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About Faceless16

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  1. First things first, thanks for the information yesterday on the questions. I have a big complaint though. I barely have any words to explain how angry I was yesterday when I tested out some new addons for a Black Hawk Down mission I want to make. The immersion factor was totally smashed and also it seemed a bit of a racial thing when my African militia RPG 7 soldier had WATERMELONS substituted for rockets!!!! What in the heck is this all about? I've looked all over for a more serious addon but havent seemed to find one. Any info on where I can get a good Militia addon would be appreciated. That was totally uncalled for.
  2. I just added lots of addons into my addons folders. For anyone that read my earlier post youll know that I pretty much got rid of some old addons but not all. Anyway, I get this message now... Cannot create 3d Device Adapter 0(128MBDDR ATI Radeon 9800 Pro) Fullscreen Resolution1024x768, format x8R8G8B8/D24S8, refresh 75 hz. Error D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY. Whats the deal here folks?
  3. Faceless16

    Quick question about addons folks......

    Thanks for the info! I'm not really to much into the multiplayer though, so I should be ok huh? Just to be safe I'm going to go ahead and take out some of the addons. As far as the mod folder is concerned, I really dont know how to make one but I'll try it if I could get some info on how its done. Its no major concern though. Thanks again.
  4. I was wondering if to many addons in your OFP folder would cause any problems in your game? I was into the WWII scenario for a minute but I've found myself wanting to get into more modern conflicts, and I've just downloaded the Y2K3 config, Tonal+Opfor, and various other islands and addons. My folder is packed with WWII addons and now I'm going to install a pile of modern addons. Should I get rid of some of the old addons or just go ahead and add the new ones? Thanks in advance!!
  5. Faceless16

    Ofp firefights, are they.......

    Yea, it is pretty old game if ya look at it huh? By the way whats JAM and Tonal? I only pop up here every now and then and sometimes I'm not quite up to speed on things.
  6. Faceless16

    Ofp firefights, are they.......

    Realistic in your opinion? Dont get me wrong, OFP is a great game, but if you really sit back and take a look at it, the firefights arent very realistic at all. The only fighting that takes place is all in the open, I mean everyone eventually will just die because there is no lean around the corner features for the player and the AI most definitely doesnt really use cover or anything. I think it would be a little better if the A.I would actually be afraid of suppressing fire and actually would hide and shoot around corners dont ya think?
  7. Faceless16

    Y2k3 config?

    Has anyone tested this new mod for OFP yet? I only come around every so often and I was just wondering if this was a mod worth trying out. Thanks!!!
  8. Faceless16

    Y2k3 config?

    Has anyone tested this new mod for OFP yet? I only come around every so often and I was just wondering if this was a mod worth trying out. Thanks!!!
  9. Faceless16

    You and flashpoint today: a poll

    Dont play much anymore. When I do play, I usually play around in the editor a bit and make small skirmishes, usually recreating some part of a war movie I recently looked at.
  10. Faceless16

    Which theatre are you most looking forward to?

    I would have to pass on the Vietnam scenery, because I dont think a game as vast as this can render it and make it look good enough, also trip wires , ambushes, tunnel systems, etc. i doubt very seriously that it can get done and done well, scratch the Vietnam side. Personally I think that the current landscape is great! I suppose Central Europe might be somewhat similar to what we already have, so I'll go with Central Europe!