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About Flash69er

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  1. Flash69er

    ver 1.30 booting back to window screen

    I get the same bloody problem!!! It always crashes whenever I play multiplayer. It says "receiving file" immediately followed by "shutdown.." What the heck is wrong?
  2. Flash69er

    ver 1.30 booting back to window screen

    I get the same bloody problem!!! It always crashes whenever I play multiplayer. It says "receiving file" immediately followed by "shutdown.." What the heck is wrong?
  3. Flash69er

    Multiplayer Problem

    Whenever I play a multiplayer game on Gamespy it says receiving mission file (0kb/0kb) Sometimes it will receive the file but most of the time it will skip it all together. Then it will load and say "Receiving File" but a few seconds later it says "Shutdown..." and it goes back to my desktop. Someone help me!!!