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About Frosty_theAussie

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  1. Frosty_theAussie

    1.4 VS 1.5 with E6600 + 8800GTX

    Having a few problems there, AMA31?
  2. Frosty_theAussie

    Command Engine 2

    Erm, it's not really that hard. Armed Assault is practically Flashpoint, just HDR-ed up.
  3. Frosty_theAussie

    Command Engine 2

    Does anybody know of any efforts to port Command Engine 2 (from Operation Flashpoint) to Armed Assault. If none exist, would it be okay for me to do so with permission of the original creators?
  4. Frosty_theAussie

    How do i disable hdr?

    I'm talking about the day-time. I have trouble seeing in real life in low light situations as it is, and have to fine-tune the gamma settings on my monitor to see properly, and the constant changing of the lighting is like a slap in the face. One minute when I'm facing away from the direction of the sun, it's fine. The very second I turn around, bam, the lighting has gone darker. It's too sudden and too drastic, it makes it harder to see to the point where I'm not having fun. This is a game, not real-life. If I pay for a game, I can play it any way I like, so long as I'm having fun - that's what games are for. Not everybody wants an ultra-realistic sim that's 100% like real-life. Users should be able to choose what features they would like enabled, and this is already implemented to a degree in the difficulty panel. I'm talking about single-player, by the way. I understand that being able to disable HDR in MP would give players an unfair advantage. I would like to play the game off-line to have the most fun. And yes, I enjoy rocket-jumping hi-jinks. But I don't see how a graphical feature such as this would make you think that the user is criticising the realism of the game, as opposed to a graphical element. It's not like we're saying "OMG I GET KILED WIHT 1 BULLET THIS GAME SUX". Edit: For instance, how about map editing? It makes it harder to test the placement of units and objects when you can only see them clearly from one direction.
  5. Frosty_theAussie

    Horrible Performance...

    I find it hard to accept that an update of a six year old graphics engine runs twice/three times as slow on my PC as games that have been released in the last 8 months.
  6. Frosty_theAussie

    Hardware Issues: Tips/Tricks/Solutions

    This computer has been newly formatted, with all the latest drivers installed and runs all other games absolutely fine, but when it comes to Armed Assault it's very laggy, even with all the settings on lowest. Particularly in town areas. I'm not sure why. My specs are: AMD Athlon XP 3200+ ATI Radeon X800XT 256MB 1024MB DDR400 RAM
  7. Frosty_theAussie

    How to disable "HDR"?

    Sorry! I accidently put part of my post within the quote tags :X
  8. Frosty_theAussie

    How do i disable hdr?

    I don't know how people can claim this effect is realistic. The "glare" where everything darkens in real life is gradual and subtle, but people who are experiencing this bug/effect are noticing it immediately to the point where the constant changes are distracting.
  9. Frosty_theAussie

    How to disable "HDR"?

    Well, that sucks. I hate the way the lighting is costantly always changing, it's distracting.