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Everything posted by Frizbee

  1. Frizbee

    Q about DESTROY waypoint

    Have you tried using that waypoint without the loop... I'm thinking that maybe the loop command is causing them to go frantic searching for SOMETHING to destroy... even if it is friendly or themselves.
  2. Frizbee

    para drop problem ??

    Check that the men aren't grouped with the helicopter... if they are then the helicopter will remain near its group leader...
  3. Frizbee


    I think the best things they could add to the editor is easier Camera commands for better Intro's, Outro's and Cut-scenes. Make it a #### of a lot easier to move the camera precisely... Even if say the player took control of the camera.. (ie. the player was a camera.) They clicked 'Record' moved the camera how they wanted it to move... then clicked 'stop recording'... moved to the next spot clicked 'record' etc. Because in my mucking about type mission creations I have never got Cut-scenes and Intro's etc. down pat.
  4. Frizbee

    Q about DESTROY waypoint

    Instead of looping the Destroy waypoint.. just use a Search and Destroy waypoint. Once the area is clear of enemy they should fly off.. move on to the next waypoint. They do however have some inaccuracies if they are trying to target infantry... (Ie. DO NOT GO NEAR ENEMY INFANTRY THAT THEY ARE TARGETING)
  5. Frizbee


    Okay... try creating a trigger that counts the number of rounds left on the helicopter... is # of rounds < 1 then synch it to the waypoint that you want the helicopters to stay at until they run out of ammo... that should make them move on once the trigger specs are met. Ie. when the chopper has less than 1 round (ie 0) rounds remaining.
  6. Frizbee

    W ?

    The true (and Official) reason why Women are not allowed to serve in Front Line Combat positions (Ie. Infantry) in Western Armies:- Women are more suceptible to disease if they do not keep proper hygien.. (sp??) - that is.. Infantry units sometimes don't have access to baths or showers for days.. sometimes weeks on end. Women in that situation (due to their periods etc.) can get ALOT more... and more deadly diseases than men in that situation. Therefore... they can not be allowed in that situation. As far as I am aware.. there are women in the SAS and other special forces units designed for quick strike/ Counter-terror missions.
  7. Okay, I have the basics of several (what I think - good) missions, however, in each of them, I have a small bug that prevents me from finishing the level. Or, I don't know what commands to use in a situation which also prevents me from finishing the game. What I was wondering, is would anyone who is good at mission editing like to take a look at my files, and do the corrections needed etc. to make them playable? Email me at: Frizbee@hotmail.com if you are willing to help. Thanks.
  8. Frizbee

    need an MP concept Idea??

    An idea I had (and which I was thinking of making into a SP mission) is to have A LARGE force of highly skilled Resistance fighters in a town. with Allegiance to none. Then on one side of the town, are the Americans. On the Other the Russians... both have to try to secure and hold the city, while wave after wave of the opposing side are attacking, and while the Resistance in the town are defending...
  9. Frizbee

    I\'m Stuck in a mission who can help me??

    It sounds to me like many of you were doing outrageous escapes that would never work in real life... like running to the chopper just before the rotors stopped.. What I did, was walk with the Spetnaz guys.. (about 5 metres in front) until I reached the corner of those buildings.. turned left... walked along the front of the buildings with the Spetnaz until you reach an alleyway with a weapon crate in it.. I ducked in their, grabbed the gun, and shot the Spetnaz officer as he stepped around the corner. THen made a break for it, running from cover to cover and shooting guys before escaping up over the hill. (I destroyed the BMP by placing a Satchel charge (from the Spetznaz officer) next to the building with the road running between it and the other road, and detonating it when the BMP went down the road.) Then, just for fun, I blew up the chopper too... because the pilot was waiting for the dead co-pilot to jump into the gunners seat. *S*
  10. Frizbee

    Killing the Scud

    The other way.... fairly difficult to get it right... is to order your infantry squad to go to the battlezone, while you circle around to the south and head up along the same path as the Armor squad would take. (Ordering them to move up at the same time) Once the infanty and tanks start engaging, tell the infantry to target a shilka. When it is destroyed, tell them to target another... 2 or 3 destroyed (you can even destroy the third youself) is enough to allow November in for a nice Missile run. (They do NOT destroy the Scud for some reason though) So you have to do that yourself. Just watch out for the Russian Infantry. I got bogged down in a gun battle with SO many enemy soldiers. US and Russians were intermixed everwhere, I actually had to double-check each target to ensure it wasn't a friendly. (All the while cowering in a tiny shrub)
  11. Frizbee

    Red Dawn Walkthrough

    Yeah with one guy I took the jeep to the helicopter base. Refueled the chopper.. Took off, flew up and destroyed the Scud in the top-right of the Island. Destroyed the boat that he was heading to. Then just flew down the road along the Northern point of the Island until I saw his car. (He pulls off the road into a little side clearing and just sits there doing nothing) Bingo.. Got him put him in the chopper (was going to abandon my co-pilot.. until I realized Russian choppers are both transports too. Mission complete easily BTW. easiest way to take out the Shilkas quickly and before they start to fire at you:- The moment a red / grey square appears in the 'Radar' at the top of the screen.. press Tab until your guy says to the co-pilot/ gunner Target Tank... or Target Shilka. Then left click to tell him to fire. (in case you were wondering, I don't use Manual fire much)