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About Flakman

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  1. Flakman

    Interface discussion

    Perhaps the addition of a global radio infrastructure would be good?  It would enable the player to hear all radio commands from all AI players in the area - even ones from different squads. It could be quite confusing at first, but would lead to greater situational awareness after time. It could perhaps be implemented by using varing frequency bands on a radio  I'm not too sure as to how realistic this would be when compared to the real world - but I quite like the idea.
  2. Flakman


    I think the addition of concrete pillboxes (spelling may be incorrect, sorry) would really add to the gameplay, adding a new dynamic to the idea of a 'base'. The ability to use and position them in the mission editor would also be a great idea. Plus, if they were connectable with tunnels or passageways it would be possible to build something like to French 'Maginot Line'. It could also be used in a Vietnam setting, but with a more rustiic feel, of course.