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About Facemeister75

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  1. Facemeister75

    Resistance better not mark the end...

    I just prepurchased my copy of Resistance a couple of days ago and cannot wait to get in it,but I just noticed something that everybody probably already did. It is an expansion pack of the third and last faction in the original flashpoint. At first I thought it was a whole new game within itself but I finally just caught on. Flashpoint:Cold War Crisis(Western), Red Hammer(Eastern), and Resistance(Resistance). Seeing that that is the last faction I hope the developers don't stop with Resistance. Yeah I know its early to even worry about it but I am a Flashpoint Fanatic and I want to see for years to come.What do you all think?? Picture a knew flashpoint with the crisp clean graphics like Medal of Honor or Wolfenstein,that would be TIGHT!!! SUPA SWEET!!! now wouldn't it??
  2. Facemeister75

    Wrpedit pioneers

    There is a serious lack of urban warfare on ofp so whoever makes the islands can you make one with a big city please??
  3. Facemeister75

    Where could it be?

    Ay Speeeedy!! Tell me it ain't so. Are you tellin' me that Resistance is going to have a big city on the island?? You seen some screen shots? If so, thanks for the good news.
  4. Facemeister75

    Where could it be?

    Recently saw Black Hawk Down and loved it,now of course you know I want to recreate it!! Damn!! I can't recreate it without a map that has a nice size city on it for that good ol' urban warfare. Also, on the addon sights that I know of I don't see any Somali militia or those pickup trucks with the 50 cals mounted on them that the militia drove around the city! Out of all the cool add ons out there, that movie made me recognize that there are no Islands with big cities. Could one of you slick Island makers and skin makers pleeeeze make an Island where there can be urban warfare and the Somali militia?? If I could do it myself I would but I'm still reading up on how to create and honestly I'm not getting it. I know you all have seen the movie and you can't make me believe that it didn't inspire you.I know it did. Lets get that city and the militia goin' on. Thanks.
  5. Facemeister75

    Massive missions

    I have 1.47 ghz, a Geforce 3 card and 256 mb, and I love huge missions with hundreds of soldiers and vehicles. Here is my question. I'm running a pretty good system I think but I always have to delete more than half of what I create on the editor because of choppiness/slowdown. I feel that if it is possible to put all of those soldiers on screen that it should be possible to run smoothly also, why have the option to place massive units and the game will not run right. I will be getting a Geforce 4 Ti soon but I have a funny feeling that it's not going to make a difference. Am I right or wrong?? Will I ever be able to make my kind of missions or will I just have to settle for less??
  6. Just made a mission where my russian comrades and I push back the last resistance fighters of Malden. There are 3 infantry groups that start the frontal assault which I am part of.As the firefight rages on three of my bmps arrive loaded with reinforcements,but what might you ask do the reinforcements do? Damn, the ai on flashpoint is crazy sometimes as I'm sure everybody knows.The soldiers get out of the transports and run the other DAMN direction than where the battle is taking place leaving me and the others to die.Die valiant deaths may I add. They run a long ways back and then turn around to join the fight despite the fact that the waypoints are set for them to charge straight into the battle after unloading. Any suggestions?? Does that super ai option have any effect on things(The looney soldiers previously stated, helicopters crashing in midair, soldiers getting out of vehicles and just laying there, etc).
  7. Facemeister75

    Radio messages

    That voice command stuff and cutscenes is a little to difficult for me to grasp. I consider myself on the bright side but I cant get that stuff to work for the life of me.
  8. Facemeister75

    Mission ideas

    I don't know if this will seem like same ol same ol for ya but I just finished a mission where the free malden guerillas(FM Guerillas, Get em at ofpediting center they look sweet to me) are trying to hold a piece of land that the russians haven t taken.Its the small peninsula on the right side of Malden that sticks out into the water. This is the FM's final stand because they cannot retreat any farther seeing that the ocean surrounds them on three sides and russian infantry 1 tank and three infantry loaded bmps are forward assualting. The firefight is sweet especially if you have the guerillas set for stealth because they will be hiding in the bushes and hard to see(that of course is if youre using the russians I usually play with either or). One more thing... I found that same missions are refreshed with different types of soldiers so download some different infantrys and let imagination run with em. Peace out!!
  9. I've had flashpoint for months on end and I swear I never saw the super ai option in the difficulty menu. Does it make any difference in the game? Will it be more realistic or the computer just do outrageous things(start cheating like hell) Know what I mean??
  10. Facemeister75


    Somebody gots to help me out . Im sitting over here dying waiting for operation vietnam. In the meantime i went over to geocities website to download some VC soldiers that a couple of people made. For some reason my windows xp states that it cant recognize the program where it is running from or something of that nature.What the hell does that mean? Im new to this whole computer thing.Does it have something to do with the windows version that the creator has and its different from mine or what? Need some suggestions supa fast! Im ready to recreate the siege of khe sahn and want to play with the nva or the vc in my mission editor. If nobody can help me out atleast tell me when operation vietnam is scheduled for release. I gots to have those vc soldiers some way or the other. Remember the old school tv show Tour of Duty any one? The movie Platoon? Hamburger Hill? Full Metal Jacket? I Know it might sound supa crazy but for some reason I always wished I was there. Cant wait to storm through the jungles with the vc to overrun an American base.(Always loved to be the underdogs).If you lose what the hell, you were expected to, if you win you surprised the masses.Feel me? Talk to me. You can email me also at Facemeister75@hotmail.com.I'll holla at yall later. One love!!!