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Everything posted by EDcase

  1. EDcase

    Few tips needed for a beginner

    Hi Cuzer, I'm on a Q6600 as well. I'd say the best upgrade for you would be a newer gcard. The biggest bang for buck is the ATI HD4890. My friend got one (can't remember what he had before but it was 2 years old) and we saw a huge improvement in fps and visual quality. Personally I upgraded from an 8800Ultra to a GTX285 and haven't had much boost in fps. (I can improve gfx settings with about the same fps as before) The CPU will handle AI and other calculations so if you are in a large battle you may get some stuttering but I haven't had any problems sofar. BTW: A fast HD is a MUST. Best if you can get a small good and fast second HD just for ArmA2 installation. Because the terrain and objects are streaming this will reduce any stuttering while flying or looking around quickly.
  2. Interesting, I have my pagefile turned off and haven't had any problems.
  3. EDcase

    Improvements I'd like to see

    I think most/all of that is already on the fix list. I'll add that trees & fences shouldn't stop high caliber amunition.
  4. EDcase

    Detection of Snipers

    I agree that AI can pinpoint a prone shooter's location too precisely on the first shot. Their awareness of your location should increase with each shot (as you say, 3 should be a good number to lock down your position) Thats not quite true. Once they've spotted you they will suppress that location. If you move back and behind cover, lets say a building, and you come out from the other side they will still be looking at the side where you hid. Of course as soon as your head pops around the corner they'll see that and redirect fire very quickly. The more you can change position after firing the better.
  5. EDcase

    i got a refund

    Good for you.... bye
  6. afp: Sorry but I think its better the way it is. If you play with crosshairs/reticule then its no better than playing BF or CoD.
  7. EDcase

    IFF for all squads!!!

    Cheeba: As said before, it depends on the difficulty settings of the server if friendly tags is enabled or not. I understand the frustration of playing with trigger happy noobs if tags are off but you'll just have to find a server that has them enabled.
  8. YES!!! Not being able to give orders with character dialog playing is REALLY ANNOYING. We should be able to skip the auto dialog at least.
  9. Yeah, Joint Ops was really great for the grass effect but they were using hypervoxels which is a totally different system unfortunately. Hopefuly there will be some improvement in future...
  10. EDcase

    Double-Click not working

    Hi guys, I have full 505 version patched to 1.02.58134 and I had the bouble click problem too. But then it started working OK and I can't figure out what fixed it. Things I tried: Restart computer Delete profile re-install gfx driver (older)
  11. EDcase

    ArmA 2 wont install!

    EDIT: Good to hear... Check if there is a firmware update for your DVD drive. Hope it works for you. See you on the battlefield ;)
  12. EDcase

    Petition for mouse fix ~!

    It was mentioned a couple of pages back and probably lost in all these, ahem, posts... OP: Try - Option / Game Options / Mouse deadzone to zero. Other than that wait for the next patch and pray to the BI god ;)
  13. EDcase

    wreck keep exploding

    Yeah, the idea of secondary explosions is good but not when its keeps happening every 2 mins
  14. EDcase

    Latest Patch 1.02.58134 - Bonked?

    Demonofloom: Maybe try and update your DVD firmware. Rom1944: Unfortunately you can't uninstall patches so you have to re-install the whole game.
  15. Anyone else get a whiteout when being shot at? Previous versions worked fine. The screen is supposed to go a bit blury but now it goes to white and then comes back after a bit. EDIT: The editor has a problem too. Double click to place anything doesn't work. Just changes to the green select cursor.
  16. No one have these problems...?
  17. Try updating sound card drivers and install latest DirectX9
  18. EDcase

    A Thank You To Bohemia

    I'll add my voice to say great work BIS. Thats one hell of a big game. (I'd hate to debug that thing) Keep up the effort and kill those bugs... Cheers
  19. EDcase

    Will ArmA 2 support FreeTrack?!

    Thanks for the update Ferujo. Nice vid but did you get Freetrack to work or were you using a TrackIR? I'm sorry to admit that I cracked and I bought a TrackIR 5 :crazy_o: I did get it for quite a good price if anyone in UK is interested. £104 from Flightstore. Comes with a 3 point reflector cap clip that works very well and made of metal. GOD DAMN this thing is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To all those that say "why pay so much when its just a webcam and some LEDs", its NOT. I don't know the details but there is some serious processing going on in that box. I'm getting 120fps Smoooth tracking with hardly any CPU usage. The new Beta software is really good and highly adaptable. Now I just hope that BIS can add all 6DoF to the game. I do hope you guys get Freetack going but BIS made an exclusive contract with NaturalPoint to include only their API. There is no point asking BIS to change it as they legally cannot. Perhaps there will be a hack like with BlackShark. I don't want to sound like a sales rep but having tried both I think it is worth getting a TrackIR 5.
  20. EDcase

    Frequent Crashes

    Windows 7 is not yet released so there are likely to be plenty of bugs even if it runs. Chrizzle: If you get Bluescreen (BSOD) You have a driver problem. Try slightly older graphics drivers.
  21. This mainly concerns helicopter piloting. I don't like using 3rd person view to get situational awareness when piloting as it gives too much freedom and breaks realism. Can BIS make the lean function work in cockpits so the view can shift to the side and allow the player to see better down and back using freeview. PLEEEEZ
  22. Wait for 1.02 patch and we'll see if performance is optimised.