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About FubarGrn

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    Private First Class

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  1. FubarGrn

    Is ofp  mp dead?

    I,personally would like a few things cleared up.... First: From what I gather,from firsthand Experience,OFP:RES. is NOT backwards-compatible with ANY pervious version of OFP. Does this mean that ALL maps,ADDONS,MODS,ISLANDS created for v1.46 are moot?? What about he people that have made KILLER OFP maps.. (i.e: KaRRiLLion's RTS series) are they going to have to go back,and RE-DO them jsut so that they will be able for use in RES.? Second: I have heard rumors that once you install OFP:RES. you will NOT be able to reinstall it... (I know,I know... sounds stupid...but I had to ask if it holds water) Third: ok... RES. is NO going to have VON.... this is perhaps the most important factor in a MP game.... (not Co-Op b/c it doesn't matter if there is a side-channel) WHY do you think that games like CS...and DoD are STILL kicking ass in the online FPS MP gaming community? their STUNNING graphics?? their AWESOME levels?? HA!!!! nope... it is the VON,guys.... we are getting our asses handed to us on a plate,by games with LESS depth,and crappy engines... Fourth: bugs... I have read Reviews from gamers who have RES. and they say that their are STILL huge amounts of bugs... and LAG too... remeber a little game called World War 2 online?? it came out and had to be patched a half-dozen times before it was even PLAYABLE... hell... it is STILL in dire need of a few hundred fixes... is this the same fate that OFP will suffer? a dozen required patches? I would GLADLY wait 6 months for a new game (i.e: RES.) to be COMPLETED,and FULLY tested... than to have to get 20 patches to make it playable... and one last thing....... IF BIS was to host 3 servers... 1 1.46... 1 1.60.... and 1 RES. I got a 20 dollar bill says the 1.46 would KICK the other two's ass....ANY day.... ANY time.... If 1.60MP Test Had not come out... EVERYONE in here... would be kicking back... enjoying 1.46... and implementing addon packs that add new vehicles... new islands.... new everything.... and NOT having to complain about RES.... just my .02........
  2. FubarGrn

    Little birds vs c-130

    there is a AFB near Pensacola Florida that has about 20 AC-130 Gunships... I used to live there,and I went to the PX and the Commissary every week... (which is right near the Flight line)... been so long ago,I have forgotten the exact name of the base.... dammit...
  3. FubarGrn

    Little birds vs c-130

    yup.. I don't beleive that a c-130 could lift a M1 in the real world... maybe the m2a2.... anyways,my question is this... you know how the UH-60MG has the 50 cal in the door? could the same be done with the C-130? on the left side,I mean.... see,we have SAR helos that we put the 20mm cannon on the MG in the door (acting like a Gatling).... so If,say 4 or 5 50 cal stations were put in the side of the c130... POOF.... instant Spectre... users of the plane could add whatever armament they wanted....
  4. FubarGrn

    F-16 v1.3

    uhhh... Stupid Question..... Why is everyone whining about the Weapons Loadouts? Jsut use the AA version... it carries sidewinders.... and in the correct locations.As far as the AGM version... they DO look a bit wierd on the wingtips,but Hey wasn't it enough that they put the Falcon in the game? I am sure someone can modify the existing plane's loadouts.The modelers and SKinners should concentrate on making more sh!t,not making the existing sh!t to the public's standards... except if it was a major flaw.
  5. FubarGrn

    V1.46 multiplayer crashing

    Ok... when I fire up V1,46 and click on Multiplayer,OFP freezes.I cannot hit Alt+tab,Alt+f4,or even Ctrl+alt+Del to get out... I have to hold in the power button. I CAN play V1.60 Mulitplayer,V1.46 Single-player,and V1.46 Mission Editor. Specs: Amd Athalon 1.2Ghz 384MB SDRAM 128MB Gf4 Ti4600 WinXP Pro Det.Drivers 29.42 I have OFP settings to: 800x600x32 Hardware T&L Disabled Everything else enabled any thoughts guys?
  6. uhhhh where/when can we get this??
  7. FubarGrn

    Eurofighter typhoon

  8. FubarGrn

    Is v1.60 causing v1.46 error?

    I dunno... I was able to run V1.60 without any problems... I can't figure it out.... I USED to run V1.46 with my GF4... and I had the old det. drivers installed.. it was like V1.46 just quit liking my setup..... hmmmm whatever it was... it is over for me.... I just hope that this can be a solution for others.
  9. FubarGrn

    Is v1.60 causing v1.46 error?

    ok... I got is figured out... I HOPE..... V1.46 apperas to be INCOMPATIBLE with Detenator driver X 28.32...... I got the newest version 29.42 and V1.46 works fine now... Once again If you ahve A GF4 Card,and WINXP Pro get det.driver 29.42!!!!!!!!!
  10. FubarGrn

    Is v1.60 causing v1.46 error?

    ok... check THIS crap out!!!!!! I completely deleted Codemasters folder...... reinstalled.... I tried to run OFP V1.2 ..... crash..... I deleted ALL ADDONS,MPMISSIONS..........everything..........
  11. FubarGrn

    Is v1.60 causing v1.46 error?

    I did that and the box wasn't checked...... and I ran the compatibility wizard,and it still does it.... this is what the blue screen says: ***STOP: 0x0000008E (0x0000005,0x70687361,0xba4d437c,0x00000000) Beginning Dunp of Physical Memory Physical Memory Dump complete. Contact your System Operator or Tech support group for further assistance. dunno what it means.... and that is what is says....... any thought on addons being responsible?
  12. FubarGrn

    Is v1.60 causing v1.46 error?

    OK..... I went to AVONLADY and I saw something interesting....... it says to "Disable WindowsME compatibility" WTF is this??? and HOW do I do it?? I USED to be running my OFP with ME ,and I upgraded to XP..... if this compatibility option was ON when I was still running ME,and now I am running XP Pro.... would this cause my problem????
  13. FubarGrn

    Is v1.60 causing v1.46 error?

    ya.. I get a blue screen and it doesn't specify what the error was......... hmmmmmmmm
  14. FubarGrn

    Is v1.60 causing v1.46 error?

    I unchecked auto-reboot,and it didn't specify what was the problem.It jsut gave me a general description of what to do about a crash. If some drivers were messed up... I couldn't play V1.60... I have the LATEST Det.drivers,adn they are the only thing I have updated since I started playing v1.60 does v1.46 have any known drivers issues? I mean If I am using a Det.Driver that is TOO new.will that cause the game to crash.... hmmmm... I don't want to have to completly wipe out my codemasters folder,and do a clean install..... any other thoughts?
  15. FubarGrn

    Is v1.60 causing v1.46 error?

    ok,here is my problem.... I play on the MPTest darn near every day,and yesterday I tired to start OFP in V1.46 mode,so I could play a little SP,and do some mission editing. BUT when I double-click the Icon for v1.46 OFP,the Operation Flashpoint:Cold War Crisis LOGO appears,and then my PC jsut restarts!!!!!! I can play ANY game for ANY length of time,and I can play V1.60 until I am blue in the face,but the moment I try to activate V1.46 the PC restarts itself!!! ok... I KNOW it is not a problem with my PC,as I can play V1.60 all day/night........ but here are my Specs anyway: 1.2GHZ AMD Athalon 512MB SDRAM 128MB GF4 Ti 4600 Windows XP Pro Latest Det.Drivers I think that having the MPTest in the OFP folder has somehow corrupted my V1.46 OFP!!!!!!! that is the only possible solution that I have come up with so far!!!!!! you guys know anything??