Ok, the numbers are just made up, but you get the idea.
A very high % of online games are Coop. I get that, people like to play big maps, using alot of vehicles or equipment to accomplish a common goal.
But why does so few "PVP" online games use the same equipment? When arma first came out there was a pretty even balance of CTF and HOLD maps, but that has shifted alot lately... There is atleast 10 CTF servers for ever hold map, and there is a ton more "user made" ctf maps then hold.
For a player like me, that play ArmA because of the "big battlefield", it sucks to be cramped into Hexxenkessel or some other tiny map where people rack up 30kills in a game.
What can be done to Armed Assault's multiplayer segment so that more of the big battlefield is used when playing?
And while im at it, there is one thing i hate about HOLD maps and thats the instant parachute jump. IMHO there is humwee's, trucks and transport choppers for a reason... Use them ingame instead of the horrible "parachute wherever you want"... I dont mind the parachute in "attack the airfield" because you need to fight to controll it and its limited to a small area, but being able to instant-parachute is pretty lame in a game that tries to obtain realism.