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About funbags

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  1. funbags

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    @ m21man... Huh? Ofp is nothing like GTAIII with the exception that you drive vehicles. Not to mention that there's a fine line between adding difficulty and sabotaging the usefulness of a vehicle. The very fact that it's lightly armored compared to an m113 or an m2a2 is apparent. Last I heard the brdm was a combat vehicle equipped with NBC protective measures. How useful is NBC protection if one bullet can pierce the windshield? That's beside the point. I'm simply saying that there's essentially no difference between the brdm and the uaz in this case since they both have guns and they are both very susceptable to gunfire. So it just seems redundant. I guess that means that the bas brdm is just a slower less useful version of the uaz.
  2. funbags

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    In a shift of topic. I noticed the Opfor BRDM has a bug(?), you can shoot the driver if you aim just a little high on the windshield. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but. It's really bugging me since I want to use it but the whole cool thing about driving a BRDM into a firefight is that bullets don't do much... now it seems about as effective as driving a UAZ since the driver can die almost as easy.
  3. Thanks for the info I'll definitely give it a looking into.
  4. Nobody?!? At all can help me with this?! I've asked everywhere. Half the goddamned time I get "Yeah man, I wish I knew how to do that too". Normally I don't get very frustrated with this whole addon business but without the ability for the ai to use these weapons properly they're useless! I'm at the end of my rope. Someone... anyone. Answers, please! For the love of god!
  5. funbags

    Ai accuracy

    Is the accuracy variable more or less the thing which determines how stealthy an infantry unit is then? I wonder if it would be possible to make an infantry unit which is stealthy enough that anyone can shoot at it but, still covert enough to be able to sneak up behind ai and use strokefist to kill them. Might be neat for an espionage type mission, or a jailbreak type theme.
  6. Here's what I've been working on... The ai only seems to want to fire using the full-auto option. I can control the intervals of fire with the ai firing rate, but as I said. At closer ranges it's just retarded because they fire so fast that they end up shooting in the sky. I wanted basically a replica of the default game weapons to modify as I see fit since making a config.bin mod is beyond my abilities it seems. // some basic defines #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define WeaponNoSlot 0// dummy weapons #define WeaponSlotPrimary 1// primary weapons #define WeaponSlotSecondary 16// secondary weapons #define WeaponSlotItem 256// items #define WeaponSlotBinocular 4096// binocular #define WeaponHardMounted 65536 class CfgPatches { class ALTAK74 { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {ALTAK74}; requiredVersion = 1.30; }; class ALTAK74GL { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {ALTAK74GP}; requiredVersion = 1.30; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class default {}; class BulletSingle : default {}; class BulletSingleE : BulletSingle {}; }; class CfgWeapons { class default  {}; class MGun : default {}; class Riffle : MGun {}; class AK74 : Riffle {}; class GrenadeLauncher: Default{}; class AK74GrenadeLauncher:Default {}; class ALTAK74 : AK74 { scopeWeapon=2; scopeMagazine=2; model="AK_74_proxy"; modelOptics="optika_ak47"; picture="\dtaext\equip\m\m_ak74.paa"; optics=1; opticsFlare=0; opticsZoomMin=0.350000; opticsZoomMax=0.350000; displayName="AK74"; displayNameMagazine="AK74 Mag"; shortNameMagazine="AK74"; initspeed=900; drySound[]={"weapons\AK74Dry",0.010000,1}; magazines[]={"ALTAK74"}; modes[]={"Single","Burst","FullAuto"}; class Single { ammo="BulletSingleE"; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName="AK74 Semi"; dispersion=0.006500; sound[]={"Weapons\AK74Single",db0,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.010000; ffCount=1; recoil="riffleSingle"; autoFire=0; aiRateOfFire=4.000000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; }; class Burst { ammo="BulletBurstE"; multiplier=1; burst=3; displayName="AK74 Burst"; dispersion=0.006500; sound[]={"Weapons\AK74Burst",db0,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.10000; ffCount=3; recoil="riffleBurst3"; autoFire=0; aiRateOfFire=4.000000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; }; class FullAuto { ammo="BulletFullAutoE"; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName="AK74 Auto"; dispersion=0.007500; sound[]={"Weapons\AK74Full",db0,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.092000; ffCount=30; recoil="riffleBurst3"; autoFire=1; aiRateOfFire=0.50000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; }; }; class ALTAK74GP : AK74GrenadeLauncher { scopeWeapon=public; scopeMagazine=private; weaponType=1; displayName="AK74 GP"; model="\data3d\ak_74_granatomet_proxy"; picture="\dtaext\equip\w\w_ak74grenadelauncher.paa"; muzzles[] = {"ALTAK74Muzzle","ALTAK74GPMuzzle"}; class ALTAK74Muzzle : ALTAK74 { magazines[] = {ALTAK74}; } class ALTAK74GPMuzzle : GrenadeLauncher { modelOptics="optika_ak47_granatomet"; optics=1; opticsFlare=0; opticsZoomMin=0.350000; opticsZoomMax=0.350000; magazines[] = {"GrenadeLauncher","Flare","FlareGreen","FlareRed" ,"FlareYellow"}; } }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyWeapon {}; class ProxyALTAK74: ProxyWeapon {}; class ProxyALTAK74GP: ProxyWeapon {}; }; There's probably a lot wrong with it, I'm not exactly what you'd call expert at getting the right layout of these things. Still it does "work" in a technical sense. Just not the way I want it to.
  7. funbags

    Ai accuracy

    I tried setting Drakkhen's Mh6 to an accuracy of '0' and machinegunners shot at it alright... guys with anything else didn't seem to, which kind of sucks. I mean it would have been nice at the lowest setting for anything to be abel to shoot at it.
  8. funbags

    Converting bin to cpp

    Pbo Decryptor 1.3: http://west.flashpoint.ru/index.php?blogid=1&archive=2002-06 There's a link to it on that page somewhere closer to the bottom I think. However, if you just want something to look at bin files with. Then I suggest holding out until www.thechainofcommand.com gets their message board back up so you can download their bin viewer. I heard someone say 1.3 has difficulty converting negative values, or something like that. I'm definitely no expert on the subject. I can't recall where to get ofp manager, that works ok as well, only it fails to line up classes in some instances, or so I hear. Feh. I wish cheaters didn't take advantage of this client side editing or that it never existed. Making my own guns that work well is turning into a real chore. -Edit- Hold up... I just found out about Binedit from OFP internals. It seems like their site is gone now. The binedit tool sounds like all anyone would need for making their mods. I must find this tool. Gauranteed there are some elitist swine lurking around who'd stop an average joe like me from getting my hands on it to make my own mods under the pretense of culling the proliferation of cheating. Just you wait... *determined scowl*
  9. For the hell of it I just made myself an Ak74 and Ak74su addon. The dispersion is a bit looser as I find the only way an assault rifle could get groups as the ones do in OFP do is if they were performed in a ransom test. Anyhow. These are basically replicas of the ofp firearms in terms of functionality. Not interms of code structure. So I'm having problems getting the ai to use them exactly as the ofp counterparts are... The ai soldiers don't fire bursts with the guns even though they have an option to fire burst. The ai does it with the default ak47 and 74su, but not mine. I'd like to be able to include this useful ability with mine. I'm not sure what governs their propensity to want to fire full auto all the time. When they do I can set the reload time really low, effectively lowering their performance on the field. Or crank it up higher and as enemies get closer they literally recoil back and shoot into the sky because of the high firing rate. Am I missing something here? Is there a way to remedy this?
  10. funbags

    Converting bin to cpp

    CoC seem to be working on a tool that seems to have the capability. It's a .bin viewer with a non-functional option to convert to cpp. Although something like this might be a little dangerous in the wrong hands. I really wish something like that would be released. I understand the probability of some loser trying to make a cheat by decompiling a binary mod that edits the existing weapons. Aside from that I don't see any moral reason why cpp files shouldn't be allowed to be modified. I'd think people stealing artwork would be more looked down on, and more sought to be protected. Not just a config file.
  11. funbags

    Dispersion question.

    Ohh! Ok. Heh. Now things are starting to make sense here. Thanks for the help. Heh. I'm assuming all of the units of measurement in OFP are metric. So, would tenths, hundredths, thousandths be represented as centimeters, milimeters... etc?
  12. funbags

    Dispersion question.

    I don't see why this should be in the O2 forums and I know the general idea of what dispersion does. I want to know what the dispersion is measured in. For example, how would I go about simulating a bullet that has an approximate grouping on a target of 3 inches at 100 yards? I'm assuming the dispersion variable is based on some kind of measurement. Either that or im screwed and I'll have to find out some other convoluted way of trying to simulate a precise representation of a weapons accuracy.
  13. As it seems customary for any query in this damn message board to be preceeded with some kind of apologetic disclaimer regarding a previously asked question (even if it was researched and nothing of value comes up). I formally apologise if anything any words or their constituents, both vowels -and- consonants have been used previously in other posts. Having said that now on to my question. What is the dispersion variable modeled after? I'm trying to make a rifle that is represented as accurately as possible in terms of munition ballistics and the only data I have to model this after is target groups at certain ranges. What is the dispersion variable measured in? and at what range (if any) is the dispersion supposed to be representative of? I've asked around in other message boards (including OFPEC). And I haven't gotten an answer yet. Does anyone here know? Info would be greatly appreciated.
  14. I've been playing OFP for a while now. While I've never really had much of a problem with 1.46, or even 1.75. I have noticed that in 1.90 the lag seems to be more pronounced than it was before. Were there any changes in the 1.90 patch that rectified the lag issues people had in 1.85? (I didn't MP really with the 1.85 patch terribly much). There are only two ways I play ofp. One, by playing over a listen server hosted by myself and my friends. Or over a network. Aside from -not- playing on a listen server. Are there any ways that a listen server can be configured for better performance? Since it might be useful since I have found that lag has become an issue in some ways when in the past (circa: 1.46) it wasn't nearly as bad. BTW: I've searched this subject. Found nothing to my satisfaction... No bitching.
  15. funbags

    Choppy effects

    Yes. However I don't know the criteria under which you've observed these effects. However whenever I'm playing over the internet with version (1.46 and 1.90). I have noticed that when I play with certain people. The game starts out fine. However the quality of the framerate degenerates at some point of time. It just drops off. Far beneath what my framerate should be. I experience the occasional bit of lag when I play however usually thats manifested in the form of a guy who blinks in and out or something such as that. This seems to be an actual performance draining problem. Even when I exit the game. The main menu is just as slow and framerate choppy. Gameplay usually lasts about 15 to 20 minutes and then the framerate just dives. These are the circumstances under which I've experienced it: I play with a small group of people. I also host a listen server, since they live nearby and have broadband connections (save for one). We usually don't have to worry about lag. I've only experienced this problem when I was playing with someone who also had a broadband connection as I do. I have had -no- problem whatsoever with an acquaintance who had a 56k modem, whom I also played ofp with. Secondly. I've only experienced this problem when playing on unofficial maps and using addons. I have my performance settings set to a modest level which allows acceptable gameplay, as do the people I play with.