn't they would only be able to hear what someone says when they are close to them.
  12. FireLord

    Strategic decisions

    In regards to a command system, I think a brothers in arms style command system for the more simple commands like 'move here' and 'cover me' could be introduced as this will give the player the opportunity to give basic orders quickly. However this should be USED ALONGSIDE something like the traditional OFP command system with the abilty to make up more complex orders. In Brothers in arms you can command your assault and fire teams, by pressing the shift key. I think a system like this would be good in game 2 to give the user control over multiple squads. In my opinion the 'RPG element' of game 2 will be the development of character, but it won't be like in OFP where you play as different people in different positions. I believe it will be that the player is promoted through merit from the orders he gives and the enemy he kills on the 'dynamic battlefield'. This could be managed by say having so many points for succesfully taking/destroying an objective or quite simply for killing an enemy. I think this system would be the best way to show different aspects of the command structure within a dynamic campaign.
  13. FireLord

    Graphics engine improvement

    I would like to see high quality textures along with support for things like pixel shader 3.0. This makes a huge difference in the detail of games, like in Half Life 2 with pixel shader 3.0 then it appears like every cobblestone is 3d. However, if you have a graphics card that only supports shader 1.1 then you would only get 1.1 effects. This works well in games like Far Cry. If the graphics options are very scalable then I think it would be possible for all the latest effects to be used. I suppose it maybe a little too much to ask for HDR Lighting
  14. FireLord

    OFP2 system specs.... speculation

    dx10 will be released with Vista. It could use it i suppose but i dont think it will. Games such as Far Cry 2 or whatever it will be called (as i think Crytek and Ubi have gone their seperate ways like BIS and Codies) will use dx10.
  15. FireLord

    OFP2 system specs.... speculation

    I have a AMD Athlon 64 3500+, 1GB RAM and a ATI Radeon x850XT and I expect this to be able to play game 2 well. I can run older games such as OFP: Resistance with dxdll on high settings with very good frame rates. I can also run the latest, graphically demanding games effortlessly, so I am sure I will be able to play game 2 on at least medium settings. (From what I have seen in the screenshots so far the game engine doesnt look like the final version as it needs a lot more anti-aliasing!) I might add however that it may be advisable to use a graphics card such as the 7800GTX that supports Pixel Shader 3.0.
  16. FireLord

    two operation flashpoint 2s?

    In my opinion both games should do well, I just hope that the release dates are a good distance apart to give both games an equal chance. However, i do agree with Ace from the CM forums:
  17. FireLord

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    I am glad BIS have taken the decision to set OFP2 in the near future. Not Vietnam/70s/80s. I certainly trust BIS to make a very good game. . I am very pleased with how it looks so far and what the gameplay has been stated to be like. In my opinion BIS did a very good job with OFP and have supported the community well and i cant wait to see what we get from OFP2 - I agree with this totally!