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Everything posted by Ferron

  1. Ferron


    I think you need C++ to make an actual .cpp file. What I did was just DePBOed an addon(a lot of addon downloads come with a seperate config.cpp file anyways) and used that file as a base (template) file. You need the Defines at the first of the file anyways , so just delete the rest of the content , then , when you need a .cpp file , just copy your template file. The sad part in my case is , I have C++ Visual Studio loaded (for another game) but I haven't got the first clue about using it for anything. One thing to note: Don't change the file extension on your .cpp file to something else , because it will no longer be a C++ file when you change it back. .cpp files can be openned with Notepad or Wordpad.
  2. Ferron

    Help Wanted

    Okay, I've never worked with modelling, and you're probably very familiar with this, but I'll suggest it just in case. I've changed the "Pilot View" in the Config.cpp for some customized characters(mostly adaptations of Blink Dog's various Amazon Ladies). Second , Dealing with the voices , I use Peter, John and Jonah usually, in a pitch of around 1.200 and up (too high and I have a chipmunk). For the female units though, I've robbed some female screams from another game , so at least when they get shot , they scream like women. Below is the config for the key unit.(It's a retextured version of Blink Dog's GSmisKKK. When I get the textures to where I want them , I need to try to get a hold of him to see if he can repath the textures to it's own model) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgPatches { class BlackCanary { units[] = {BKCanBase,BKCanC,BKCanE,BKCanR,BKCanW}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.46; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All { class ViewPilotBase{}; }; class AllVehicles:All{}; class Land:AllVehicles{}; class Man:Land{}; class Soldier:Man{}; class BKCanBase: Soldier { scope=1; vehicleClass="Men"; icon="soldier"; mapSize=0.5; model="\GCmisKKK\GCmisKKK.p3d"; picture="\GCmisKKK\BlackCanaryPic.paa"; nameSound="blackop"; moves=CfgMovesMC; extCameraPosition[]={0,-0.15,-2.5}; minGunElev=-65;maxGunElev=+70; minGunturn=-5;maxunTurn=+5; minGunturnAI=-30;maxGunTurnAI=+30; class ViewPilot: ViewPilotBase { initFov=0.90;minFov=0.35;maxFov=1.15; initAngleX=2;minAngleX=-65;maxAngleX=+70; initAngleY=0;minAngleY=-150;maxAngleY=+150; }; Fscream1[]={"\GCmiskkk\Fscrm1.ogg",db-30,0.95}; Fscream2[]={"\GCmiskkk\Fscrm2.ogg",db-30,1}; Fscream3[]={"\GCmiskkk\Fscrm3.ogg",db-30,1}; Fscream4[]={"\GCmiskkk\Fscrm4.ogg",db-30,1}; Fscream5[]={"\GCmiskkk\Fnoo.ogg",db-25,1}; hitSounds[]= { Fscream1,0.1, Fscream2,0.3, Fscream3,0.2, Fscream4,0.1, Fscream5,0.3 }; accuracy=0.60; audible=0.005; sensitivity=2.0; sensitivityEar=0.6; precision=1; camouflage=0.001; nightVision=1; canFloat=1; attendant=1; canHideBodies=true; hiddenSelections[]={"medic","heal"}; threat[]={0.6,0.2,0.01}; irTarget=false; formationX=1; formationZ=1; destrType=DestructMan; type=2; armor=12; armorStructural=2.5; armorHead=1.00; armorBody=1.20; armorHands=0.80; armorLegs=1.00; displayName="Black Canary"; weaponSlots="1 + 16 + 2 * 4096 + 8 * 256"; cost=20000; }; class BKCanC:BKCanBase { scope=2; side=3; displayName="Dinah Drake"; weaponSlots="1 + 16 + 2 * 4096 + 4 * 256"; weapons[]={StrokeFist,FE_Throw,FE_Put,Binocular,NVGoggles}; magazines[]={StrokeFist,SmokeShellBlack,SmokeShellBlack,SmokeShellBlack,SmokeShellBlack}; cost=100; }; class BKCanE:BKCanBase { scope=2; side=0; displayName="Black Canary (Assassin)"; nameSound="specnas"; attendant=0; camouflage=0.0005; weapons[]={StrokeGun,mVSS,FE_Throw,FE_Put,Binocular,NVGoggles}; magazines[]={StrokeGun,mVSSmag,mVSSmag,mVSSmag,mVSSmag,SEBC4,SEBC4,SmokeShellBlack,SmokeShellBlack}; }; class BKCanR:BKCanBase { scope=2; side=2; displayName="Black Canary (Expatriot)"; weapons[]={StrokeGun,MP9smg,FE_Throw,FE_Put,Binocular,NVGoggles}; magazines[]={StrokeGun,MP9mm,MP9mm,MP9mm,MP9mm,SEBC4,SEBC4,SmokeShellBlack,SmokeShellBlack}; }; class BKCanW:BKCanBase { scope=2; side=1; weapons[]={StrokeGun,FEM3A2G,FE_Throw,FE_Put,Binocular,NVGoggles}; magazines[]={StrokeGun,FEM3A2,FEM3A2,FEM3A2,FEM3A2,SEBC4,SEBC4,SmokeShellBlack,SmokeShellBlack}; }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyWeapon {}; class ProxySteyr: ProxyWeapon {}; }; That's not the original game Pilot Views , but you get the idea. Soundwise, for all the other female characters I modified the configs of , I had to copy the following section to each in order for it to work: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> Fscream1[]={"\GCmiskkk\Fscrm1.ogg",db-30,0.95}; Fscream2[]={"\GCmiskkk\Fscrm2.ogg",db-30,1}; Fscream3[]={"\GCmiskkk\Fscrm3.ogg",db-30,1}; Fscream4[]={"\GCmiskkk\Fscrm4.ogg",db-30,1}; Fscream5[]={"\GCmiskkk\Fnoo.ogg",db-25,1}; hitSounds[]= { Fscream1,0.1, Fscream2,0.3, Fscream3,0.2, Fscream4,0.1, Fscream5,0.3 }; This saved having to add the .wav files to each addon. The one downside is that this addon has to be in the Addons folder for the rest to work. By the way, I've got the notion in my head that the total of the second entries for each in the hitSounds[]={}; have to equal 1, I think they are percentages. Someone more familiar with configurations will probably know how to add other voice wav files. I hope this is of some help to you , or someone at least. I look forward to the release of your addon and need to ask a favour. Could you include a config.ccp file with the addon if you binarize it. I run v1.46 still and have to convert all the newer addons so they'll run in that version. I have no way to decode a .bin file. Thanks ahead of time , good luck yto you and keep up the excellent work.