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About FCOPZ-illuminator

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    Staff Sergeant
  1. FCOPZ-illuminator

    Respawn in vehicle using respawn module

    With the latest patch, the mentioned error no longer exist. N1 BI. Now i have the vehicle Name in the respawn menu back again, instead of having this funny error - AI: Error: No Unit Topic closed, from my Point of view. :)
  2. FCOPZ-illuminator

    Respawn in vehicle using respawn module

    Hi guys, until the final release of the game everything was working fine. Mobile Respawn was working including the right description in the spawn menu. Now i get a confusing Discription within the respawn menu: AI: Error: No Unit http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/6356/2uaf.jpg (282 kB) But the respawn it self is working. Name of mobile respawn car in Editor is: Ifrit Anyone an idea whats going on here? THX illu
  3. FCOPZ-illuminator

    Respawn in vehicle using respawn module

    Works great! Issue solved. Thanks guys. :)
  4. FCOPZ-illuminator

    Respawn in vehicle using respawn module

    Yeah Moricky, this is working, really! You made my day. ;) Still found a small bug/Problem (?) using the mobile respawn, in the spawn menu. I gave the spawn maker in Name (in this case "Hunter"), that user is aware of it, where to respawn. But in the spawn menu only the name of my unit is displayed ("Rifleman" instead of "Hunter"). http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/6631/nqfg.jpg (259 kB) Also possible to fix it? ;) Thanks in advance. illu
  5. Hi guys, today i played around a bit, using the general respawn module in multiplayer. It works great to define different respawn points. So, my last issue is, that i'd like to offer in this spawn menu a respawn in a vehicle. Any chance to manage this somehow, using the general spawn module? THX in advance illu
  6. FCOPZ-illuminator

    Squad.xml not working properly

    I guess it's just because of the Alpha Status. We already had this feature in ArmA before. So i'm quite sure we will also have this in the final game. But at the Moment, no official comment yet...
  7. FCOPZ-illuminator

    Squad.xml not working properly

    Don't know. But just compare the logo. The better one is in 128 x 128. http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/7538/arma32.jpg (153 kB)
  8. FCOPZ-illuminator

    sideChat only local

    Hi guys, i've question regarding "sideChat". As i know (in the meanwhile) "sideChat" is only working on my local host, if i'm hosting a Coop mission on my computer. *gg* I'm trying to give a kind of mission status report to all connected clients via "sideChat" command. I'm unable to manage it. So, i tried to use the PublicVariable, like this: Trigger "Sidechat1" Activation: Sidechat1=true; publicVariable "Sidechat1"; Trigger "Sidechat1_1" Condition: !isServer and Sidechat1 Activation: [East,"HQ"] sideChat "My Text bla blub." But this way of working is not working at all. The message does not appear on my pc, even as host. Anyone an idea how it's working? Would be great. Thanks in advance. illu
  9. FCOPZ-illuminator

    Squad.xml not working properly

    I already fixed it guys. By the way. It's also working with 512 x 512. But better result using the 128 x 128 format. http://portal.fcopz.com/showpost.php?p=53348&postcount=1
  10. FCOPZ-illuminator

    Squad.xml not working properly

    Hi guys, i just have a question regarding the Squad.xml featue. I already took over my squad.xml from ArmA and ArmA2, which is working there without any problems. But if i take over it to ArmA3, if have the following issue: Text will be displayes, but no logo. I only see a kind of "shadow" on this place, where the logo should be available. If i use a PNG file or JPG as logo, instead of PAA, it's viewable. But alpha channel is missing: http://www.abload.de/img/arma32013-03-0621-25-olypf.png (687 kB) http://www.abload.de/img/arma32013-03-0621-54-s4jtn.png (825 kB) I guess it's still a bug? Or any changes on functionality it self in ArmA3? Cheers illu
  11. Yes, it's a server setting. Kill Cam as well. Also true for vehicle third person view You can disable/enable it. Just enable the the HC mode (hardcore) to disable everything (kill cam, 3d spotting, third person on vehicle, crosshair ect...) This is already possible within Bad Company 2 and will be possible in BF3 too.
  12. FCOPZ-illuminator

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Still no official statement, but i'm quite sure, they will... *g
  13. FCOPZ-illuminator

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Come on, you are funny my friend. You know, thats not a playable resolution/quality setting ;) I mean, thats doenst looks worst ever seen.
  14. This only could be the reason. The class name for weapon or just a bug. :(I got the weapon class name from two different sites (ArmA WiKi and a ArmA Editing website). A temporary solution looks a bit crazy, if the Harrier flys a airstrike for the russian party.
  15. Hi IndeedPete, sorry but your stuff with the gunner doesnt work. Ok, i modified the script like this, to get this script running with a SU25.. ;=========DEFINE======================= _Ziel=_this select 0; _dropPosition = getpos _Ziel; ~0.5 _dropPosX = _dropPosition select 0; _dropPosY = _dropPosition select 1; _dropPosZ = _dropPosition select 2; ~0.1 _planespawnpos = [_dropPosX + 3000, _dropPosY, _dropPosZ + 1000]; _pilotspawnpos = [_dropPosX + 3000, _dropPosY, _dropPosZ + 1000]; ;=========CREATE======================= _PlaneG = creategroup EAST; _plane = createVehicle [[b]"Su25_Ins[/b]",_planespawnpos,[], 0, "FLY"]; _plane setPos [(getPos _plane select 0),(getPos _plane select 1),900] ; _pilot = "Pilot" createUnit [getMarkerPos "Firedirection2", _PlaneG, "P2=this"]; _Plane setVelocity [100,0,0] ; ~0.4 P2 moveinDriver _plane; P2 setDamage 0; P2 action ["gear_up", vehicle P2] ; _plane flyinHeight 100; #CHECK P2 doMove getPos _Ziel; P2 doTarget _Ziel; P2 doWatch _Ziel; ? (_plane distance _Ziel) < 1500 : goto "DROP" goto "CHECK" ;=========FIRE======================= #DROP _i = 0 _plane flyInHeight 100; _plane setPos [(getPos _plane select 0),(getPos _plane select 1),100] ; ~13 #FIRE _i=_i+1 _plane fire "[b]AirBombLauncher[/b]"; ~0.2 ? _i <= 6 : goto "FIRE" ;=========FLY AWAY======================= _Ziel setPos [0,0,0]; "Firedirection2" setMarkerPos [0,0]; ~4 _plane flyInHeight 300; P2 doMove getPos _Ziel; #Check2 _plane setDamage 0; P2 setDamage 0; ? (_plane distance Player) > 2500 : goto "ENDE"; goto "Check2" ;=========DELETE======================== #ENDE; deleteVehicle _plane; deleteGroup _PlaneG deleteVehicle P2; exit The Su25_Ins has 4 FAB bombs (see here). I also changed the _plane fire classname, based on http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Worldeater%27s_Sandbox, which is AirBombLauncher for the SU. But the SU dont drop any bombs :confused: Do you have an idea ?