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Everything posted by FHA.Dynamo

  1. FHA.Dynamo

    OFP 2 Release

    i just dont understand some of you.. realy.. we have no clue what so ever of how far BIS is with OFP2, yet some are saying that it's going to be released sooner and some later then what has been stated by BIS. if bis says early 2006 then thats when it'll come.. now it is posible that they may release it sooner like December 2005, but that would only be true if BIS has that planned (set a later date and release OFP2 early and suprize the community). if the release date is pushed later then they most likely found some problems that need to be fixed first befor they finaly release it. there just isnt any point in discussing posible release dates, if we have no info on the progress of OFP2.
  2. FHA.Dynamo


    HAHAHA the XM8 is just a G36 with a new shell. man what a wast of money.. oh well the Germans need all the money they can get.
  3. FHA.Dynamo

    Game physics

    AGEIA PhysX PPU take some time and read over the site. if BIS doesnt impliment this into OFP2, it wount last too long in the market. most if not all games to be released in and after 2006 will have this technology. they are probily going to show a demenstration of what the PPU can do in this years E3. the fact is that this new technology will not only make OFP2 have incredible physics but also dramatically improve the overall engine proformance, since this PhysX PPU will free up alot or resouces off the CPU and GPU, i expect that OFP2 would run far batter than OFPR or VBS1 just having these things in OFP2 would be a huge leap from OFPR PhysX Processor Architecture has been designed to enable radical acceleration of: Rigid body dynamics Universal collision detection Finite element analysis Soft body dynamics Fluid dynamics Hair simulation Clothing simulation Key features: Stable, high-performance solver First and only multiprocessing physics API PC and console support Works alongside other game engines Supports vehicles, rag dolls, and character controllers Integrates with any renderer Full complement of code samples and tutorials World-class developer support and custom solutions pdf on all you need to know
  4. FHA.Dynamo

    make your own OFP2 screenshot

    thats the point. he wants us to make a fake screenshot of what we would expect OFP2 to look like.
  5. FHA.Dynamo

    Interface discussion

    how about a gear setup interface? it sucks to have 100+ versions of an M4.. wouldnt it be much better to have an interface where one can not only config his uniform but also his loadout *ie weapons, ammo. how hard would it be to have you select a base model M16, switch out the barrel to a M4 and add sights, scopes, lights, and other parts. this would greatly reduce the number and size of addons. it makes no sence to have to use an entirly different M4 addon just to get an M4 with a scope.
  6. FHA.Dynamo

    OFP2 Q&A

    its good to see something if even its not realy anything new. this just shows how proficient BIS is at torturing the community
  7. FHA.Dynamo

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Does VBS1 run smoother than OFPR? im happy with OFPR as it is, but if VBS1 is better optimized and runs smoother, i'd consider dishing out the cash for my own copy.
  8. FHA.Dynamo

    Competition for M16/M4 replacement opens

    hehehe every time i think about this i laugh HK took the M4 and modified it a bit.. HK's version was a huge improvment over the current M4's it could be fired underwater; droped in mud, sand, and go with out cleaning for over 5,000 rounds. lol no suprize, Colt told HK to get rid of it or they would sue them AHAHAHAHA
  9. FHA.Dynamo

    Competition for M16/M4 replacement opens

    sigh... the XM-8 is just a HK G36 with a new outer shell... given the G36 is a great weapon. they just repackaged the G36 to appeal more towards the US. i say scrap the XM-8 and get G36's..
  10. FHA.Dynamo

    Game physics

    I dont think it would be too hard to impliment this new technology into OFP2.. like common.. the new Unreal engine is comming out this April, and it already has this in it. thoe you wont see anything untill you buy the new PhyX card come Xmas 2005, i think most hardcore PC gamers will have their own PhyX card befor the releas of OFP2. ... i know i will. as i see it.. BIS has plenty of time to make it work for OFP2, and this PhyX card can greatly improve the look of OFP2 with out impacting the proformance of the game (which is still a big issue with OFPR). It would make sence to impliment this into OFP2 since it's releas date is for sometime in 2006. by then you can bet that most games that will be released will have this technology incorperated into it. one thing that i keep thinking about, is that this new card can be updated to keep the new games of 2006 looking great for longer than any game befor them.