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Everything posted by Foonslice

  1. Foonslice

    Losing tem members in singleplayer

    If you lose men in the campaign, do you recieve less in the ones afterwards. I didn't think that this was a feature, but during the mission where you have to capture the base, I lost a couple o guys. In the next mission (counterattack) I had less to work with. I lost a couple here as well, and in the next missio I noticed I was a couple men down too. I haven't noticed this being mentioned as a feature of the game so is it just a conincidence that the game is giving me less and less soldiers per mission?
  2. Foonslice

    Losing tem members in singleplayer

    Untrained reinforcements? Wow, so does that mean that your surviving men from each mission actually increase in skill as the campaign progresses. I've got a medic who can only carry one weapon so I made him a sniper. So far he's been kept alive throughout the whole campaign and he's been quite a big help so far. It this because his skill is actually increasing!
  3. Whoah! I went to the above link and I was in campaign heaven. But then I realised that there wasn't any rating system for the campaigns. I downloaded CSLA and War On Terror but has anyone tried the other ones there. I'd rather know if they're any good before downloading huge files such as Taiwan 2002 or Terror In Malden. Can anyone tell me which of the campaigns there are great (being a perfectionist I only like to install missions that are classified as great!
  4. Foonslice

    Idea: para dropping ammo

    Great idea but don;t diss scripting. You can do some neato things with it. Remember the mission 'Alamo' in the Red Hammer campaign. If you haven't played it, here's what happens, it's a defenseive mission, but you can use the action menu to order troops to build fences anywhere in the area (tank trap fences, forces the incoming tanks to go around) and you can also tell them to move ammo crates to anywhere on the map. Then you can create mine traps to get the tanks! I'll bet that someone could create a script that can be triggered via the action menu. Remember that in the BIS Chinook mission there is a new addition to the action menu that gets all your passengers to bail out. Same thing could be done with ammo crates.
  5. Foonslice

    Loud foot step bug

    Well it seems that they finally eliminated that infuriating Loud Footstep bug in OFP Resistance, therefore proving that is wasn't the fault of the sound blaster drivers at all. Except there is only one thing. What about the rest of us who don't have Resistance? Are we going to get this bug removed or do we have to deal with it forevermore? Can we expect a version upgrade (to 1.75) for people without the Resistance Upgrade?
  6. Foonslice

    Ofp r mission #3 -steal tanks

    I was really dissapointed with this mission. After securing the base I ordered everyone into a tank in pairs of 2. I then formed the tanks into a straight line facing down the hill below the base, also placing the BMP just behind the wall of tanks. Then I waited...and waited. WHERE WERE THE ENEMY TANKS! Tazmanian Devil said that they were coming on strong this time, yet no tanks arrived. After giving up waiting I ordered the remaining troops to grab any repair and ammo trucks. On my way home I only encountered a T-72 and BMP. Not exactly 'coming on strong' eh? Anyone else wait for the Soviet tanks to arrive in this mission?
  7. Foonslice


    I'm at that mission right now! My GOD what a great mission, probbably my favourite of all time, so many ways to complete it. Please BIS! Make more like this! Also please all you mission builders make some like it too! I'd make some as well but...erm...I'm washing my hair tonight...yeah
  8. Foonslice

    Just wtf is super ai?

    As a long time Flashpoint player I've been quite happy with the AI in the game, but I've been meaning to ask for quite a while now, just what the hell is the Super AI option that cropped up since the Gold Upgrade? I've turned it on but I can't really tell the difference. Anyone care to shed light on this.
  9. After Getting mostly through the ammo convoy ambush mission ('Ammo Low' I ordered two of my soldiers to get in the trucks while the rest of us got into the Truck that we used to get to the ambush point. I drove along behind the ammo trucks to make sure they got back to base ok and they started to swerve left and right all the way back to base. I had to keep stopping and waiting for the idiots to get back on the road. After completing the mission I thought nothing more of it. Then I tried a quick mission (that I had already tried before) where you had to escort a convoy. I was at the back of the convoy in a truck and, much to my horror, the trucks in front of me started to drive in the most insane manner imaginable. They started off real slow, (while the jeep in front shot right ahead) and then started to stop and reverse and drive around each other in circles despite the fact that there was absolutley nothing in their way. This went on until the commander shouted at me for lagging behind, even though I was stuck behind the other morons. This certainly ain't happened before. Has anyone else noticed any crap AI in Resistance? And has anyone noticed any awful driving by AI soldiers?