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Everything posted by EcOGunner

  1. I will be Releasing a Verison to the public. There was work done on the New Vics by a few people. it will be in the credits when you download the files please keep them there. The model was made by Delta Hawk The Lightbar and the Lighting Effects and Rader on the model now is made by Catz The New Stealth Lightbar Being made at this time for the crown vic.. K-9 Cage Made By Gunner New Textures Designed By Gunner Scripts will be credited to the people who has put time into the model it will be in a txt file.. More Credits in the download.. The model will be re looked at by Delta Hawk today before we release the model. This model was given to me for a mod i was apart of i was banned from the mod tonite and like to let you guys have a peice of the models with out have permission from the mod baycity. you dont need it because im the one who is in Charge of the model of the Crown Vic. Delta Hawk has decided not to work on his model anymore i asked to work on his models because im his friend and was helping out with something and he hand it over to me. and trust me with his models...
  2. Please Lock this post. The model is almost completed. We have changed the model lightbar back to the old ones. The Patrol Units are Done... The Traffic Units still need work. The Stealth Units still need work. The FD Unit still need work.
  3. Read the Post again guys. i dont need to add everyone name to this post. i said in the post that all Scripters will be add in the TXT index file in the download. when the model is ready for download... never onces claimed full rights to the models. if you go to any of the videos that where tooken down they say Delta Hawk and Gunner name on them releasing confidential information: where dude you make crap look bigger then what they seem one more thing the one who did all the lighting effects was Cat. not johnson. he helped with the model. by getting the scripts from cat. he did get them to work in game. at the sametime. delta hawk has the working models aswelll as i do. because i got the models from deltahawk if people can read from here. i just changed the lightbars from what cat made because he did not want them to be released. that was fine with me. now. about scripts go you did not full make them ur self. sorry but stop coming here to make problems. the model i have does not even have the new rims on them. now go back and think about what you guys are trying to post. here. the models you have have my design of the Dog Cage in them. and the Outside Textures... Also the original agreement was not for Bay City Rpg Also the original agreement was for Cat to make them work. and at that time cat was not even apart of baycity. nice try you even said that in another teamspeak in front of other players why change it up now. because you want to big kid that you arent. sad...
  4. Finish Stages are coming i will be online sometime sunday to talk to delta more. before i do anything with the model... please wait i will give you the news...
  5. You will see his permission he will be posting today when he get home. im a really good friend of his. we work on models together. i asked to help with his models... and he was cool with letting me hold and work on the Crown Vic. Like i said before i dont steal. and i dont do anything with out permission. the models he release are locked. pbo's. the one i have is Unlock pbo. The model will not be release into he looks over the work and agrees with the work.. and that will be later tonite... this topic is not the download this is just saying we a thinking of release a public verison to you all.
  6. At this time i was asked by Delta hawk himself to hold intill this afternoon. for the release.
  7. lol why would you think i have the unpbo verison of the new crown vics lol
  8. here are more screenshots of the impala 2006 that i start working on back like  6 months ago. but updated Screenshots Chevy Impala 2006 MORE TO COME
  9. EcOGunner

    Chevy Impala 2006 OLD / NEW MODEL

    i like to say that i may be doing something like this for some ideas. get me the textures you want on the outside of the vehicle and we see what i can do for you guys i will look into it.
  10. EcOGunner

    Chevy Impala 2006 OLD / NEW MODEL

    New York Police Department = Impala
  11. EcOGunner

    Chevy Impala 2006 OLD / NEW MODEL

    look at his vehicle again. and tell me what im using off his car the radio is texture off the motorola site aswell as the siren system under the laptop. aswell as the the laptop you can say he made all that when he is really going to a website to get them off the site there just images. www.motorola.com www.whelen.com and for laptops you can go to anywebsit to get that what other thing do you want to try and say its delta hawks work. aswell if you can make a box for a car to make a console then its sad im not saying everyone can make one but people who has been doing modeling for over 8 - 9 years then its sad
  12. what does everyone think about a island made to look like NewYork State im talking about just newyork and not the whole usa. just need opinions what everyone thinks about this idea... if i decided on doing something like this NEW YORK STATE will be have water all around it. because it will just be a island in the game and not apart of the usa just need to know what you guys really think because if i do this im going to start looking for a team to make police cars and trucks with just the nypd style textures no custom texture nothing like that all real.. and more stuff like that. Example on what i mean: im wanting todo this for all the 9/11 police officers and other personals that lost there lifes aswell of the people who losted there lifes. tell me what you think thanks.. bad grammer sorry
  13. we have the island already made guys we are not changing our minds about this intill we try it out please stop asking us to make it smaller. im not doing it for you guys we are doing it for 9/11 heroes and the people who lost there lifes. sorry you may think this is hard for us to make and all but we are not going to quit intill we know we cant do it. the main resson i want to do this is because i lost family in 9/11 maybe some of you guys lost friends or families members on this day please help me and my guys do something for the 911 heroes and friends and families
  14. we are going to try this and we are thinking of make newyork city / longisland first then go from there i know you gave may think its going to take along time its the same with the one other map there making that australia. i need a group willing to help with models if ur will just pm me. we are going to try this if it does not work then we will move on to another map
  15. hope to see more modelers and scripters willing to help out with this project. we need all the help we can get thanks again
  16. EcOGunner

    Chevy Impala 2006 OLD / NEW MODEL

    i hope to have them fully working for new york mod
  17. one other thing is that the whole state can be made alot small then what you think and still put cities in them but at this time im just going to work the island in then where the big part of the map starts put a wall up where you can get to at this time
  18. im thinking of just the New York City and Long Island part of new york at first then go from there the resson why i want to do this is because i have seen alot of the island not used from the usa its all  about the other island away from usa lol i have some cars aswell. the crown vic police cars from Delta Hawk he will not allow anyone to change the textures to another setting because he wants to do it his way Here are some samples of cars that are being made at this time i want to see if there is anyone out there willing to help out with this mod.
  19. EcOGunner

    Chevy Impala 2006 OLD / NEW MODEL

    Inside of the Chevy Impala 2006 and the models will be released to the public when theey are done but there going to be lock from being worked on.
  20. EcOGunner

    Chevy Impala 2006 OLD / NEW MODEL

    here are more screenshots of the impala 2006 that i start working on back like  6 months ago. but updated Screenshots UnMarked Black Police Vehicle