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Everything posted by Figadas

  1. Hi guys, Is the new version compatible only with TS3 3.0.6 or does it work ok with 3.0.5? The reason I'm asking is because I also have TARS which is not yet compatible with TS3 3.0.6, so I really didn't want to update unless it is really necessary. regards, Figadas
  2. Figadas

    6thSense.eu Presents: "Pack1"

    Never mind.... all fixed now.. tried so many things that I'm not sure what was causing and neither what solved the problem... Great job again sickboy! Thanks guys.
  3. Figadas

    6thSense.eu Presents: "Pack1"

    Hi guys, Since I updated to v0.3/v0.3f I'm having problems with my game's sounds (music and FX). Older versions were running flawless, it could be this ExtendedINIT thing? thanks Btw, I'm using Chammy's Sound Mod also and never had problem with the Sound Mod and older 6thSense versions.
  4. Figadas

    Chammys Sound Mod

    I vote for 1, if will not cause you any trouble. Btw, thanks Chammy and you EvEnLeaSe44 for this masterpiece!
  5. Figadas

    TcM Crap Sky 1.0

    Opa, obrigado Bonko! best regards, Figadas
  6. Figadas

    TcM Crap Sky 1.0

    Hi! I can't find this sky anywhere. Could someone please send it to me? figadas@ofp.com.br Thanks a lot! regards.
  7. Figadas

    Ofp map symbols

    Hi, please, I'm looking for a chart or something with the description of all the map symbols (infantry, armored, etc..). Thanks
  8. Figadas

    Ofp map symbols

    Thanks a lot folks!
  9. Figadas

    Ofp map symbols

    Hi, thanks for the reply! I'm looking for something like this with the default OFP symbols.
  10. Figadas

    Ecp released!

    Hi, GREAT WORK! Congrats! Download Mirrors: ECP ECP config files (unencrypted) Dynamic range (new wss format sounds)
  11. Hi, I need a little help... I want to know the script to remove crosshairs to the mission. I need to edit each missoin, or is this a server script? Tnx a lot.
  12. IT'S DONE!!!!! Tnx a lot for everyone's attention; Suchey helped me and everything is working now. Tnx!
  13. Tnx a lot Ralph! I'm sure that it is too. Ok, If someone knows about it I'll be really glad. Tnx again Ralph and Harnu, I'll keep searching...
  14. Don't think so Harnu, I want to force the client to play without the crosshairs. Everybody will be forced to play without the crosshair. Probably it's a server config... I wanna try to take of the little zoom (right click of the mouse)... don't even know if it's possible to do
  15. Figadas

    That old french infantry pack..

    Hi... sorry, the french site that have this addons is temporarily down... sorry for that. We're searching for a new link... I'll keep you informed. Tnx Hi guys, I found a french infantry, the link is fixed for this zip! Sorry for any inconvenience. Take a look and check if this is the infantry that you're looking for MotherRussia. You can get it at http://www.pelotaofab.com/downloads.asp?cat=16