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Posts posted by FAR-Warrior

  1. Okay, also wheres the list of weapon names. Meaning, the like this addweapon m16.

    EDIT: lol, nevermind.

    FAMAS F1: OFrP_FAMASF1 (type: primary weapon)

    FAMAS Infanterie: OFrP_FAMASF1AimPt (type: primary weapon)

    Chargeur FAMAS toutes versions: OFrP_FAMASmag (type: 1 item)

    Grenade AC58: OFrP_AC58 (type: 2 items)

    Grenade APAV58: OFrP_AP58 (type: 2 items)

    MAC50: OFrP_MAC50 (type: HandGun)

    Chargeur MAC50: OFrP_MAC50mag (type 1 HG item)

    PAMAS G1: OFrP_PAMAS (type: HandGun)

    Chargeur PAMAS: OFrP_PAMASmag (type 1 HG item)

    Grenade defensive Å• fragmentation: OFrP_HandDefGren (type: 1 item)

    Grenade offensive Å• fragmentation: OFrP_HandMiniGren (type: 1 item)

    Grenade offensive Å• concussion: OFrP_HandBlastgren (type: 1 item)

    Minimi: OFrP_Minimi (type: primary weapon)

    Chargeur Minimi: OFrP_Minimimag (type: 3 items)

    ANF1 lourde: OFrP_ANF1H (type: primary+secondary weapon)

    Chargeur100c ANF1: OFrP_ANF1Hmag (type: 2 items)

    ANF1 légÄre: OFrP_ANF1L (type: primary+secondary weapon)

    Chargeur50c ANF1: OFrP_ANF1Lmag (type: 1 item)

    FrF2: OFrP_FRF2 (type: primary weapon)

    Chargeur FrF2: OFrP_FRF2mag (type: 1 item)

    HecateII: OFrP_HecateII (type: primary+secondary weapon)

    Chargeur APEI pour Hecate: OFrP_HecateIIAPEImag (type: 2 items)

    Chargeur AP pour Hecate: OFrP_HecateIIAPmag (type: 2 items)

    Lanceur Eryx: OFrP_EryxLauncher (type: secondary weapon)

    Missile Eryx: OFrP_Eryxmag (type: 6 items)

    Lanceur Apilas: OFrP_ApilasLauncher (type: secondary weapon)

    Roquette Apilas: OFrP_Apilasmag (type: 4 items)

    Lanceur ABL: OFrP_ABLLauncher (type: secondary weapon)

    Roquette ABL: OFrP_ABLmag (type: 3 items)

    Radio: OFrP_TRC9200 (type: secondary weapon)

  2. Tiens FFAK, essaye ça, c'est ce que j'utilise pour la campagne dynamique FAR pour comptabiliser les armes, ca te sera utile...

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    ; Compte le nombre de magazines et d'armes pour un groupe "nom_du_groupe" donné.

    ; Lancer le script via message radio : [nom_du_groupe] exec "mag.sqs"

    _liste = _this select 0



    _lj = units _liste

    _nbJoueurs=count _lj

    _magCount = []



    _u=_lj select _j

    ?(alive _u):_magazines=_magazines + (magazines _u)


    ?(_j < _nbJoueurs):goto "boucle1"


    _mag = _magazines select 0

    _mags = _mags + [_mag]

    _comp = format ["_x == ""%1""", _mag]

    _count = _comp count _magazines

    _magCount = _magCount + [_count]

    _magazines = _magazines - [_mag]

    ?count _magazines > 0: goto "loopmagazines"

    _text2= "Munitions Restantes :\n\n";

    _i = (count _mags) - 1


    _text2= _text2 + format ["%1 X %2\n", _magCount select _i, _mags select _i]

    _i = _i - 1

    ?_i >= 0: goto "loop3"



    _lj = units _liste

    _nbJoueurs=count _lj

    _weapCount = []



    _u=_lj select _j

    ?(alive _u):_weapons=_weapons + (weapons _u)


    ?(_j < _nbJoueurs):goto "boucle2"


    _weap = _weapons select 0

    _weaps = _weaps + [_weap]

    _comp = format ["_x == ""%1""", _weap]

    _count = _comp count _weapons

    _weapCount = _weapCount + [_count]

    _weapons = _weapons - [_weap]

    ?count _weapons > 0: goto "loopweapons"

    _text= "Armes Restantes :\n\n";

    _i = (count _weaps) - 1


    _text= _text + format ["%1 X %2\n", _weapCount select _i, _weaps select _i]

    _i = _i - 1

    ?_i >= 0: goto "loop2"


    hint format ["%1\n%2", _text2, _text]


    <span id='postcolor'>

  3. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (GAMEER_77 @ Sep. 20 2002,22:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">There must be a way of doing it, cause Kegetys made a Spectator script that only activates for one person. Probably really simple, but i don't make MP missions...

    tounge.gif PEACE<span id='postcolor'>

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">There must be a way of doing it, cause Kegetys made a Spectator script that only activates for one person. Probably really simple, but i don't make MP missions...

    tounge.gif PEACE<span id='postcolor'>

    Where can i download this script confused.gif

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think you could make something like

    ? player != leader player: exit

    <span id='postcolor'>

    Where must i make this confused.gif

  4. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It works fine but if i have only two players, i have <Null> instead of number of mags <span id='postcolor'>

    It works

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And if a player is dead, mags are always in list, and i'd like to have only mags of alives players...

    <span id='postcolor'>

    Dont work sad.gif When a player's dead, his mags always count sad.gif:(

  5. This script work fine, thx

    How to use this script for all units of a group in mp ??

    I try to do :

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_magazines1 = magazines bob

    _magazines2 = magazines bob1

    _magazines3 = magazines bob2

    _magazines = _magazines1 + _magazines2 + _magazines3<span id='postcolor'>

    It works fine but if i have only two players, i have <Null> instead of number of mags sad.gif

    And if a player is dead, mags are always in list, and i'd like to have only mags of alives players...

  6. How to list all weapons and magazines for all players in mp missions confused.gif

    With command "magazines player" and "weapons player", it's ok, but when there're 4 M16 mag for exemple, i have "M16mag","M16mag","M16mag","M16mag" and i'd like to have "4 - M16mag".

    And i'd like to have the player name before each player's list...

    It's for MP missions...

