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About Flunky

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Flunky

    Lights out

    Ahhh... so this problem can't really be fixed??
  2. Flunky

    Lights out

    I have noticed this... wayyyy back in the pagesof 15 and 16, or around there, this problem was mentioned. A person said that he had to edit some file... and I am wondering what he did....
  3. Flunky

    Lights out

    Thanks for your help, but that is what I currentley have, only instead of BLUE I have Green. I found that when you put BLUE they rarely shoot, even when you change to Fire At Will. I have the mpty M2s and the soldiers that I use have this moveingunner M2Name. Nothing seems to work... and since it is a little after midnight in the mission, these Light MUST be off...
  4. Flunky

    Lights out

    Please people of these here forums! This is very vital to my mission, I think a simpe script will do... But I have no idea how to do it...
  5. In the fire command, 'this fire [action, "weapon","ammo"] In the action slot what should I put if I want a man to shoot a Flare? I have tried Fire, Shoot, and Launch. Throw seems to work for grenades...
  6. Flunky

    Quick question guys

    Put that not only in the leaders box, but everyone's box. This will make them ALL start in cargo. If they are in the same group as the Chopper, or Vehicle, there will be a box, don't remember what it is called. When you make the uit the box will say 'in formation' change that to IN Cargo to make them start in the cargo. This only works if they are in the same group.
  7. Flunky


    I don't remember the LINK, but the LST camei a pack. I the pack thee was a user-made bridge, a camp they made, the LST, and a custom Helipad. It was an older mission, back when the only patch was 1.2, sorryi don't know the Link.
  8. Flunky


    LOL, hehehe, there isn't one that allows you to walk around, but there is one with a working Helpad.
  9. Flunky

    ?make things to light?

    For some reason, Light on and Light off action commands do not work. I have a similar problem to yours. I think a simple script might work, but I have no idea.
  10. Flunky

    Filling a chinook

    Another way is to put this assignascargo "HelicopterName" That assigns them as part of the cargo and they will run over to the Chinook and board. Remember to use synchronizing so it waits for all soldiers to board, and always have a Helipad under the Chopper. MoveInCargo will make the soldiers start in the helicopter at the beginning of the mission.
  11. Flunky

    Lights out

    Heh, I didn't know you were on these forums Intruder... Do you think it can be fixed with a simple script? Cuz it is necessary, as you land, in an area with alot of overgrowth and bushes, the beach is cleared then you get about 10m away from their position and start getting shelled, and unloaded on by 4 M2s... The Guns are in the bushes where you can't see them, but having their light on makes it pretty pointless... But thnx for your help anyway.
  12. Flunky

    Company script

    I have seen tutorials at the Ed Center that are similiar to this. Only in those tutorials, you command squads thru Markers on the map that you can move. It is similiar tho.
  13. Hi all, new to these here forums, but frequent at another one. I have tried alot of things to get this to work, how do I get the M2 Machine Gun (East) to turn off it's lights at night? I have tried the action string, and setting it's behaviour to all the settings.. none works... any help is appreciated...