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Everything posted by Fragger

  1. Fragger


    I've tried everything in this forum to get the game to stop crashing, but to no effect at all... Even if I put all the settings to very low, with the maxmem command in the shortcut and after defragmenting the computer with the game reinstalled and patched to 1.08, it STILL wont stop crashing. My spec is: e6600 8800gtx 2gb 800mhz ddr2 ram p5b deluxe I would have thought this meets the stated minimum requirements of the game, but I've been proven otherwise lol. Keep up the good work BIS...
  2. Fragger


    Soz to resurrect old thread, but wanted to say that I've formatted my HDD and installed XP instead of Vista. The performance is MUCH better on XP! I don't have to bother with that -maxmem rubbish now and I've only had one crash so far when playing for a very long time (the 800700e error). I think increasing the virtual memory to 3gb has fixed it... havn't had another crash for a while. Also wondering if people are having performance issues with 8800gtx on XP? I can play with default textures and the rest on normal / high, although I have to play with the shadows disabled which does lose some realism. I'm playing on a res of 1920 x 1200 which may be explanation.
  3. Fragger


    Hmm I tried reinstalling the game but it still crashes, and to add a bit of variety I'm now getting BSODs related to the graphics card... Fault module is d3d9.dll. Maybe I should try reinstalling Vista / XP? My computer seems a bit messed up atm lol.
  4. Fragger


    Spoke too soon... crashed again.
  5. Fragger


    Thanks for all the help, I've managed to get the game working (or at least for much longer than all the other times when it crashed)! I'm not sure what fixed the problem exactly, but I installed the latest DirectX (still caused crashes) and then used a program called RegCure. After using RegCure the frequent crashes stopped... I could move around the largest cities for ages without a single problem! Is it still recommended for me to use the -maxmem 512 command in the shortcut (I had terrible problems with the dreaded 8007000e error in past patches). Also, I've kept default textures off and left it on normal... is there a difference?
  6. Fragger


    Not sure if this will help, but the fault module name each time is arma.exe, although I once got DINPUT8.dll which I'm unsure about.
  7. Fragger


    Thanks for replies, my game crashes about 10-20 mins after starting the game but it is very random. I got the forceware driver 163.11 for my gfx card and the latest driver for my X-Fi Xtreme Music sound card. The sound works fine in the game, so I hope I don't have to use onboard sound . I've got Vista 32, but the game used to be playable before the latest patch. Not sure about the DirectX... I've got version 10.
  8. Fragger

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    I got: e6600 OC @ 3.6ghz 2gb ddr2 800mhz RAM 8800gtx X-fi Vista32 Forceware 160.03 Performance is MUCH worse in patch 1.08 compared with previous patch... stutters alot and fps falls to around 15 near large city. Got settings on default for texture, everything else on normal and VD 1200. Havnt got a crash but game is simply unplayable
  9. Fragger

    1.07 and Geforce 8800

    I got an 8800gtx, and after trying the new 1.07 beta patch I get strange texture corruption: It only happens when I go into third person view. I also get lod problems and textures being slow to load. I find that the -maxmem 512 fix in the shortcut removes these problems, although I occasionaly get the 800700e error (which shouldnt appear with maxmem...) I've also got worse performance in this patch than 1.05. If I disable shadow and put the other settings down slightly, then I dont get the 800700e error and the game runs very smoothly, others could try that if nothing else works. Think BIS are doing good job otherwise in fixing other annoying bugs
  10. Fragger

    8007000e Error in Vista

    The -maxmem=512 has stopped the game from crashing for me, although the LOD tends to get very low after playing the game for a few minutes. Increasing the virtual memory from 2gb to 3gb also seems to prevent the game from crashing but the LOD still seems to suffer. Hoping for a new patch relatively soon!
  11. Fragger

    8007000e Error in Vista

    Also joining the 8007000e Error party... usually can't play game for 10-20 minutes before I get a ctd. Sometimes it just crashes without any error shown. This appears to be alot more frequent with the 1.05 patch installed. It also seems to be more likely to crash in MP although this might be due to more complex maps. My rig: E6600 @ 3.6ghz (stable) 2gb ddr2-800 ram (stable) 8800gtx not oc'ed (driver : 100.65) X-Fi Xtreme Music soundcard Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit I used to play on XP SP2 as well before upgrade to vista, and game hardly crashed at all on it (didnt get any 8007000e errors, just random ctd's).