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About Fordaz

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  1. Fordaz

    Did bis do the right thing?

    I havnt heard ANYTHING form CM... I wonder if they even know . If theyre really worried about quality control, there must be 101 other ways to combat it... BIS have picked the second worse.
  2. Fordaz

    Did bis do the right thing?

    I think Hoz has the right idea - Give it to everyone... but make some kind of rating system. Take OFPEC for example, they have "Editing Centre Approved" stauses for good mods, why dont BIS have "BIS Approved" statuses for good mods too?... That way People wont, in fact be downloading crappy models that they hate. It will all be quality stuff or it wont be "Bis Endorsed".
  3. Fordaz

    Did bis do the right thing?

    Here Here!
  4. Fordaz

    laser targeting

    what can i say Flashpoint1985.co.uk Forums Own Check it out
  5. Fordaz

    Crash on Exit

    After I installed Gold Upgrade, every time I exit the game and return to my desktop there is a load of hotizontal lines across the screen, the desktop is total messed up, as i say, I never had the problem before I installed it. Specs: AMD Athlon 1.2GHZ nVidia GeForce2 MX 320MB RAM VIA AC'97 Sound Card Windows ME
  6. Fordaz

    For all asking for new boats

    I agree with the boats theory... a Landing Craft or something small, there should definately be a river or two on these islands, like Bronco said, and a few bridges (destroyable) every so often. I'd like a cargo plane, like the C130 in the game, And i dont think it's a stupid idea, you could fit about 4 squads into one of those, imagine paradropping 48 men onto a position!?... sweet. And I dont think it's possible to transport vehicles inside vehicles on this game, they just bounce around.