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Posts posted by Foxhound_2002

  1. Shame that.

    In this case I'm using a GF4 128 meg Vid Card that hasn't had any problems with the game.

    I received this message this morning after I decided to reinstall all the addons I had backed up. (You see I stopped playing the game due to problems with the updates and all) Seems I jumped the gun on this one. wink.gif

    I can probably fix this by doing a complete reinstall and then picking the addons that I need with the missions that I have.


  2. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Dawdler @ Mar. 11 2002,01:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I also think its been a slight slowdown... Sadness over the devtools? That and the everlasting GS crap (mostly use ASE though). Why cant they make like MOHAA and make an ingame browser (still GS, but 100x fewer crashes)? Would make life so much easier...<span id='postcolor'>

    I have to agree with Dawdler on this one. My server has been up since v1.20 and at the start it was constantly busy but (Even more when the v1.30 patch) now I get a hit ever hour or so and then it's usually one player.

    It's probably more then just GS but what it could be I don't know. An in game browser like MOHAA is nice but even that (I believe, but I could be wrong) goes through the game spy network which to me is still a waste as the GS network doesn't always seem to get an acurrate ping to the servers.

    Damn good game and I enjoy it alot but it has definitely slowed down.


  3. As was said above, the uninstall won't effect the addons and missions that you have in the directory. The main problem is just having to go through the process of a normal install again. I've had to do it for both my system and server.


  4. Bring it in, personally I'd like to see more kit then just the 'Standard" equipt. Standard being items from the US. The SA-80 is a good weapon and as for weapon systems I'd like to see a Challenger, Chieftan and Warrior just to mention a few. As for aircraft a proper Harrier would be a welcome change.

  5. I've found that since creating a Dedicated Server that the best thing is to monitor it. I'm not saying that those of you who have one, aren't monitoring it. If you set one up make sure 'You and your admins' monitor the game so you can boot those annoying little immature peeps that can't wait for a map change or missions finish.

    I know this has been said before but maybe it should be said again.

