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About FCATrooper

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. well then kickass,i guess you wont be posting for a long time. <sniff>....we'll miss you
  2. FCATrooper


    they used the irish army reserve (the FCÃ). lol...pity i wasnt in it
  3. FCATrooper


    i know what advisers do,and i thought that those old veterans who were talking at the start of every episode were the advisers. dunno,maybe im wrong. but if they werent,they should have been. they were the ones who had been there and worn the t-shirt. SPR and BoB werent totally realistic anyway.....i dont think that soldiers sprinting through a hail of machine-gun bullets and coming out unscathed is very realistic,and this happenened a few times in both. but thats not a complaint,i guess they have to dramatise it to a certain extent to make it entertaining.
  4. wow....you certainly put me in my place there.... im not in the army. im in the army reserve. which doesnt really amount to the same thing. and im off to university next year. so stop assuming things. and if u think im bad,read some of russkierule's posts. also,if u read some of the other posts,going back a few months,you will find literally dozens which go on about how the brit army is the world's greatest. and the fact that the people who posted these posts havent a clue what they were talking about simply pissed me off. right? besides,whatever is suggested in this forum isnt actually going to be implemented in the game in any future mods.
  5. FCATrooper


    because the military advisers were british? oh yea,i forgot,the brits have the best film advisers as well as the best army. the best everything. and i thought the advisers were the americans who were depicted in the film. and yep,films are generally v. unrealistic. in reality,a 7.62mm round could literally blow your arm off. and one to the head wouldnt just leave a nice neat hole,it would take yer head off.
  6. the initials of the make of sniper rifle used by the ARW
  7. FCATrooper

    These tracers suck

    i dont think the gunfire in OFP is meant to be tracer,its just meant to show you where your rounds are goin. real tracer glows,so if it IS meant to be tracer then its not very good. what would be good tho,was if you could have the option to load up tracer on the gear screen. and when tracer is used in AAA,i think its every 7th round.
  8. BHD. whats the first part of the AI sniper rifle to be removed when stripping?
  9. FCATrooper

    These tracers suck

    BHD,seriously,not to be a d**k head or anything,but how does someone in the ARW find the time to post on this forum every day
  10. 2lt....dont officer cadets stay on base? where they wouldnt really have time to be yapping away on computer game forums? hoping to become one myself in september.
  11. BHD,where you stationed?
  12. cheers BHD. and as for you chickenhawk,you stupid cunt,if u have nothing to say about the topic (which you probably know nothing about anyway),then you should bite your f**king tongue. i s**t on you. and no suddy,its just annoying to hear people gobbing off about certain pieces of equipment being "the best" simply because they're british. not because they've actually ever used them and know what they're talking about.
  13. yes mike,but remember that they had to recall every SA80 and make mods,at a cost of millions of pounds. they shouldnt have had to do that. i wont say its not the best because i dont know. but i dont think it can be all that much better than the steyr,which ive used and think is a fine weapon. except that it aint very accurate...but thats only due to the fact that it's of 5.56mm calibre and the fact that it's barrel is only 20 inches. the SA-80 is of the same calibre and is roughly the same length,so it cant be much more accurate. so like i said,if it is ahead of the steyr,it cant be by much. and correct me if im wrong,but isnt the SA-80 a good bit heavier than most other modern bullpups? its a reasoned argument. happy christmas to ye all :-)
  14. and russkie,i hope you are just pulling the piss.i really do.
  15. alright,ive made my point so im gonna shut up. yes the SAM would be nice but like was said,it would cover practically a whole island. thank you.