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About Elgarion

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Elgarion

    Merlin - Training System

    Amazing job! I've just played it with some mates and we spent a real good time. By the way, thanks for the credit.
  2. Elgarion

    Virtual TrainingSpace 2

    Gonza =) Seems great! very impressive work! And yes, I think that minefields could be greatly improved, I'll call you when I'm in developpement state, to see what can be modified or improved. Kroky =) sorry, I didn't notice your post at first. in fact, it's very easy to adapt vts2 to any island : you just have to copy past the mission objects in the new island and to modify the description file.
  3. Elgarion

    Virtual TrainingSpace 2

    Unyx =) Yep I'm french. En fait j'en suis encore à la phase réflexion/papier. Il faudrait notamment que je nettoie et optimise le code, qui est juste une énorme usine à gaz... Ensuite, pour une phase d'alpha test ultérieure, oui, j'aurais carrément besoin d'aide. Mais pas avant quelques temps, donc. Translating : In fact I'm at the beginning of the devloppement, I would like to optimize some part of the code. Far later, for testing purposes, I will certainly need some (big) help. Gonza =) Good ideas. For 3D interface, I'm a little bit scared.... About personal scripts, you can already introduce them. I wrote a tutorial, packed with the mission, concerning this part.
  4. Elgarion

    Virtual TrainingSpace 2

    I'm slowly working on VTS3. But there's a lot of work (i'm thinking about including, at least (!, versus). Regards and thanks for your support
  5. Elgarion

    Virtual TrainingSpace 2

    There will probably be an announcement soon. Stay tuned and thanks to all for your support
  6. Elgarion

    Virtual TrainingSpace 2

    Ike_fin = you must replace something existing. for example : vts2_AmmoBoxWest = "RHAKbox"; nomvts2_AmmoBoxWest = "RHAKs";
  7. Elgarion

    Virtual TrainingSpace 2

    Rommel =) yes, I'm thinking about some updates. But i'll take my time (my personal life isn't easy these times). Ike_fin =) there's a pdf tutorial to add weapons, or whatever you want to in the rts editor. This pdf is inside the vts2 file when you download it.
  8. I think a good mission must be well-balanced and must not have annoying bugs. Well balanced : I'm often surprised and quite fed up with completly irrealistic objectives. ArmA is not Quake... Annoying bugs : It's sometimes difficult to make a perfect mission in complex environments. But it seems obvious that a mission has to be tested, and tested again before a release. These two elements should seem basics, but in fact a lot of users' missions in ArmA have these problems...
  9. Elgarion

    Virtual TrainingSpace 2

    Thanks Rocko, there should be an update, but far later.
  10. Elgarion

    Virtual TrainingSpace 2

    Bravo33 =) you must put VTS2 pbos in you MPMissions folder. Sniper121 =) thanks for making vts2 a living mission!
  11. Elgarion

    Virtual TrainingSpace 2

    Thanks Dwarden. It's very cool to see that people have fun on VTS2.
  12. Elgarion

    Virtual TrainingSpace 2

    It's just some relics from the Igor Drukov's computer that i mainly rewrote (but i kept Igor credited in the notes, as he's been very influent in the design of the platoon leader's computer). So it won't work as it is. But you can of course insert your own scripts.
  13. Elgarion

    Virtual TrainingSpace 2

    Hello Mazza, Feel free to modify everything in VTS2 if you need to. As there are no more real bug in this program (JIP has always been a problem in vts (1 and 2)) , I think I'm going to take some rest from now
  14. Elgarion

    CoC Command Engine X

    Centurions team and I are following this with a big interest. Any news of a new version ?
  15. Elgarion

    Virtual TrainingSpace 2

    No You can play it with the first maps : Sahrani, Gardinas, Sakakah. Read the firts post for further informations.