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About Fenix83

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  • Interests
    Americain Football, simulation (OFP, Falcon4, Steel Beasts, Sub Command, etc...), Everquest.
  1. I'd like, in a script, to create a variable that regroup many differents units and use only one of these units according to a condition and use the rest for another task. It'd be somethin like that ----------------------------------- _groups = [west1, west2, west3] ask which of these units are out of ammo then make the unit that has been found to go to look for more ammo make the rest to go at _Xpos exit ----------------------------------- I hope I was clear and accurate in my description Thanks for your attention
  2. Fenix83

    Map of nogova

    Many thanks, it's just what I need !!
  3. Fenix83

    Map of nogova

    Yeah i know it's a weird request but you did'nt understand me I mean I just need a real map of nogova in .jpg format or something else. The reason is that i want to work on it at work ;)
  4. Fenix83

    Map of nogova

    Hi there, I'm looking for a online map of Nogova.
  5. Fenix83

    Update on the combat diver

    No, you've got to be in army. Every men must go to army except if you're crazy or somthing like that. You can also get one at 16 years old ans keep it at house ~6 month/years. They lend it for an instruction until you go to the army. You must go to the army at 19 years old. Â EDIT : They called the instruction "Jeunes tireurs" (Young shooters) Sorry for my bad english Â
  6. Fenix83

    Update on the combat diver

    Your SIG552 commando looks damn cool but the magazine is not so realistic as you're saying. It looks like a M16 magazine. The real magazine is translucent and contain 20 rounds but 30 rounds magazines are also avalaible. Check it here. I've got the model 550
  7. Fenix83

    Skinning tutorial

    Your bulldozer's files must be placed directly in your HD, not in a folder("C:\bulldozer.exe" or "D:\bulldozer.exe" etc...). You should make a partition only for OFP.
  8. Fenix83

    Modding infos

    where can i get some info about making some new units. I really need too know how much poly i can put at most. Thanks
  9. Fenix83

    Addon idea

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ June 18 2002,14:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (cam0flage @ June 18 2002,14:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Oh yeah, I talked to a BMP driver during the exercise with T-72s, I asked him about the armor, he said it can hold off assault rifle ammunition but even a PKM penetrates it. Guess the OFP BMPs are a bit tougher than the ones in real life ...<span id='postcolor'> Really? A LAW HEAT can fail in penetrating BMP armour. Are you sure he wasn't joking? The BMP-1 has 19 mm armour on the hull and 23 on the turret. (fas.org)<span id='postcolor'> Im sure he wanst jokin cause when i was in army they said that 7.62 can easily go through m113 armor too
  10. Fenix83

    What do you want from the modmakers?

    Look at my new model http://membres.lycos.fr/xelnaga83/hpbimg/GCS0205.jpg
  11. Fenix83

    Black Hawk Down

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">OMFG, how can people be influenced by just some other dumbass hollywood movie? This has to be the most pathetic thing i have ever seen on the net, even more pathetic then l337 talk "Hey the somalis shot down american helicopters that were trying to detain a criminal, they deserve what they get. " So?...the US is responsible for killing more then a Ë million Iraqi childeren. People like you need to be removed from the gene pool.<span id='postcolor'> U fool!!! so i deserve to be removed from the gene pool, because i think that people shouldnt shoot at others while they are detaining a criminal? ok, next time a guy is raping you in the ass, it should be allowable that the cops are allowed to be detained from coming to your rescue? It isnt a "dumbass hollywood movie" im being influenced by, its the facts of the real life event. Who brought up iraq?? anyway, if suddam hadnt leaked information that they were hiding scuds in hospitals and in schoolyards, those children wouldnt have had to die.<span id='postcolor'> LMAO I can see the scene : A young boy speaking with another young boy in an iraqi hospital : Oh Geeeez i found a scud under my bed !!! Did you know that in scoolyards of iraq they were playing Scudball ? To mark a TD they had to touch an american barrack. Â Â
  12. Fenix83

    Black Hawk Down

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (christophercles @ Jan. 28 2002,13:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">OMFG, how can people be influenced by just some other dumbass hollywood movie? This has to be the most pathetic thing i have ever seen on the net, even more pathetic then l337 talk "Hey the somalis shot down american helicopters that were trying to detain a criminal, they deserve what they get. " So?...the US is responsible for killing more then a Ë million Iraqi childeren. People like you need to be removed from the gene pool.<span id='postcolor'> U fool!!! so i deserve to be removed from the gene pool, because i think that people shouldnt shoot at others while they are detaining a criminal? ok, next time a guy is raping you in the ass, it should be allowable that the cops are allowed to be detained from coming to your rescue? It isnt a "dumbass hollywood movie" im being influenced by, its the facts of the real life event. Who brought up iraq?? anyway, if suddam hadnt leaked information that they were hiding scuds in hospitals and in schoolyards, those children wouldnt have had to die.<span id='postcolor'> What children ?
  13. Fenix83

    Black Hawk Down

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wobble @ Jan. 24 2002,22:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">So?...the US is responsible for killing more then a Ë million Iraqi childeren. opinion courtesy of Saddam propagenda and no real commin sense.. think the Americans are sick! How can they cheer and be happy at a sight of dropping a nuke on Japan and kill thousands of people and trying to destroy their infrastructure? well.. lets see 1: Japan STARTED the war by launching a attack without declaring war.. which is wrong.. 2: ya ever hear what the COMMIN treatment for POWs of teh Japanese? beheadings (for fun) and using them for bayonet practice was the norm, not the exception..<span id='postcolor'> In June 1997, after 7 years of criminal sanctions, the United Nations, the UNICEF, the WHO (the World Health Organization) and of WFP (World Food Program) estimated at 1,2 million the number of deaths, because of the shortage of food and drugs, including 750.000 children of less than 5 years old. The first secretary Madeleine Albreight said, when she knew that : the price is worth paying If I knew that my government had caused that, I would not be proud to be an american... for your culture concerning Japan: You do not know who realy directed Japan. You think simply that there were the nice ones (allies) and the malicious ones (Bloody japs). To tell the truth, the emperor did not direct any more Japan, they were his militarist ministers who decided to enter in war for mainly economic reasons. Question: If the Japanese people were suicidal why did they abdicate after two bombs nuclear power? The answer: simply because American had needs to test their bomb on a real city! Et paf ! Je detestes je plus en plus les ricains (i'm sure that ran will know what i want to say)
  14. Fenix83

    Black Hawk Down

    I did not know that it was a forum of fascistic nationalist and other vermin... what do think you think, you American, that we think, us other foreigners, when you speak like that about the somalis.
  15. Fenix83


    where can i get it !?!?!